

导读 My dream is very noble, that is to be a teacher.Prepare lessons carefully in your own office. We should carefully prepare the lesson that students are

英语我的梦想作文80词 第1篇

My dream is very noble, that is to be a teacher.

Prepare lessons carefully in your own office. We should carefully prepare the lesson that students are going to learn, which is actually very complicated. For example, we should prepare the important knowledge we want to teach students in the book; Write down the important content in the book so that the students can better record it; If some students don't understand the composition and ask you, you must answer it, otherwise it will show that you haven't prepared for teaching; Be careful when you batch your homework. If you batch your homework incorrectly, the students will think that your teacher is not careless; But when students take exams, their eyes must be 'bright' and pull out those who cheat, otherwise they will ruin their life. You must be gentle with students, and you can't punish them without moving. You can only punish students when they force you to do nothing.

Although it is only a dream, I will make it come true. In the future, I will study hard, work hard to learn every subject well, and grow up to be a teacher. It is not enough to rely on these, but it is better to read 12 compositions and 1 extracurricular book every day.

You can rest assured that I will not make you unhappy in the future. I will let you come to the classroom with a smile and come out of the classroom with a smile.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第2篇

I want to be a glorious people's teacher when I grow up.

Because every time I don't know what to do, I will ask the teacher, and the teacher will tell me in detail. So I know that being a teacher should have a lot of knowledge and teaching well. Another time, a classmate fell down accidentally. A teacher ran to help him up and asked him if he had any pain. This let me know that teachers should care about their classmates.

If I become a teacher, I will teach them seriously. Read some extracurricular books with them and let them spend every day in the sea of books; If I become a teacher, I will play happily with them and make them feel that I am their sister; If I were a teacher, I would

So, in order to realize my dream, I will study hard from now on!

英语我的梦想作文80词 第3篇

I suddenly want to contribute to the magazine, but I am not confident, and I am worried about not having the right way to contribute, and I don't know where to start. When I was in middle school, I read some magazines, and I also searched the author who signed the contract in Weibo.

After reading their microblogs, I knew that they were not middle school students. I always thought they were middle school students who contributed to secondary school magazines. Now it seems that I was completely wrong. They are all sophomore students, like me. I don't know if a sophomore student of mine writes in the secondary school column every day, and others will think it is taking away the opportunity of middle school students. I just want to write about my mood. I don't need to please anyone or say anything against my heart.

I always wanted to be a writer. When I was in middle school, it should be time to study in the eyes of my parents. But I was keen on writing novels. I wrote some and was also circulated by my classmates. At that time, it seemed very popular to write stories of my own. I also read novels of others. At that time, I heard a classmate who published an article and got 50 yuan for the manuscript. I admired her very much. I thought she was really powerful, At that time, she was probably the idol in my eyes. In my heart, it was really great to publish articles. There was no word to describe her worship. She also encouraged students who love novels to contribute. At that time, she only contributed in paper. She helped students write addresses and affix stamps together. I also wanted to contribute, but I didn't have the courage.

I followed the official account of an author of the same age. Her article was in it. Her writing was very comfortable. I became a fan of her. I also hoped to find my original dream through her article and improve my writing style.

No matter whether my dream can be realized or not, I will not give up. This is also my hobby and my own piece of world.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第4篇

Everyone has his own dream. Some people dream of becoming a scientist, while others dream of becoming a teacher. My dream is to be a painter.

I have loved painting since I was young. I draw lovely animals, I draw blue sky, I draw mountains and rivers of nature, and I also want to hold my paintings exhibitions in various countries around the world, so that my paintings can be spread to every corner of the world.

My mother knew that I liked painting very much, so she enrolled me in a painting class. In order to dream, I went to learn painting happily. However, learning to draw is easy to say, but very difficult to do. In order to draw a good picture, I have done a lot of work!

