

导读 17. 十年寒窗苦读日,只盼金榜题名时,祝你考试拿高分,鲤鱼跳龙门!加油``````40. 人生辉煌待创造,学成归来成英豪。亲朋好友xxx,愿你前程似锦更美好!2. 不要被任何人打乱自的脚步,因为没有谁会像你一样清楚和在乎自己梦想。

GMAT考试xxx 实用31句

1. On the list is good and good. As long as you work hard, you will succeed. I wish you great success in the college entrance examination!

2. Support and encouragement, together walk through the most important of life, towards the good life tomorrow... I firmly believe that we have put in the sweat, we have stood the test, the door of the ideal university hall will be open for us, let us continue the arduous but happy study road!

3. 学成荣登光荣榜,又近一步离理想,填写志愿思虑全,市场需要个人特长,不能单单执一端,贡献国家成就自我。xxx途光明无限。

4. 六月鲜花灿烂开,捷报似花纷纷来。花容笑容相辉映,梦想实现好风景。

5. 考试xxx简短

6. 考试xxx短信

7. 燃起他人希望之火,重塑他人自信之心。同学们,相信自己,你是最棒的!

8. 百花齐放香满园,鸟语花馨喜报传。同窗亲朋来捧场,纷云聚会谈志愿。一口同声名校上,不考研生非好汉。深造专业学海游,报答爸爸妈妈做贡献。xxx展翅。

9. 这两天的考试过程中,要调整好自己的情绪,考过一门,就不要再想了,重要的是吃好,喝好,休息好,营造一种良好的应考氛围,祝愿你考试顺利!

10. I hope you can relax and not be nervous. I know that you have always worked hard in your study, and I believe that you can do well in the exam.

11. 阳光灿烂当空照,捷报频传人欢笑。金榜题名梦已圆,再入学府去深造。人生辉煌待创造,学成归来成英豪。亲朋好友xxx,愿你前程似锦更美好!

12. Dear students, we have been together for so long, you are paying for me. I didn't do anything for you... In my next life, if I'm a cow, I... I will pull the grass for you to eat! The college entrance examination is successful!

13. 做好准备,考场上总有最艰难的时刻。

14. 没有了旋律,就没有了诗歌,没有了色彩,那是怎么样的生活?愿春天赋于你绚丽是色彩无限的希望美好的未来。

15. 十年寒窗苦读日,只盼金榜题名时,祝你中考拿高分,鲤鱼跳龙门!加油!

16. 静心复习,一切运筹帷幄之中;睡觉休息,不焦虑心情要轻松;营养给力,身体倍棒勇猛冲锋;平常心态,一切随缘一定高中;祝高考成功!

17. 那年那月那个孤独的考研人, 那山那水那条寂寞的考研路, 那曰那夜那颗迷茫的考研心, 那恨那爱那份无奈的考研情, 那风那雨那个执著的考研梦, 亲爱的战友坚持到底!愿天下考研人:忧愁是可微的 。。。

18. 你笔下拥有一个色彩绚丽的世界:愿你,也相信你,拥有另一个笔下灿烂的图景。

19. Without the melody, there is no poetry, no color, what kind of life? May the spring be a gift to you in the color of infinite hope for a bright future.

20. 高考结束心落地,报考志愿心忐忑,有心名校去镀金,无奈分数不允许。莘莘学子有志气,天生我材必有用,行行都能出状元,条条大道通罗马。

21. 所有的胜利,与征服自己的胜利比起来,都是微不足道。

22. Head teacher check the male dormitory, see the dormitory at sixes and sevens garbage, then to neatly dressed with a smile on the face white white net net a row of the boys said: you these male students, is really out of the silt but not imbrued!

23. 试纸飘墨香,金笔待启程。忍心为功名,墨汁污纸张。怎能抛功名,畅游在海外。绞尽脑汁干,名在xxx。两袖清风去,xxx尘埃。 祝考试成功!!!

