

导读 51. 别离的泪水,为记忆的长河增添新的浪花;别离的祝福,为再一次相聚拉开了序幕。61. 亲爱的朋友请不要难过,离别以后要彼此珍重。绽放最绚烂的笑容,给明天更美的梦。18. 我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见;心里存着感谢,感谢你曾给我一份深厚的友谊。

英语离职祝福语 通用108句

1. Experience more you know, if you have no ability, no amount of social is dust.

2. First, I recall the happy past when we worked together; second, I congratulate him on his promotion and his great career; third, I hope our friendship will last forever and we will keep in touch with each other regularly. I wish you all a successful career and a happy family!

3. 告别并祝你在你的下一个冒险中好运。

4. 恭喜你新的冒险,祝你未来的成功。

5. I extend my best wishes for your career. As a HR expert, your guidance will help the team in America. They have got the right person for the position. Wish you a smooth sailing ahead and a path full of joy, May all your dreams come true in the future!

6. Time is not to let people forget the pain, but let people get used to the pain.

7. it was a great pleasure working with you my dear, we really appreciate your help you have rendered us, we will be missing you so much, all the very best!

8. Bestwishesforyourfutureandeverysuccessinyournewrole.

9. 朋友你今天就要远走,干了这杯酒;忘掉那天涯孤旅的愁,一醉到天尽头。

10. Quietly you go, as you quietly, you pass a resignation letter, did not take a subordinate, really TM not enough.

11. 祝你在新职位中取得最大的成功。

12. Congratulationsandbestofluckasyoumoveforwardinyourcareer.

13. 祝你在新的旅程中好运。

14. 恭喜你的新机会,祝你未来一切顺利。

15. Congratulationsonyournextstepandbestwishesforwhat'stocome.

16. Congratulationsonyournewopportunityandbestofluckforyourfuture.

17. 恭喜你开始新的篇章,祝你未来一切顺利。

18. 我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见;心里存着感谢,感谢你曾给我一份深厚的友谊。

19. 祝你开始人生的新篇章时好运。

20. 希望你们在新的人生道路上。有新的开始,新的起点,一路顺风,多回学校看看,那里有你们完美的回忆。

21. Wewishyousuccessandhappinessinyournewventure.

22. The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.

23. 愿你在今后的人生道路上一帆风顺,事业有成。

24. Life is long, you and I meet and separate.The gathering is always short, but the difference is long, only wish each other's hearts can closely follow, never separate.

25. Green hills do not change green water flow, fate goodbye!See you soon!

26. Allthebesttoyouinyourfutureendeavors.

27. 明晨行别,但愿云彩、艳阳一直陪伴你走到遥远的天涯;鲜花、绿草相随你铺展远远的前程。

28. Man is to go high, water is to flow low.

29. People who say they want to go, never go far, go without a word, never look back.

30. We are all changing, why generous in the past.

31. Quietly you left, just as quietly you came, you handed in a resignation letter, did not take a group of subordinates, it is really not interesting.

32. opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.

33. 我们祝愿你在追求激情时快乐和成功。

34. 祝你在开始人生的新篇章时好运顺利。

35. Dear friends, please don't be sad, cherish each other after parting.Bloom the most gorgeous smile, more beautiful dream for tomorrow.

36. As you take your new road, We wish you a cup of success, A pint of happiness, And a jug of achievements. May you live the life of your dreams each moment and success follow you all your life.

37. Congratulationsandbestofluckinyourfuturepursuits.

38. Goodluckonyournewjourney.

39. 祝你在开辟新道路时一切顺利。

40. Bestofluckasyounavigateyournewpath.

41. Cherish the time, create miracles, without wind and rain, how to see the rainbow.

42. 我们祝愿你在接受新角色时快乐幸福。

43. 我们在爱情中度过的时光长出了翅膀,当我们离别时,它们成了我们的精神支柱。

44. The original love in my eyes, just a joke in your eyes.

45. 分离的,是我们的身影。牢系的,是我们的友谊。回忆的,是我们的嬉戏,憧憬的,是我们的重聚。祝福的,是我们的梦想!