Whether it is windy or rainy, or cold or hot, I will take the photos without fail. I still remember that one day, it rained cats and dogs in the sky. This is the day when I went to learn painting. I got up early, dressed and asked my mother to take me to the painting class. But my mother said, _Feng Feng, it's raining so hard, so don't go today._ I said, _No, I'm going, I must go._ My mother had no choice but to put on a raincoat and send me to the painting class. But when I came to the painting class, no one came except the teacher. The teacher said, _It's raining so hard today that you are the only one to come. If you can't, go back!_ I said, _No, I want to draw._ In this way, the teacher taught me to draw a picture alone. _

I still remember that at the beginning of learning painting, I painted very poorly. Later, the more skillful I painted, the better I painted. By now, I can draw medium-level sketches and gouache. The teacher praised me and said, _I'm not too young, but I'm not too low!_!

This is my dream. In order to realize my dream, I will overcome all difficulties and study hard.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第5篇

What a holy word _dream_ is! Everyone has his own dream, to be a doctor, a teacher, a soldier... My dream is different. I want to be a cartoonist.

Yes, you heard me right. My dream is to be a cartoonist, a first-class cartoonist who draws Japanese cartoons. This dream has been frozen in my heart since the moment I opened the comic book. At that time, I was just beginning to fall in love with comics and was attracted by its funny plot and moving pictures. As soon as I have time every day, I take out cartoons and read them. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, sometimes I feel depressed. I have always believed that people like me who are timid and weak in endurance can only find comfort in cartoons. With this mood, I gradually became familiar with cartoons, and at the same time, I had such a dream in my heart.

I envy those painters who can draw beautiful things, and the interesting life of cartoonists. Although these painters were once considered by adults to coax children, what about that? Dreams should never be questioned.

_A dream is not a dream, nor is it a dream, but a way._ This sentence in the comic book inspired me deeply. So I embarked on the road to pursue my dream.

I keep borrowing cartoons from my classmates in order to copy all the pictures in the book and improve my painting level. Although I always draw like ugly, I still insist on drawing with the help of cartoons. Recall how many times before, I bought all kinds of books and copied them with my blood, and how many times I was photographed by reality and refreshed! Finally! My efforts have paid off. My classmates have been full of praise for my paintings, and the art teacher has also been very appreciative of me. During the painting competition, I won a certificate of award... and I also have communication skills with my classmates who like painting. I want to cry, but I can't, because I am strong and brave, because cartoons have accompanied me through countless obstacles and lost moments. The dream is also deeply rooted in my heart and will never be pulled out.

_The original dream will definitely arrive. Only when you realize your real desire can you count yourself as having passed the heaven..._ The song, _The Original Dream_, rings in your ear. I have a lot of thoughts, and I imagine myself in the studio, working hard and happy to catch up with the painting

英语我的梦想作文80词 第6篇

I believe everyone has many dreams. I also have a dream of my own. The dream is ahead, so we will work hard to move forward.

When I was very young, I was eager to be a doctor to cure and help those patients who were struggling in pain to get rid of the disease, because whenever I caught a cold, I felt very uncomfortable. What's more, those who were injured and tortured by the disease were thousands of times more painful. So when I saw their pain, I wanted to be a doctor to save many people.

I also thought that some people might want to go to Beijing, Shanghai, and big cities like that. The place I want to go is the front line of the war, where there are many dying soldiers. I think there is a place where doctors can really play their skills.

In my hometown, I saw some neighbors who had fever and some people who were close to me. For example, Grandma's waist is not good and she can't sit down. My grandpa's skin color is not good, a little dark and unhealthy. My parents have to spend a lot of money to go to the hospital to treat them. If I become a doctor, I can cure my grandma's waist and grandpa's face by myself. I believe that I will succeed and I will be very happy.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第7篇

Everyone has a dream, and I am no exception. My dream is to be a teacher. Why don't I choose to be a teacher instead of another profession? Listen to me slowly.

As you all know, there have been earthquakes in many places, floods in many places, and many places in China... In a word, these disasters have caused many people to lose their lives, relatives and homes.

When a child is helpless, who can help him? When parents are eager to find their child again, who can experience the anxiety and fear of their parents. The anxiety is because they are afraid of not finding the child, and the fear is because they are afraid that the child is no longer alive.

So I want to be a teacher to cheer up those children who have lost their homes. I believe that knowledge can help them forget everything, forget the pain of losing their family, and forget the beautiful memory of losing everything.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第8篇

I have a dream. I want to be a writer. I write an article with inspiration every day. I have nothing to do with reading the letters from readers. Not many. They just like what I write. One person, one table, one pen, one book, one chair.