24. 结合考情准确估分,头脑清醒切勿迟钝;院校考量多方纳谏,结合自身考虑全面;兴趣擅长综合考虑,专业选择加倍慎重!待到九月金榜题名,xxx成功前程似锦!

25. 挥一挥手,送你先走,我的潇洒微笑,但愿你永远记住。考试如期而至,希望你我高中,相约在理想的学校里再见!

26. 十年寒窗苦功练,十年春秋含心酸。十年理想今实现,静心细阅挥笔杆。笔落凤飞速成章,轻松愉悦答卷完。胸有成竹上金榜,志愿清华最理想。祝你佳成绩。

27. When parting draws the curtain, when the memory sleeps in the chest, say goodbye is really sad, only love is still brilliant! Long live our friendship! The examination is smooth, the whole life this pass!

28. Hey, you still have time to read a text message? Prove that you didn't study hard: P but now that you see this text message, I still want to tell you what I have always wanted to say: the exam goes well, and work together!

29. 高考的心态:悲观的看待成功,乐观的看待失败。人生路上波折多,谁也预料不到会发生什么。保持良好的心态,轻松的对待,成功之门便会为你打开。

30. 努力了不一定成功,不努力绝对不会成功,首先祝福同学金榜题名,高考成功!选自己最爱的职业学府,往往事半功倍。xxx愉快继续深造,做国家的栋梁!

31. 送你一道考神符,助你走上青云路:可把好运添,能让成功现,有消除紧张之功效,有增强信心之灵妙,愿你好好收藏,保你高考顺利!加油,祝高考成功!

GMAT考试xxx 实用65句

1. 书山有路勤为径、学海无涯苦作舟;海到无边天作岸、山登绝顶我xxx。

2. 到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你的梦想会实现的!

3. 考试xxx大全

4. 骄阳六月捷报喜气飞扬,报考志愿实现理想。仔细阅读招生简章,选择专业兴趣帮忙。考虑爱好最是应当,选择学校绝不迷茫。坚定目标人生起航,继续深造学识芬芳。

5. 考试了,希望我的问候短信会为你送去一份轻松清爽的心情,不要太紧张哦!不然可会把答案忘掉的!我在这里支持着你,鼓励着你,为你祝福!

6. 加油吧!我的同窗们!高中三年,我们一起走过!明天,让我们一起高呼;我是一中的学生,我怕谁!!!!

7. Believe that you are ok, no big deal, really, don't think too much, will do what, you won't they will certainly not much, believe me right! My classmates, I sincerely wish you to win the national college entrance examination this year.

8. 四面垂杨十里荷,一份捷报唱欢歌。心中涌起碧波浪,万千情愫在飞扬。十年奋战提金榜,今朝理想正飞翔。再入名校求学路,铺就明朝好前途。愿你前途无限辉煌。

9. 假如说高考是一场战斗,那么你就是指挥战斗的将军,来吧,拿起你手中坚实的笔触,用智慧的头脑去指挥,去打败那一个个难题,加油,相信一定会有你的捷报传来。

10. 相互支持,共同奋斗:相信自己,直到成功那一刻,笑看风云!

11. Our common family is three years, long and short. In this unusual three years, we trials and hardships, shoulder and HAPPY allison Like to know more achievements, the more uneasy heart, is not just the examination as a friend who is for the college entrance examination All my friends to attend the university entrance exam No matter how we walk

12. 喜鹊枝头叫喳喳,xxx报到你家。开心快乐不言说,理想彼岸将到达。斟酌轻重志愿报,专业名校志向大。只愿心想事成万事顺,爸爸妈妈亲人笑开花!

13. Looking back to the bleak place, each sunrise each ripple is beautiful and moving; Every storm and every cloud is to be appreciated. Best wishes for your success in this year's college entrance examination.

14. I know you are going through an important challenge in life, maybe do you have any fear and anxiety have excited, but I want to say, please don't forget to side all the people who love you, we are your strong backing.

15. 付出终有回报,信心绝对重要;明天还要高考,别忘面带微笑;有空睡个好觉,不必紧张煎熬;敞开鲲鹏怀抱,直上青云九霄。祝高考顺利!

