

导读 (2) 充分挖掘申请者自身的特殊之处,例如有很强的沟通能力,或者是擅长某种语言等。(3) 就你所了解的范围而言,该申请者有什么比较重要的成绩或是成就,学业上的或是其他方面的。(1) 申请者的学业成绩或特质,是否具有领导才能,是否具有很强的分析能力等。

国外大学申请书范文120字 第1篇

“All I know about leadership I learned from . . .” What items could a person use to describe leadership qualities?

Inspired by the student council advisors at my high school.

Student council was a big part of my life in high school. I have participated in it since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined, I was quiet, na?ve, and unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared to meet new people and afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half way through my frst year in student council, one of the advisors can up to me and asked why I did not participate that much. I did not have an answer for her and did not know how to respond. After this, I began to think of an answer. I became frustrated and decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a great time. I realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. In my sophomore, junior, and now my senior year of high school, I asserted myself and took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out the answer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of this question.

When I looked up leadership in the dictionary, it said that it was the capacity to lead and the act or instance of leading. These are two very broad defnitions of leadership. Many people have different notions of what this word actually means. When I was challenged to use different items to describe what leadership actually is, I thought this was going to be a hard and obnoxious task. What could I learn from comparing leadership to a stuffed animal or a rubber chicken? But when I sat down to come up with a couple of answers, I realized that leadership could be compared to almost anything a person wants.

All I know about leadership I learned from a calculator. A calculator can add everything together to come up with the best answer. It can delet e what is unnecessary and only include what is important. It can solve any type of problem. These are all important equalities a leader has to have. A leader has to be able to add all of the ideas together to make the best possible plan. Leaders have to know how to decipher the good and the bad out of an idea. They have to be versatile and know how to deal with different types of issues.

All I know about leadership I learned from a ball. A ball is able to bounce back up after it is dropped. It is round and has no creases. A ball can be thrown back and forth to different people. All of these qualities are also leadership qualities. A leader has to be ready for every situation that is thrown at him or her. He or she has to be able to bounce back from any setbacks and never dwell on the past. Leaders have to exhibit many qualities and never be closed-minded about a situation. A leader must be able to delegate when he or she cannot get the work done. They have to trust everyone they lead to be able to “catch the ball” and keep a project rolling.

This activity made me realize that being a leader is so much more than just having authority and having the ability to take control of a situation. A leader has to be trusting of all the people he or she leads and, leaders must be able to combine ideas into one encompassing idea. They cannot sit in the background and watch events happen; they have to jump in and be involved. They should not delegate all their responsibilities away.

Leadership is more than what the dictionary says it is.

I learned through all of this that I have many of these qualities.

I have the ability to solve problems, lead through adversity, and be versatile. From answering this question, I realized that I could lead effectively, even if my leadership style is different from other individuals. When I joined student council in my frst year of high school, I did not have these qualities because I was never put into a situation where I had to lead. I was too reserved to try. When I tried, I learned that I could succeed in this. I did not realize until I answered this question about leadership. I was never able to see that being a leader is not just about taking control of a group and telling everyone what to When I was a freshman, I thought leadership was this. I did not know that did not have to be forceful and strict. I stereotyped a leader then. Thisis where I went wrong. A leader is about being yourself and never letting anyone change you. I thought I had to change to be a good leaderOnly when I expanded my comfort zone did I realize this was not trueIt only took three years and a silly question/game to fgure this out.




国外大学申请书范文120字 第2篇


(1) 申请者的学业成绩或特质,是否具有领导才能,是否具有很强的分析能力等。


(2) 充分挖掘申请者自身的特殊之处,例如有很强的沟通能力,或者是擅长某种语言等。

(3) 就你所了解的范围而言,该申请者有什么比较重要的成绩或是成就,学业上的或是其他方面的。

(4) 该申请者是否解决问题的能力,例如之前有遇到某些方面的挫折与困难,但是最终通过努力克服了困难,且从这段经历中获得了什么经验教训等。

(5) 对申请者未来潜力的描述,即解释推荐人愿意对该申请者做出推荐的原因,以及一旦该申请者获得到该校继续深造的机会能给学生及学校带来什么。

Dear Colleagues:

As Dean and President of Academic Committee of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Department in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, which enjoys high reputation in Asian telecommunication field,

I am very pleased in recommending Mr. Gregory Tang to study in your renowned university.

I was his teacher of the compulsory course of encoding and data processing and the director of his graduation thesis. And we also had very close contact when he was the chief editor of our departmental newspaper,

so I knew him quite well about his academic performance and personal character.

In my course of encoding and data processing, he revealed keen appetite for knowledge by his attentive and active class participation. His well-founded mastery of the course supported by his solid mathematics background

won him the first place in the class with the term final score of 96, topping all of his fellow students. His remarkable performance in this course had given me very deep impression.

Mr. Gregory Tang is well known in the department for his diligence and perseverance in study and researches. When he was taking part in SONY Cup National University and College Students Electronic Design Competition,

I could always find him doing experiments in the lab, even late at night. And the AI Electric Scoreboard System designed by his team finally won the 2nd prize after intense competition with electronic aces from every corner of this country.