Write with your pen and feel the fun of writing carefully. In your spare time, go out for a stroll and write down the things you see outside. Don't be too gorgeous.

There should be a big french window in the house, with a pot of flowers beside it. It doesn't need many expensive varieties, just luxuriant. There should be a vegetable garden in the yard. Instead of growing vegetables, only some flowers, some flowers with strong vitality. I can see butterflies playing in the flowers when I sit upstairs. There is also a tree beside the vegetable garden, not a fruit tree, but osmanthus. When the flowers bloom, the fragrance curls up and accompanies me to sleep at night.

The articles you write need not be known to everyone. Just be happy. Don't be too perfect, just try your best. There is no internet in the house, no mobile phone, only a landline. There is a computer, only for articles.

If I have a child, I will teach her to write, but I will not force her. She will have her choice and be happy.

If I can take the children of the orphanage home, I will let them read books. Reading books can cultivate sentiment.

If only that were true, I would invite my friends to my home and invite them to tea

I have a dream. I want to be a writer.

I have a dream that has not yet come true.

I have a dream, at least I'm still trying

英语我的梦想作文80词 第9篇

Ryan has dreams, I also have dreams. Everyone in the world has dreams. Dream is like a compass, pointing us forward.

My dream is to be a writer, to describe moving pictures with an inconspicuous pen, let others feel their own experience, and let others have more extracurricular books to read.

Writer is a sacred job. This job should be done by people who are good at learning and writing. So I keep working hard, listening carefully in composition class and studying composition.

I adore Shen Shixi because he is known as the _king of animal novels_. Therefore, I have regarded his masterpiece as the apple of my eye since I was a child. I often cannot put it down. I forget to eat and sleep as soon as I read it. I often wait until my mother is furious.

Every time I have a composition class, I will listen attentively. The teacher's sentence _good memory is not as good as bad pen_ often rings in my ear. I like this sentence, and I like its _good memory_ and _bad pen_. I don't know why.

Every time I write a composition, I will try my best to write it well, so my composition in the class is often praised by the teacher. However, I am not satisfied with this. I always think proudly: How can a writer need this little praise, it should be the praise of others to do great things later, which is called glory! Therefore, I kept working hard to achieve better results and become the second _king of animal novels_ and the second Shen Shixi who wrote brilliantly.

The power of dreams is so powerful and charming. Ah! I hope my back can grow strong wings and fly in the dream space.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第10篇

My dream is to be a doctor. Once, when I was dancing in the dance class, my arm was accidentally pulled out of place by my little friend, and I cried because of the pain. The dance teacher immediately called my father and mother. My father and mother took me to the hospital. The doctor uncle grabbed my arm, talked to me, and pinched it. Suddenly, the doctor uncle made an effort, and I cried out. The doctor uncle said, OK, I try to move, hey! It's really good. I smiled happily.

Doctors can relieve pain and bring joy to patients. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第11篇

I hope I can become a doctor in the was born in a doctor's parents are both are always busy working for patients' health and have no time to look after saved many people's lives during their doctor is called _Angles in White_.Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my hoped future I might be a doctor.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第12篇

Everyone has his own dream to pursue. I also have my own dream. My dream is budding, but I believe it will grow up.

My dream is to be an artist when I grow up. Feng Zikai's cartoons are thought-provoking, Qi Baishi's shrimp are lifelike, Xu Beihong's horse is galloping and jumping. I also want them to be real painters, and give beautiful paintings to the earth and nature. Painting can bring us happiness, anger and sadness. When we see a beautiful painting, we will feel happy; When we see a messy picture, our mood will also be depressed and irritable; When we see meaningful cartoons, we will even feel the same way. The process of painting is a relaxed and comfortable process. Painting can let us forget our worries and feel the charm of happiness.

In order to realize my dream - to be an artist, I should attend every art class in school and every Sunday, listen carefully in class, draw every picture well, and learn all the theoretical knowledge taught by the teacher. For example, when painting, there should be a relationship between front and back occlusion, near, far and small. Only by learning all these knowledge can we make every painting beautiful and vivid.

If you have a dream, you should keep pursuing it. Life is like archery, and dreams are like target. If you can't find the target, what's the point of drawing a bow every day? Only efforts can succeed!