16. 凤凰花吐露着嫣红,风儿静静的吹动,亲爱的朋友请握一握手,明天就要各奔西东!但不要忘记彼此的`约定:高考成功!

17. The college entrance examination is due tomorrow. Pay for it and get a good night's sleep. After ten years, you can be proud to participate. Don't try to score high. Relaxation is most important. Mom is very tired recently, don't forget to smile to her, dad's field to pick up, give him a hug. He was so well dressed that he was bound to fall for his invigion. Last but not least, check the pencil knife!

18. 期末考即将来临,或许你有些焦急紧张,或许有些不安担心,或许正在为一道数学题而绞尽脑汁,或许我帮不上什么忙,就祝你期末顺利吧!~用平常心对待,问心无愧,尽力就好!~加油!~

19. 天道酬勤。God helps those who help themselves.God rewards the diligent.

20. 又是一年高考时,万千学子跃龙门;放松心情轻松考,沉着答卷创佳绩;金榜题名乐欢喜,家长老师喜融融;填报志愿莫大意,功成名就会有期!

21. Want to say love you, feel too heavy; Want to say like, feel too light; One day the world love, one night's sleepless, I only have to count the green curtain beads of love, to the star month to your window. Happy college entrance examination!

22. The college entrance examination is a sea, and we have been afraid of it. However, when we understand that life is a leap from the shore to the other, we can touch it and embrace it and transcend it. Looking back to the bleak place, each sunrise each ripple is beautiful and moving; Every storm and every cloud is to be appreciated.

23. 洞房花烛花非花,金榜题名书神话。檐宫折挂刷刷刷,状元榜眼与探花。QQ农场挖挖挖,锄到金豆与金瓜。从xxx上千里马,雄关漫道从头跨!xxx高中!

24. An important challenge, maybe you have anxiety and fear and excitement, but I want to say, please don't forget all the people around you who care for you, we are your strong backing. I wish you the best of luck in the exam.

25. 鲤鱼不跃,岂可成龙?大鹏驻足,焉能腾空?十年磨刀霍霍,只为今朝一搏。人生能有几回搏,又是一年考试时,此时不搏xxx?现在考生们即将步入考场,挑战自己,挑战人生了。

26. The test USES flying letter group to cheat, suddenly should be in next door invigilation the head teacher rushes into the examination room. Everyone is shocked, the head teacher is very angry: who hair answer? Is the problem on the page? It's all right!

27. 日月辉煌星光灿,莘莘学子喜洋洋。金榜题名理想圆,欢声笑语尽开颜。恩师同窗邻里赞,再进名校书山攀。为国建设才华展,大千世界创辉煌。

28. 勤学苦练你有毅力,努力奋战不留余力,向前冲刺竭尽全力,决战高考带上实力,答题入流毫不费力。祝你高考给力,考出好成绩。

29. I firmly believe that we have put in the sweat, we have stood the test, the door of the ideal university hall will be open for us, let us continue the arduous but happy study road!

30. I will take the exam, I hope my greeting message will send you a relaxed and relaxed mood, not too nervous! Otherwise you will forget the answer! I am here to support you, encourage you, bless you!

31. 满池荷花送清香,喜讯传来心荡漾。忧愁烦恼一扫光,笑容满面歌声扬。金榜题名愿得偿,再入学府知识长。祝你学成归来成栋梁,为国贡献做榜样!

32. 努力吧! 不管结果怎样,经历过,总会有结果的!期末考试的朋友们,为你们祝福,也为自己祈祷!愿梦开始的地方,也是梦想实现的地方!嗯嗯,加油,嗯,加油!

33. 高考三字经:先总览,如将军,大方向,尽在握。先解易,后解难,小分难,勿相缠。送分题,速做完,智不足,谋来补。显谋略,不慌忙,信自己,一级棒。

34. 希望考试卷上的题目都是你似曾相识的,并建立了深厚感情,让你可以迎刃而解!