46. 愿你的未来充满喜悦和成功。

47. 祝你未来的努力一切顺利,恭喜你开始新的篇章。

48. 命运让我们相识相知,生活又使我们相分相离,就像月亮和星星,遥远而又永在一起。

49. Congratulationsonyournextstepandbestwishesforthefuture.

50. 我们祝愿你在下一个冒险中快乐和成功。

51. 别离的泪水,为记忆的长河增添新的浪花;别离的祝福,为再一次相聚拉开了序幕。

52. Your exhort at other times undulates the far-reaching sound in my mind and exudes the delicate fragrance like blue.

53. 祝你在接受这个新挑战时一切顺利。

54. 友情如不干涸的清泉,在你我的心中流淌,当握别后的你,在远行的路上寂寞时,请记住,我的祝福就在那最美的一朵云上。

55. 恭喜你,祝你在职业生涯中前进时好运。

56. Can't blame the injustice of society since God didn't give you what you want to fight for yourself

57. i will cherish the memory of working with you and wish you all the best, enjoy your new job and life.

58. Wishingyoutheverybestinyournewrole.

59. 别离,是有点难舍,但不怅然;是有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为我们有相逢的希望在安慰。

60. 地球是圆的,今天的离別是为了他日的重聚。

61. 无论天涯海角,只愿你能记得我,让我的思念有个落脚的港湾!

62. 声声的祝福,深深的情谊,请这条小溪捎带着这一切,路过你的家门时送给你。

63. My friend, we are going to part for a while, and I won't say ^v^take care^v^ any more. Try to cast a few small morning stars in the night that has not gone; Not much light, but enough to please the early traveller.

64. 我们祝愿你在未来的追求中获得成功。

65. 恭喜你迈出了下一步,祝你未来追求一切顺利。

66. I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.

67. the value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.

68. 恭喜你的新工作以及未来的好运。

69. 恭喜你迈出了下一步,祝你未来一切顺利。

70. Wewishyoueveryhappinessinyournewrole.

71. Congratulationsonyournextchapter.

72. 今天笑着和你分手,但愿不日笑着把你迎接。

73. Send you a glass of wine, I wish you a future road blessing long; Send you a cup of tea, I wish you a boundless future road; Send you a message, I wish you good luck on your way. Wish you: bon voyage!

74. When the vision of happiness is too eager, the pain rises in the depths of the human heart.

75. Wishingyouallthebestinyournextadventure.

76. It's easy, as long as a few more reasons to deceive yourself.

77. I will cherish the memory of working with you and wish you all the best, enjoy your new job and life.

78. When you cry, you think tears are multiple, and when you smile, you think you are moved. In the end, you find that you cry with a smile.

79. Congratulationsonyournewjobandbestwishesforwhatliesahead.

80. Bestwishesasyoubeginthisnewchapterofyourlife.

81. The world is small, so we met. The world is big, separate it is hard to goodbye.

82. 告别并祝你在人生的下一个篇章中一切顺利。

83. 祝你未来一切顺利。

84. A day of photography? My instant consciousness only together with the flash light bright: your beautiful image stay in the negative, at the same time branded in my heart.

85. Blame yourself. Have the ability to like others, have no ability to let people like you.

86. People are to constantly experience themselves, in order to become more powerful.

87. 我们匆匆地告别,走向各自的远方,没有语言,更没有眼泪,只有永恒的思念和祝福,在彼此的心中发出深沉的共鸣。

88. 想想曾经同桌的我们,高考过后就各奔前程了,心中真是不舍。同学,前途多珍重!

89. Bestofluckasyoupursueyourdreams.

90. 我们祝愿您在新的冒险中成功和幸福。

91. Congratulationsonyournextstepandbestofluckforwhatliesahead.

92. you are such a talented and smart member of our team and we are truly grateful of having you. though, you decide to walk an extra mile we are always here to support you. we just wish you more success on your new endeavor. thank you because the way you motivate us is something remarkable.