英语我的梦想作文80词 第13篇

My dream is to be a doctor, help all patients recover and let them walk around like normal people.

The main reason why I want to be a doctor is that my mother, for some reason, has lost her hair piece by piece. According to my hometown, this disease is called alopecia areata. Since my mother got this disease, my mother is very worried. Every day, while I am at school, I go to see a doctor. However, the hospital did not give a positive answer. Although my mother is ill, she still insists on cooking for me on time every day. Every day, my mother goes to bed late and gets up early, and cares about my school. Until one day, when I saw that the wrinkles on my mother's face increased day by day. I thought: I must be a doctor when I grow up to help my mother cure the disease,

If I realize my dream, the first thing I do is to cure my illness. In that way, mother would no longer have to go shopping with wigs or hats, and mother would no longer have to worry about illness.

In order to realize my dream, I should study hard from childhood and read more extracurricular books related to learning. I can be a doctor and help my mother see a doctor in the future.

Fight for your future dreams!

英语我的梦想作文80词 第14篇

My dream job is to be a teacher because I think it is the greatest job in the teach the students the whole knowledge they also educate the students how to be a good hope I can become a good teacher and have many great students in the I must work hard now to make my dream come true !

英语我的梦想作文80词 第15篇

Dreams are like stars, very close and far away; Dreams are also like rainbows, shining with seven-color light in the sky, beautiful and incomparable; The dream is also like a broad ocean, loaded with everyone's hope.

My dream is to be a children's book writer, who can write many wonderful and imaginative children's books, so that children can enjoy reading and enjoy reading. I think: when I see their smiling faces, I will be very happy.

I have always liked reading children's books since I was young. I have to read a book countless times. There is a book that I can't put it down. That is the _Laughing Cat Diary_ written by the writer Aunt Yang Hongying. When you enter the campus, you will find that the students in the class almost have a copy of the _Laughing Cat Diary_. My mother can't help but also buy me a copy. When I hold it in my hand, I will forget it. Sometimes I laugh when I look at it. Sometimes I cry to myself. My parents often laugh at me as _insane_. I also often share the humorous plot with my family and friends, and regard Aunt Yang Hongying as my idol. It is her that makes me have the desire to become a writer.

I fell in love with writing and wanted to write a good book that would benefit children for life. Slowly, I began to try to write some articles and contribute to newspapers and magazines. So far, I have published more than ten articles. Although my dream is still far away, I firmly believe that as long as I persevere and never give up, my dream will come true.

To be an excellent children's book writer and write many good books for children is my dream. What is your dream?

英语我的梦想作文80词 第16篇

Everyone has his own dream. People without dreams are like a ship without sails. My dream is to be a writer.

When I was very young, my mother took me to the palace of literature. As soon as I have time, my mother will read a picture book for me. The first picture book my mother read to me was _Crazy Tuesday_. In her vivid reading, I understood the meaning of _crazy_. My mother also read _Guess how much I love you_, _stubborn turtle_, _grandpa must have a way_... It was my mother who brought me to a polite world, a world of knowledge and reason, which made me feel strange, It made me have a strong interest.

In the third grade, I began to read books in volumes. I have read _The Little Pig Snors_, _The Secret of the Treasure Hulu_, _Rabbit Slope_, _Little Peas by the Window_, and _Swan Blowing the Trumpet_. In my thirsty reading, I have known well-known writers at home and abroad, such as Sun Youjun, Zhang Tianyi, Yang Hongying, Shen Shixi, and Heiliuchezi. I want to be a writer like Yang Hongying and Shen Shixi. This dream is getting stronger and stronger.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第17篇

In life, everyone has a dream of his own. My dream is to be a painter.

Once again, the teacher brought the paintings of our class to the class and pasted them on the wall for us to visit. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and many beautiful paintings were displayed in front of me. From then on, I had a dream in my heart, that is, to be a painter. Draw beautiful pictures and send them to my relatives and friends, or paste them in my home.

From that day on, every time I took art classes, I drew every picture carefully. But this is not enough. I also reported to the art group for the Children's Palace event held by the school. Every day after school, we take the painting book to draw pictures where I have never seen them before, so I became more interested in painting, and every time I paint, I am meticulous. My mother enrolled me in a painting class to learn painting. Since then, I will learn to draw every week. In this way, my painting level has improved little by little. The teacher also praised me for my progress, and my heart was very happy.