35. 明天期末考试啦,以后不用6点起床啦,以后可以天天游泳啦,明天是新生活的开始,一定不能愁眉苦脸,今晚做个好梦!

36. 快到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你的梦想会实现的!

37. 高考日到,祝福送你一“分”,智慧增加比分,做题不会减分,压力别人瓜分,成绩最高得分,快乐定要十分,经过真心打分,定能获得百分。

38. 人生,洒脱一点,压力不要太大;人生,坦然一点,不要紧张,平常心对待便好。高考在即,愿你以良好的心态,取得理想的成绩。

39. 读一年又一年,毅力啊!考一门过一门,犀利啊!报一个中一个,实力啊!(祝福)发一个收一个,情谊啊!xxx在高考一线的朋友们高考顺利。

40. 人生辉煌待创造,学成归来成英豪。亲朋好友xxx,愿你前程似锦更美好!

41. 你一定能行的!你要相信自己!对自己要有信心!我等你的好消息!

42. 骄阳六月花开皆灿烂,喜报传来笑开颜。举家设宴请宾朋,席上欢喜话成功。鱼跃龙门今欢笑,学有所成在明朝。xxx林登高峰,美好未来定成功。愿你前程似锦。

43. After three years of baptism, after the wind and waves, ten years of cold window, today is easy to walk the examination room! Ming dynasty gold list title of the world know! The rainbow after the wind and rain, just as you open the instant message of the moment, and my blessing in the moment you read the moment smile! Smile to read, smile to walk your future road! Friends! My blessing you will understand!

44. 争取时间就是争取成功,提高效率就是提高分数。

45. 愿灿烂的阳光,青春的活力,秀美的容貌,舒心的微笑永远属于你!

46. The college entrance exam is tomorrow. You should be nervous, right? As a friend of mine. I don't know what to say at this point. ? The child? It's really a blank... Or is it always supported? . The blessing? . Find it? The ideal university! Believe in yourself. ? Will win the victory to create the miracle! Believe in yourself. Dream in? What is this? Heaven and earth! Believe in yourself. ? Will surpass limit surpass oneself! Believe in yourself. When all this is over? Will be number one! Believe in yourself. ? The best!!!

47. Xiao li just went to school, the head teacher said: your Chinese teacher is female, but she is Mr. LAN, your math teacher is male, but he is Mr. Lu. When xiao li's parents introduced the teacher, his parents were very dizzy.

48. 骄阳六月骄阳炎炎热烈,一片祥云掠过头顶。捷报如雨润在心田,亲朋好友舒展欢颜。十年理想今朝实现,畅游学海幸福绵绵。锦绣前程正在前方,灿烂未来已然启航。

49. 时光如流水一般,一去不返。分别一 年,不知你是否过的还好,也许还是那样!眼看考试就要来了,向前看,相信自己,我会在远方为你送去最真挚的祝福,付出就会有收获的!放松心情,去迎接挑战,我相信你,你一定是最出色的!

50. The long wind and the waves will sometimes, hang up the sea, the college entrance exam is a starting point of life, believe in themselves, tomorrow is another day and a sunny day!

51. 花开时节芬芳溢,捷报到来传喜气。花香绵绵甜如蜜,喜气盈门真美丽。今朝夺魁提金榜,理想实现心飞扬。亲友道xxx无数,xxx朝好前途。

52. 骄阳拂照百花香,捷报似花xxx。香气飘荡满心房,欢喜连连泪两行。不畏xxx攀登,十年付出理想成。题名金榜好儿郎,再入名校书辉煌。

53. 真心地祝福你考试取得好成绩!发挥出最好的水平。你是个聪明和头脑灵活的人,我相信你一定成功!!!加油,等你好消息!~!~!`

54. 手机铃响,那是问候;手机唱歌,那是祝福;手机震动,那一定是我握住了你的手。考研成功!我的朋友。

55. 高考到,天气燥,睡眠足,心态好,放轻松,压力小,不着急,审好题,平常心,就最好,祝福你,中中中,中状元,中探花,中榜眼,好梦圆,乐逍遥。

56. Believe in myself, I will send you the most sincere blessing in the distance, and will have the harvest! Relax, meet the challenge, I believe you, you must be the best! I wish you the normal performance in the college entrance examination, the title of the gold, and successfully test your ideal university! Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!