93. 祝你未来好运并一切顺利。

94. It was a great pleasure working with you my dear, We really appreciate your help you have rendered us, We will be missing you so much, All the very best!

95. Wishingyouallthebestforyournextadventure.

96. Wewishyouhappinessandsuccessinyournextadventure.

97. Instead of a perfunctory, it is better to directly push away and say goodbye.

98. 恭喜你开始新的篇章。

99. Wish you success in your future life.

100. three words to your upset self: ^v^Forget it,^v^ ^v^It doesn't matter^v^ and ^v^it'll pass.^v^

101. 离别时,留下一串艰难的足迹;相逢时,xxx对欣喜的身影没有离别的痛苦,也就没有相逢的欢愉。

102. Congratulationsonyournewopportunityandbestofluckasyoumoveforward.

103. 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全,离别不必太伤感,今天的分别只是下一次相遇的开始!

104. If I had you, it would be all my memories.

105. Learn to run your own life. It's not just one day at a time, or one day at a time.

106. Wishingyouallthebestinyournewposition.

107. The world must come to an end, welcome new colleagues to say goodbye to old colleagues, every day in life in this kind of thing.People have joys and sorrows, the moon is full, this ancient difficult to complete, parting need not be too sad, the following some parting wishes hope to open a window of the heart, today's respectively is only the beginning of the next encounter!

108. 希望你在你的下一个冒险中一切顺利。

英语离职祝福语 通用122句

1. 挥手告别,扬帆远航,忘不了的,是你抛出的那根友谊的缆绳,无形中牢牢地系在我的心上。

2. 来也匆匆,去也匆匆,离绪千种,期待着一次重逢。

3. 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全,离别不必太伤感,今天的.分别只是下一次相遇的开始!

4. Congratulations on your new job - good for you! While we will miss you and have fond memories of working with you, we wish you well and hope you attain all the success you deserve. Your loyalty and work ethic have been an inspiration to us all. Have a prosperous life and keep in touch!

5. 祝你在开始人生的新篇章时一切顺利。

6. 一声汽笛,跌落在旷野,无限惆怅的孤独,在别离时刻,一齐从心头滋生。

7. 恭喜你的新机会,祝你向前时一切顺利。

8. 祝你人生的新篇章顺利。

9. i extend my best wishes for your career. as a hr expert, your guidance will help the team in america. they have got the right person for the position.wish you a smooth sailing ahead and a path full of joy, may all your dreams e true in the future!

10. 恭喜你,祝你在迈向下一章时好运。

11. Wewishyoueverysuccessinyourfutureendeavorsandhappinessalongtheway.

12. 我们祝愿你在未来的努力中快乐和成功。

13. Goodluckandbestwishesforyourfuture.

14. Wewishyoueverysuccessinyourfuturepursuits.

15. 祝你的下一个冒险一切顺利。

16. Tired, will rest, rest well, forget all, start again!

17. 愿我们之间友谊长存,祝你在未来的日子里梦想和生活同行。

18. as you take your new road, we wish you a cup of success, a pint of happiness, and a jug of achievements. may you live the life of your dreams each moment and success follow you all your life.

19. Wishingyouallthebestasyouembarkonthisnewchapterinyourlife.

20. Everything is good, just don't let us meet again, I don't want to see you.

21. Wewishyoueveryhappinessandsuccessasyouembarkonyournewjourney.

22. Bestwishesforyournextadventure.

23. 一天的摄影留念吗?我的瞬间意识只连同闪光灯一起亮了:你的倩影留在底片上,同时烙在我的心灵里。

24. No matter how time changes, let sincerity forever; No matter how the world changes, let the good forever; Regardless of the eyes or the horizon, let the beautiful forever; No matter the distance is near or far, let friends forever!