In November , the appraisal team decided to recommend Mr. Gregory Tang to be enrolled as graduate students with exemption of entrance exams. But at last because of his personal pursuit and plan of development,

he abandoned this recommendation. I respected his choice of personal orientation though I felt his refusal of this offer a pity. Before his graduation, he mentioned to me in a conversation that he planned to work for

国外大学申请书范文120字 第3篇

Dear leaders:


I'm _x from _ college. Since I entered the school, although the learning environment and learning mode are different from before, I have always maintained a positive attitude and been strict with myself. As a college student, we should not only actively demand progress in thought, study and work, but also pay more attention to exercising ourselves in practice and serving the society. I should study hard to make up for my shortcomings.

Standing at a new starting point, I want to use my hard work to continuously expand my reserves to improve my self-cultivation. I will make full use of the resources of the school to spend more time reading books and broaden my horizons. In study, I am based on my own specialty, not relaxing my study of professional knowledge, but constantly consolidating what I have learned. I hope to improve my ability and learn how to be a man and how to survive in university. Because in this highly competitive society, with the rapid development of social economy, the supply of talents exceeds demand. To become an excellent college student who meets the needs of society, it is necessary not only to have certain scientific and cultural skills, but also to apply what you have learned to social life, so as to serve the society. Since I was a child, my parents have taught me to study hard. Only reading is the way out!

Seeing the smiles on my cousins' faces when they entered university and the pride on their relatives' faces, and the self-confidence when they finished college, I was envious and strengthened my goal! I can do it too. I am not weaker than them. Although I am only a junior college now, they are undergraduates. I have to prove that I can be better than them, and let my parents be proud of me! In my spare time, I participated in _ training at school, learning more knowledge outside my major, and at the same time, I also wanted to increase my advantage for employment. Try to pass CET-4, step by step, and achieve your bigger goal. Learn more to enrich yourself and realize your ideals! Enrichment is a kind of satisfaction, and learning is a kind of happiness! In the face of difficulties and setbacks, I believe that the sunshine always comes after the storm, and everything focuses on the process, not on the results, so we should treat others positively and be kind to others.

In life, I am a cheerful boy, with a positive attitude towards life and a wide range of hobbies, ready to help others, and like to seize opportunities to exercise my abilities in all aspects. Actively participated in various activities, participated in the school's “_ Speech Contest” and other activities. Although I am not a student union member or a class cadre, I still enthusiastically support and cooperate with their work. I know that I still have many shortcomings to be further improved and perfected. In the future, I will continue to work hard with a positive attitude, full of enthusiasm, seize the opportunity and devote myself to study and life.

The sea doesn't choose trickle, and solid energy becomes its depth: Mount Tai won't let an inch of land, but solid energy will be its height. Everything is constantly striving for that mission and striving for that ideal, and our mission is to do a good job in study and contribute to society.

In the past year, I have made great progress in all aspects and learned a lot of knowledge. I have successfully passed the selected subjects with an average score of _, and my comprehensive quality has been greatly improved. I hereby apply for a scholarship.

It's a long road to Xiu Yuan, so I'll go up and down. In the future, I will work harder, enrich my knowledge, enrich myself and make greater progress. Please ask the leaders to judge and review.

with the best wishes




国外大学申请书范文120字 第4篇

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for a place in the MA program in Economics of your university for the 20xx-20xx academic year.

I am presently a fourth-year student at the Department of Economics, Beijing University. In the past three years, I have done well and have received quite a number of scholarships and honors. When I graduate and take my Bachelor's degree in June 20xx, I wish to work for my Master's degree in Economics at your Graduate School.

I would be grateful if you could send me an Application Form for Graduate Admission and a Financial Aid Form as well as information about your university. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Jia Ming

国外大学申请书范文120字 第5篇

To Whom It May Concern:

I am very pleased to recom#mend Martha Holden for admission to your university program. As her guidance counselor for three years I have watched this young woman develop both academically and personally into a mature individual ready in every way for her college years.

Martha is bright, energetic, com#passionate and genuinely well rounded. Her grades have been consistently above average in all of her courses, and she has actively participated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from track and field and chorus to the school yearbook and our drama club.

Martha has also spent considerable time outside the school involved in the com#munity. This has included work with Meals on Wheels and volunteering 10 hours a week at one of our area's shelters for battered and abused women.

They think so much of her at the shelter they have offered her a paid internship for next summer. Previously, this internship had never been awarded to anyone before the end of their college sophomore year. Despite all the preparations that will be required for going off to college next fall, Martha told me she is absolutely thrilled about this opportunity and feels it will enhance her university studies.

Unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, Martha has made clear to us all that her goal is to do Social Work. To this end she has worked tirelessly in our pilot program for mentoring Special Education students mainstreamed into our school.

In closing, let me take a moment to recount an incident which I believe speaks volumes about the superior nature of this candidate. Two years ago I was returning from lunch to my office when I saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound Martha, arms stretched out between two 180+ pound students, one a Special Ed student and the other a school bully. Other students were standing by motionless or laughing while Martha showed the leadership and courage to immediately put an end to the embarrassing fight that had erupted.

It is clear to me as I hope it is to you that this young woman, Martha Holden, is an exceptional candidate, one that would contribute greatly to any program. I wholeheartedly recom#mend her and wish her the very best in all future endeavors.


Jean Atkins

Senior Counselor

Alexander Hamilton High School