57. 中考已临近,只要努力一点,就能看见胜利女神的微笑。

58. Knowledge can produce power, but achievement can shine. Some people experience the power of knowledge, but more people go to see the glory of achievement.

59. 四分学识智,三心细耐恒,xxx应试法,一片平常心。

60. 高考就像一个没有硝烟的战场,没有血腥,却浸染着无数学子的血泪!它对有的人来说,是独木桥,对有的人来说,是阳关道,它远不是终点,只是人生路上的一道关卡。

61. 努力的苦读,就为这一刻?!把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福、祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名喔!

62. 期中考试xxx大全

63. The only thing that determines whether the sky is cloudy or even cloudy is you, and the person who can't let yourself be in a sunny mood forever is a failure.

64. 缘相遇,情相知,心相惜。我永远的好朋友,你一定是最棒的,考试你定会赢!

65. 高考前:书山有路勤为径。高考后:电脑游戏昼夜玩。高考前:头悬梁锥刺股。高考后:玩游戏头地主。高考前:早起三点夜三更。高考后:一觉睡到日三竿!

GMAT考试xxx 实用30句

1. 要让事情改变,先改变我自己;要让事情变得更好,先让自己变得更好!

2. 不要被任何人打乱自的脚步,因为没有谁会像你一样清楚和在乎自己梦想。

3. Examination questions: read the full volume and take the test calmly. Rigorous examination of the problem, the answer to the question; Easy, easy to answer; I wish you the best of luck and success.

4. 最难的题,对你而言,并不一定在于最后一道。

5. 看清知识的盲点、能力的弱项、丢分的原因。

6. 豪情满怀进考场,壮志凌云压群芳,雄鹰展翅任翱翔,骏马奋蹄勇敢闯。十载苦读在寒窗,一举成功题金榜,xxx高考获头彩,前程似锦宏图长!

7. Then remember to profess, elder brother very much, and all speak “as brothers, sisters, battle each other”, the teacher in charge told the most deep copy each other the most severe of the two issued “equals” film and TV award!

8. Face the college entrance examination, keep your heart good and pure; Keep your passions and passions strong; Keep your spirit up and running!

9. 高考原则:心中减压,多点休息;脑中无忧,多点快乐;仔细做题,学会洒脱;出错要少,检查要多;多些努力,考分不错。祝你高考事事想开,好运马上来!

10. 越接近考试,往往越要在坚实上下功夫。

11. Be pessimistic, be optimistic and fail. Be easy to see yourself and be tolerant of others. Be rational and ask no questions. A man's work is his reward.

12. 我们满载希望即将奔赴考场,我们厚积薄发展露锋芒,我们犹如初升的太阳迈向前方,只为自己的理想,翻开华丽的新篇章!祝即将高考的学子一切顺利!

13. 愿天下考试生:忧愁是可微的,快乐是可积的,在未来趋于正无穷的日子里,幸福是连续的,对你的祝福是可导的且大于零,祝你每天快乐的复合函数总是最大值。

14. 天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃;高考的舞台,秀出你的精彩;一宿好睡眠,精神百倍;一颗平常心,沉着应对;一口长舒气,放松压力;一条短信,祝你金榜题名!

15. 面对目标,信心百倍,人生能有几次搏?面对成绩,心胸豁达,条条大陆通罗马。 给自己一个恰如其分的自信。

16. 淡薄功利,轻装前进;不计付出,坚韧不拔;不达目的,誓不罢休。

17. 十年寒窗苦读日,只盼金榜题名时,祝你考试拿高分,鲤鱼跳龙门!加油``````

18. 考试了,我在百度搜出千百条xxx,在搜狗找到无数句吉祥话,但我觉得都太俗。我只想真诚地对你说:得心应手考试顺利,十年努力今日成功!