25. 恭喜你在新的旅程中好运。

26. Wave goodbye, sail away, forget, is that you throw the rope of friendship, imperceptibly firmly in my heart.

27. Wishingyousuccessandhappinessinyournextadventure.

28. 恭喜你,祝你未来的追求一切顺利。

29. When we indulge in the past, all we feel is pain. But if we focus on the future, all we see is hope.

30. 我们祝你在未来的所有努力中好运。

31. Wewishyousuccessandhappinessasyoutakeonyournextadventure.

32. Bestofluckinyournewroleandforwhatliesahead.

33. 我们祝愿你在新的角色中快乐。

34. Congratulationsonyournextstepandbestwishesforyourfuture.

35. Bestofluckinyourfutureendeavorsandcongratulationsonyournextchapter.

36. Wewishyoueveryhappinessandsuccessasyouembarkonthisnewjourney.

37. Wishingyouthebestofsuccessinyournewrole.

38. 祝你在下一个角色中好运顺利。

39. Although we meet and leave in a hurry, we have eternity in the short course of life. We believe that today's friendship is the memory of tomorrow.

40. Farewellandbestwishesonyournextchapteroflife.

41. Wishingyousuccessandhappinessasyoupursueyourdreams.

42. Congratulationsonyournewchapterandbestofluckforyourfuture.

43. 祝你在新的角色中取得最大的成功。

44. 祝你在追求梦想时一切顺利。

45. Static ready to move, smooth dripping dripping, the entrance examination is appropriate, thick accumulation.

46. 祝你在迎接下一个挑战时一切顺利。

47. We parted amid a light mist. Dew, yingying, like your innocent eyes; Fog, misty, like my thick sorrow of parting.

48. If the feeling has really disappeared, or has been crowded out by a new and passionate love, it will make divorce a blessing for both parties and for society.

49. 现实残酷,心要单纯,不一样的道路,但有相似的终点,平安,幸福,快乐祝福你们!

50. Congratulationsandbestofluckinyournewjourney.

51. 越是想得近,越觉离得远。你身在异乡,惟有明月与我长相伴。xxx何日,我俩再团圆?

52. 临别,送上我诚挚的祝福:不管你走到哪里,幸运将时刻陪伴着你!

53. You are such a talented and smart member of our team and we are truly grateful of having you. Though, you decide to walk an extra mile we are always here to support you. We just wish you more success on your new endeavor. Thank you because the way you motivate us is something remarkable.

54. My friend, we have to temporarily separate, ^v^treasure treasure^v^, I will not say any more.Try to cast a few small morning stars in the night that will not go;It may not be very bright, but it will please the early traveler.

55. 花开花落,四年的时间,并不长。此时的我们,又伫立在十字路口,也只有此时的我们,才真正尝到别离的滋味。

56. Congratulationsonyournewventureandbestofluckforyourfuturesuccess.

57. Farewellandgoodluckasyoumoveontoyournextadventure.

58. 人生路漫漫,你我相遇又分离。相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长,唯愿彼此的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。

59. 祝你未来的努力一切顺利。

60. 声声的'祝福,深深的情谊,请这条小溪捎带着这一切,路过你的家门时送给你。

61. 亲爱的朋友请不要难过,离别以后要彼此珍重。绽放最绚烂的笑容,给明天更美的梦。

62. Don't live too tired, life is not perfect, can't do it to let everyone like it.

63. Bestwishesforyourfuture.

64. 那个花季,我送你离去,小路静静地向前伸展,偶尔也有太阳雨飘起。

65. 祝你在下一个冒险中取得成功和幸福。

66. The tears of parting are the sea, and the reunion is the sail.Leaving e is to meet again.Parting is to meet again.Dear colleagues, I wish you all to do things with the attitude of success and conduct yourself with heart.Dear colleagues, I wish you all to do things with the attitude of success and conduct yourself with heart.

67. The person who can really get along with you for a long time will always appreciate your freedom and independence, rather than your pretending to be humble and please. The most comfortable relationship between people is to not please.

68. 虽然天总会黑,人总要离别,但天也会亮,人总会有相聚的一天!我期待着那一天的到来!

