

导读 19. When June day comes, baby should always smile.91. Happy holidays to the children! Good health!49. I wish you every success and happiness!

英文儿童祝福语大全 优选93句

1. The life of children is the life of play, and the world of children is the world of play.

2. May you always be pure and happy International Children's Day.

3. 儿童节到了,祝愿你快快长大免我牵挂!

4. 快乐很简单,简单才快乐,祝愿你六一节快乐!

5. I wish the children have a good time, eat comfortably and buy happily.

6. May you be as naive and lively as a child.

7. Happy International Children's Day! May you be the happiest, happiest, cutest and most beautiful child in the world!

8. On International Children's Day, I send you a lollipop to wish you a sweet life.

9. When the June day comes, I will tell you about my childhood and have a good aftertaste.

10. 今天儿童节,祝愿超级儿童节日快乐!

11. xxx在的儿童节日快乐,健康成长!

12. May school-age children have happiness first.

13. I wish you the same childlike innocence, happy every day, happy every year!

14. 六一,朋友,祝愿你永远有颗快乐的童心。

15. International Children's Day, I wish you a happy life!

16. May you be as beautiful as a flower fairy, and happiness and joy be with you.

17. Children's day, I wish you innocence and happiness!

18. Tracing back the most innocent memories of childhood, warming the numb mind.

19. When June day comes, baby should always smile.

20. Movies can be replayed, childhood can not be repeated, happy every day.

21. 去到孩子们中间,找回童年的欢畅!

22. 童年真好!连回忆都是如此美好!

23. Today is the happiest day for the children. I wish them a happy holiday and progress in their studies.

24. 祝愿快乐无比、幸福无比、甜蜜无比。

25. On International Children's Day, may you not only have a childlike innocence, but also wish you a happy life with a childlike face!

26. When the June day comes, we will throw away our troubles and jump with joy. On children's day, our hearts will laugh and memories of the past will go crazy.

27. On children's day, I wish you keep your innocence and have fun every day!

28. 愿你永远怀揣一颗天真烂漫的'童心快乐地生活!

29. May your life be childlike, childlike, carefree and joyful!

30. International Children's Day is coming. May you be happy every day and always!

31. May your childlike innocence be with you and your laughter be with you!

32. Happy children's day, forever childlike you! May you always keep a childlike innocence!

33. On June 1, recall the unforgettable childhood, remember the interesting childhood, and continue the beautiful childhood!

34. 愿你像孩童般开心,像孩童般幸福!

35. May you always have light in your eyes and live the way you want. Happy children's Day!

36. Hehe, it's June day. I wish you a happy children's day.

37. May you sincerely pray that you and I are all well!

38. Children's Day is coming, don't just play with mud, but also take care of your body, pay attention to rest, and wish you a happy holiday!

39. Recall your childhood, may the warmth flow in your heart, hum a nursery rhyme, and may innocence accompany you along the way.

40. May your childlike innocence and childlike words remain forever!

41. On International Children's Day, may your childlike innocence, childlike charm and childlike appearance last forever!

42. 送你一些童趣,愿你忧愁消,欢乐多。

43. On the international children's day, I think of my childhood and you. I hope to keep in touch with you!

44. 儿童节到了,送你一颗快乐的童心!

45. 祝福你,祝愿你儿童节快乐,一切如意!

46. 六一儿童节,愿你童心常在,笑口常开!

47. May your life be clear and bright, with a smile like a flower, and live up to Zhaohua. Happy children's Day!

48. Childlike innocence keeps us away from flashiness and open. Children's Day is coming. May childlike innocence and a happy life!

49. I wish you every success and happiness!

50. Bless you, my baby happy every day.

51. When the June day comes, put down your work and lead your child to play and dance.

52. 让童年的快乐延续,让浪漫的童话伴你一生!

53. Having sat on a girder, numbed our feet, bumped our hips, and pinned our heels, we can never go back to our childhood.

54. I wish you childlike innocence and happiness forever!

55. June day is here. May your childlike innocence never grow old!

56. On children's day, may you keep a childlike heart and show a frank smile!

57. 祝愿你拥有一颗纯真、快乐的童心。

58. On International Children's Day, may your childlike innocence and childlike words remain forever!

59. Children's Day is coming. May you always be childlike and happy every day.

60. I sincerely wish you, who have also grown up, happy as a child, young and never old.

61. International Children's Day, I wish you good health, learning progress, happiness!

62. 但我们可以童年,xxx,童日,童快乐!

63. 儿童节又快到,不管年龄多少,快乐最重要!

64. May you be as carefree and happy as a child.

65. I wish you happiness, health and longevity!

66. I would like to become the angel that the children like in the fairy tale, so as to make the children happy and laugh every day.

67. 儿童节,跟着快乐的节拍,演绎快乐的幸福!

68. 快点擦擦鼻涕,把它收好,祝愿你儿童节快乐!

69. On International Children's Day, I wish you as innocent as a child, as carefree as a child, and as a flower as a child!

70. I wish you a happy June day, and your childhood dreams will become proud.

71. When the June day comes, I will send you my care and miss you all the year round.

72. I wish you: vigorous and rejuvenated.

73. On this day of children's day, bloom a bright smile, relive the leisure of childhood, and enjoy today!

74. I wish you a childlike heart and a happy children's Day!

75. 六一儿童节,祝愿你节日快乐无比!

76. I wish you a happy International Children's Day!

77. Send you a smile, let you feel intoxicated.

78. May you live a happy and auspicious life.

79. 61 is the symbol of the future, 61 is the inheritance of knowledge, 61 is our future, 61 is the hope of the world.

80. Happy International Children's Day, Pepsi!

81. 六一儿童节,愿你开心六一,幸福一生!

82. 儿童节,祝愿你重回童年,快乐相连!

83. May you keep a simple childlike innocence and dance with the steps of the festival. Happy children's day.

84. It's International Children's Day. I hope you can find back your childhood memories and have a happy and different children's day.

85. Dear, when the June day comes, we will be happier than anyone else.

86. 愿你六一心情妙,开开心心每一秒!

87. May you always have a happy heart like a child and live a happy life.

88. 送你一张童颜,愿你青春驻,笑开颜。

89. 提前祝岁数大、心态小的朋友儿童节快乐!

90. Today, on June 1, I send my best wishes to you. I wish you a childlike innocence and a long time of happiness!

91. Happy holidays to the children! Good health!

92. I wish you happiness, good health and a sweet smile on children's day.

93. Prosperity is your waiting, and the colorful dreams come true with you. International Children's Day, may happiness present for you!

英文儿童祝福语大全 优选6句

1. 祝愿所有的朋友今天快乐满溢,找回童趣!

2. 像孩童一样释放五彩缤纷的气球,释放压力。

3. 儿童是希望,儿童是梦想,儿童节快乐!

4. 童年一去不复,祈愿童心永固。儿童节快乐!

5. When the June day comes, the childlike innocence is rippling, the childlike face is displayed, and the voice is full of laughter.

6. Children's Day is coming. I wish you all a happy holiday and happiness forever!