19. With a wave of the hand, I will walk you first, my handsome smile, I hope you will always remember. The college entrance exam is coming, I hope you and I will meet in the ideal school.

20. 认认真真备好准考证,安安心心睡个踏实觉,自信满满走进高考场,细细心心完成高考卷,高高兴兴走完高三路。又是一年凤凰花开的骄阳六月,愿朋友金榜题名!

21. 生命之中最快乐的是拼搏,而非成功,生命之中最痛苦的是懒散,而非失败。

22. Face the target, the confidence 100 times, the life can have several times? In the face of achievement, open-minded, all the land to Rome. Give yourself an appropriate level of confidence.

23. 为你倒数,还有几个小时就要上战场了,希望你能够放松心情,不要紧张。 知道你平时学习一向都很努力,学得很不错,相信你考好成绩是没问题的!

24. 天天都是一个出发点,每天都有一点提高,每天都有一点收成!

25. 忆往昔三年,朝九晚五,埋头在书本之间,奋斗在高考一线;而今,怀揣理想,坚定信念,成功就在不远前。祝你能够金榜题名,高考高中!

26. Efforts!!!! No matter how it turns out, there will always be a result! The friends of the college entrance examination, bless you, also pray for yourself! The place where the dream begins is also the place where dreams come true! Yeah, yeah, come on, yeah, come on!

27. 高考即将临,情绪要稳定。不要太激动,夜晚睡不宁。调整好作息,跟上好节奏。xxx要结合,才能头脑清。考场信心足,金榜题名成。祝你高考取得好成绩!

28. 没有付出,就没有收获,人只有上坡路才是最难走的,相信自己能成功,自己就一定能成功。努力吧,希望会属于你的。

29. 高考拼的是我心永恒的信念,走的是玩平衡木的心态!高考,你就是长城,我就是好汉!我一定要把你踩在脚下,成就我心中理想。

30. 多少汗水曾洒下,多少期待曾播种,终是在高考交卷的一刹尘埃落地,多少记忆梦中惦记,多少青春付与流水,人生,总有一次这样的成败,才算长大。

GMAT考试xxx 实用42句

1. The college entrance examination is about to come, look forward, I believe myself, I will send you the most sincere blessing in the distance, the effort will be fruitful! Relax, meet the challenge, I believe you, you must be the best!

2. 啊,同学们,让我们在飞逝而去的时间波涛上,乘风破浪,驶向成功的彼岸!

3. 期末考试顺利,身体健康,一切都好!相信自己,你们一定是最棒的!

4. 高考一到气氛妙,考场摇身变战场。抬头挺胸斗志昂,奋笔疾书沙沙响。战场切忌心慌张,沉着冷静胜利来。知己知彼方对战,满腹经纶胜旗开。

5. 假如说鼓励是一朵云,我会让你的学业路上彩云满天;假如说祝福是一片雪,我会让你学业路中xxx飞;在云儿凝结成雪的气候,你已经是心仪已久那个学府的学生。

6. When life faces many choices, we need to be careful. When we have no choice, we take the pressure as a challenge and give ourselves a confidence that if anyone can walk very well on this road, I will be able to walk well.

7. 考试顺利、金榜题名!

8. 人都是在跌倒与爬起之间学会坚强,都是在风雨与阳光之间走过成长的路。失败所能带给你的只应是一些教训,一些冷静的思考,而不该有绝望、颓废、不知所措。

9. 祝中考一切顺利成功!美梦成真!

10. Come on! Dear friend, calm oneself of the state of mind, control oneself mood, take an examination in the ordinary state of mind, take an examination of a door to forget a door, let oneself try to relax, have a good rest. Wish you high school!

11. 人生就是一个上上下下喜喜悲悲的过程,这样的人生才叫丰富与多姿,失败一次并不可怕,只要我们能从中找到成功的奥秘和努力的勇气。

12. Let go of the tension in the study of the past, with a common heart to face easily, I believe you will test your ideal performance. May good luck be with you all the time!