69. 我们祝愿你在开始新的旅程时快乐和成功。

70. Wishingyouthebestofluckinyournextrole.

71. 祝你未来一切顺利,并在新的角色中取得成功。

72. 我们祝愿你在未来的努力中获得成功,并沿途快乐幸福。

73. 祝你未来的努力好运。

74. Open the mouth to love, may just be yesterday's wind, with today's rain, more blow not tomorrow's clouds.

75. Bestwishesasyoutakeonyournewchallenge.

76. I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you,we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.

77. The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.

78. When I love you, you just so shining, I do not love you, you are nothing.

79. 高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。

80. I cherish every acquaintance in life, every warmth between heaven and earth, and every tacit understanding between friends; Even parting is regarded as a double joy when we meet again.

81. 祝你在新的职位中一切顺利。

82. Wishingyougoodluckinyourfutureendeavors.

83. 祝你在追求梦想时成功和幸福。

84. Wewishyoueverysuccessinyourfutureendeavors.

85. Wishingyouallthebestforyourfutureendeavors.

86. try not to bee a man of success but rather to bee a man of value.

87. Person's life, there are a lot of things that can not stop, just as can not stop the pace of time, can not stop is the coming parting and reluctant to give up.Melancholy and parting sadness in slowly rising, but at the moment in the heart is very calm, each other's blessing will slowly diffuse in our hearts, in the future on the road, my friend, more confidence, you will succeed!

88. congratulations on your new job - good for you! while we will miss you and have fond memories of working with you, we wish you well and hope you attain all the success you deserve. your loyalty and work ethic have been an inspiration to us all. have a prosperous life and keep in touch!

89. My future will be full of sunshine I will get everything I need everything I want.

90. Bestwishesonyournewchapterinlife.

91. Wishingyouallthebestinyournewendeavor.

92. 我们祝愿你在开始这个新旅程时快乐和成功。

93. Wewishyoueveryhappinessasyoutakeonyournewrole.

94. Wishingyouallthebestasyoumoveontoyournextchallenge.

95. Wewishyouthebestofluckinallyourfutureendeavors.

96. Wishingyouthebestasyoutakeonthisnewchallenge.

97. 相会再别离,别离再相聚;秋风吹旷野,一期只一会。我会珍惜你我的友情,更期待相会的时刻。

98. Mayyourfuturebefilledwithjoyandsuccess.

99. 我默默地摘下圆月中的那金桂新枝,编织一个相思的美梦,遥寄给远方求学的你。

100. Bestwishesasyoubeginanewchapterinyourlife.

101. 蓝天上缕缕白云,那是我心头丝丝离别的轻愁;然而我的胸怀和长空一样晴朗,因为我想到了不久的重逢。

102. Tomorrow morning don't, I hope the clouds have been with you to go to the distant horizon; Flowers and grass are with you, spreading your distant future.

103. Mayyourfuturebefilledwithsuccessandhappiness.

104. 愿你未来充满成功和幸福。

105. Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.

106. Congratulationsonyournextstepandbestofluckinyourfuturepursuits.

107. Don't buy what you don't need because it's on sale, don't love the wrong person because of emptiness.

108. 地球是圆的,今天的离别是为了他日的重聚。

109. Please keep my affection in your heart when time cannot keep us apart. White clouds leisurely toward flying dusk crossing, I will always hold it to greet you.

110. The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting

111. 明晨行别,但愿云彩、艳阳一直陪伴你走到遥远的天涯;鲜花、绿草相随你铺展远远的前程!

112. Congratulationsandbestofluckasyoumoveontoyournextchapter.

113. Wewishyouhappinessandsuccessasyoupursueyourpassions.

114. 我们祝愿你在未来的努力中获得成功。

115. 祝你在接受新挑战时一切顺利。

116. While you are young, when you fall in love with someone, just love, one day, you will find that you can no longer love a person so recklessly.

117. Happiness is within reach, but we let it fly again and again.

118. 祝你在新的角色中一切顺利,备受期待。

119. 我们祝愿你在接受下一个冒险时成功和幸福。

120. 祝你在新的努力中一切顺利。

121. Wewishyoueveryhappinessandsuccessinyourfutureendeavors.

122. the news of your transfer surprised us all. we will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. it has been an honor to be your colleague.e have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.