13. 放下包袱开动脑筋,勤于思考好好复习,祝你取得好成绩!

14. Life is a process of up and down the xi xi miserable, such a life is rich and varied, a failure is not terrible, as long as we can find the secrets of successful courage and effort.

15. 你还好吧,你远方的老同学真心的祝福你在今年的期末考试之中金榜提名,一举夺魁,考入心中理想的大学,进而步入人生的象牙塔!

16. 把容易题作对,难题就会变容易。

17. The first line of crooked footprints has been wiped out by the dust of the years; And the way of life is still under your feet. I wish you: stride new journey, and leave a string of shiny footprints!

18. 期末考试xxx大全

19. 你有你的赤橙黄绿,我有我的青蓝靛紫,天空同属于我们,因为我们年轻。

20. Sincerely wish you good results in the college entrance examination! Play your best. You are a smart and intelligent person, I believe you will succeed!!!

21. The college entrance examination is really a harvest, it contains too much connotation. No matter what the score of the college entrance examination, your growth and maturity is the fact that no one can change. You have gained too much in the past three years of hard work.

22. 骄阳六月骄阳伴花香,捷报到来携清爽。拂去心头焦和燥,送来幸福和欢笑。今日中榜功名扬,理想实现路敞亮。乘胜扬帆再起航,铸就明天好辉煌。

23. 高考加油!亲爱的朋友,平和一下自己的心态,控制自己的情绪,以平常心态应考,考完一门忘一门,让自己尽量放松,好好休息。希望你一举高中喔!

24. 试纸浸墨香,金笔下千言。思虑心平定,谨慎落笔闲。且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功。

25. 读书一年又一年靠的是毅力,考一门过一门那是给力,报一个中一个那是实力,xxx一个又一个那是友谊,祝高考的同学们高考顺利。

26. 一晃半年的时间又快过去了,中考也快来了,不要紧张,不要心慌,按照自己的计划来,不要受别人的影响,相信自己。我也相信你一定会考出水平,考出满意。

27. This two days of the test process, to adjust their mood, take an examination of a door, don't want to, it is important to eat well, drink good, good rest, to build a good test atmosphere, wish the test goes well with you!

28. 期中考试xxx

29. 心有理想和希望,读书做人成栋梁;才子佳人入考场,祝福加油给力量:淡定从容不心慌,学为己用莫失常;正常发挥提金榜,美丽人生已起航。

30. 缘相遇,情相知,心相惜。我永远的好朋友,你一定是最棒的,考试你定会赢!

31. 过去的习惯,决定今天的你,所以,过去的懒惰,决定你今天的一败涂地。

32. 不求难题都做,先求中低档题不错。

33. 期末考试xxx

34. The wind is quietly blowing, the fenghuang flower reveals a smile, dear friends please shake hands, tomorrow will be all the way to the east! But don't forget each other's agreement: the college entrance exam is a success!

35. 多少个不眠之夜,只为那梦中的大学;多少次日夜兼程,只为那学业的美梦;多少回争分夺秒,只为那升学的喜报。祝:金榜题名!

36. Xx is going to take the exam today, sending you a lucky text message, it is said that you can receive such a text message on the test day, you will be able to test your satisfactory results, I wish you good luck!

37. 只要比别人更早,更勤奋地学习,才能尝到成功的滋味。

38. There are many choices in life. Be careful in every step. But a choice is not everything. Don't hesitate to make a choice and never regret. As long as we can work tirelessly, the victory is ahead.

39. Take the exam, hope my greeting message, will send you a copy, relaxed and relaxed mood, not too nervous! I wish you pass the exam.

40. Today is about to take the exam, send you a lucky text message, it is said that you can receive such a text message on the day of the exam, you will test your satisfactory results, wish you good luck in the exam!

41. The test paper is fragrant, the gold pen is to leave. Have the heart for fame, ink stained paper. How can you cast your name and swim overseas? Racking my brains, I was outside sun shan. The wind of the two sleeves, why the dust. I wish the exam success!!!

42. 小妹,明天就要考试了,祝你发挥出自己的真实水平,考个好成绩。我相信你一定行的!哥哥为你祈祷!

GMAT考试xxx 实用20句

1. 人生终有许多选择。每一步都要慎重。但是一次选择不能决定一切。不要犹豫,作出选择就不要后悔。只要我们能不屈不挠地奋斗,胜利就在前方。

2. The bells of the university entrance exam is about to strike, no matter the front is the storm, or lightning fast, hope you are able to talk freely to face, believe in yourself, will be able to jump longmen, MOE higher grade!

3. I sincerely hope that you can achieve excellent results, as you wish, the title of gold. Because this year you pay a lot of, also eat a lot of bitterness, suffered a lot of tired. We thought, “god rewards work.”

4. You have your red orange green, I have my blue indigo, the sky belongs to us, because we are young.

5. 全国高考日来到,莘莘学子斗志高。胸有成竹不焦躁,从从容容来应考。爸爸妈妈亲人多期盼,金榜题名人欢笑。愿你放下压力人轻松,吃好睡香成绩好!

6. 为你倒数,还有几个小时就要上战场了,希望你能够放松心情,不要紧张。我知道你平时学习一向都很努力,学得很不错,相信你考好成绩是没问题的!

7. 明天就是考试了,希望在这最后的日子,你能满怀着信心,发挥出你最好的水平,考出最好的成绩!!!加油>>>>>好好发挥,xxx支持你!

8. Aspiration is the wind, happy is the sail, the blessing is ship, let the desire of the wind blowing happy sailing ship, carrying the happiness to you forever happiness, give my gentle greetings, wish you happy, dream will come true!

9. 自信,是无尽智慧的凝聚。平淡,是成功路上的驿站。

10. 放平心态应战,仔细认真答题,保持自信满满,维持良好心态,保证充足睡眠,定能旗开得胜,全国高考日,愿你超能发挥,金榜题名,走向自己理想的大学!

11. 考试加油!亲爱的朋友,平和一下自己的心态,控制自己的情绪,以平常心态应考,考完一门忘一门,让自己尽量放松,好好休息。希望你一举高中喔!

12. 在高考的日子里,你要像那猪一样能吃能睡,能像马儿一样多打快跑,像老鼠一样能钻能窜,像那猴子一样能蹦能跳,最后像是被通缉一样跑不掉的被录取。

13. 就要考试了,希望我的问候短信会为你送去一份轻松清爽的心情,不要太紧张哦!不然可会把答案忘掉的!我在这里支持着你,鼓励着你,为你祝福!

14. 人生像爬山,高考是道弯,一鼓作气越过这道坎,后面风景原来更好看,放松心态,正常发挥,吃好睡好,精力良好,成绩才会更好,祝你高考顺利,好运连连!

15. 考试的日子里,你要像猪一样能吃能睡,能像马一样多拉快跑,像鼠一样能钻能窜,像猴一样能蹦能跳,最后像被t缉一样跑不掉被录取,然后从此过上幸福生活。

16. You will have to take the exam, let go of the tension in the past, and use a normal heart to face it easily, I believe you will get your ideal result. May good luck be with you all the time!

17. 沉住气,xxx,高考到来考验你;不着急,带文具,拼搏考场属于你;心仔细,多分析,完美答卷等着你;笑嘻嘻,愿顺利,金榜题名祝福你!祝高考顺利,顺心如意!

18. We all learn to be strong between falling and climbing, and we are all growing up between the rain and the sun. What failure can bring you is only a few lessons, some cool thinking, not despair and frustration.

19. 鲜花xxx美艳,桃李天下人皆羡。寒窗十年喜讯传,震我心房魂魄散。多年苦心梦实现,名校专业来挑选。博学多识再考研,学识渊博创辉煌。祝阳光道阔步前。

20. Tomorrow is only the college entrance examination, the mind is sure to be able to play well, support you, the university is actually like the air, the release of the hand belongs to you. Don't worry about it. No one can be 100% sure that confidence will be the key to success.