Now, I will learn painting every day, and every night, I still insist on painting at home.

I am striving for my dream - to be a painter, just as the second Qi Baishi.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第18篇

I have a dream about my career. I want to be a teacher, because I think teacher is a good job. Generally speaking, teachers have much knowledge. They can help students to enrich their knowledge. Besides, teachers can communicate with students all the time. It helps teachers keep young at heart. Finally, teachers have two long holidays a year. In the free time, I can do many things I like. And I have time to travel. It makes me exciting. I must work hard to realize my dream.

I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future. Therefore, I can buy all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut. Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream come true, I must work hard now. So that I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge. I hope my dream can come true one day.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第19篇

Today, my mother took me to the girls' school to learn to draw children's paintings under my various pleadings.

In class, the teacher asked us to draw from life and draw everything we saw. A little girl drew a picture: a little girl drawing on the table, two little girls holding lollipops in their hands, and one drawing a little like Mr. Chen, which made Mr. Chen angry. Another little girl drew a picture of a woman walking on a grass slope with high heels and a hedgehog. I picked up my pen and drew a lot. A little girl who paints gouache with a brush on the table, a country girl with a wicker, a little girl in a cotton-padded jacket, and a little girl who crawls like a pillar----

The second picture shows two teachers and students. There are many kinds of pencils on the table. There is a Roast squab beside the computer, and there are many things on the windowsill on the wall, such as lucky stars, drifting bottles, and vases with flowers always open. There are chairs painted by students under the table - many backgrounds are lifelike under my brush.

The eyes of the two teachers in the two paintings I drew were attracted. They both found their mobile phones from their schoolbags and took pictures of my paintings _click, click_. Two teachers spoke highly of my paintings. They believed that I would become a painter in the near future.

In order to realize my dream as a painter, I know that it is impossible to have a dream alone. It also requires hard study and serious practice in painting at ordinary times!

英语我的梦想作文80词 第20篇

All along, I have a dream, to be a life-saving doctor.

Since I was born, I have been weak and sickly. I have to rely on drugs to maintain my health since childhood. And I have become a medicine bottle_. All along, I want a healthy life, but can not always get rid of those bottles. If I can become a doctor, I can think of a way to cure your disease, so mom and dad won't worry about me, and I can also come on drugs comfortable, healthy life.

If I become a doctor, I must help more people out of the disease, I know I have limited ability, but I will do my best to let as many people out of pain. I will try to study new drugs and heart treatment, and strive to become a good doctor!

But now I'm still a student. I must take you to study and eventually become a qualified doctor!

英语我的梦想作文80词 第21篇

The dream with wings can fly farther, and the dream with feet can walk more steadily. I have a pair of invisible wings that take me to fly over hope. Everyone has his own dream, and my dream is to be a good teacher.

Whenever I see the teacher standing on the platform and teaching knowledge to the students, I feel that the teacher is great. So I should also study hard to be a teacher, teach knowledge to many people and let them have rich knowledge.

If I really become a teacher when I grow up, I will not let my classmates study in textbooks every moment. I will let them study happily in life. To smell flowers in spring, to swim in summer, to swim in autumn, and to watch snow in winter. I will also let students read more interesting extra-curricular books, so that they can learn more knowledge from textbooks. Anyway, I want to make students have rich knowledge and make them feel that I am the best teacher.

So now I want to study hard, learn every course well, master every knowledge well, and realize my dream.

英语我的梦想作文80词 第22篇

I often think that dream is an equal platform. Whoever works for it and who works for it, it will tilt towards who.

My dream is to become a writer. My dream may not be the most enviable. Maybe many people will be like me, but I still see what attracts me

When I was young, I thought reading was a boring thing, and I had no interest at all. As I grow older, slowly, I think: What is the most difficult to find in the world, not the priceless Preface to the Orchid Pavilion,? It is not Alibaba's treasure, not a rare epiphyllum, not a fleeting Haishi Shenglou, but a heart that understands the charm of words.

My dream is to become a writer who knows dedication like Gong Zizhen. _Falling red is not a heartless thing. It's more like praising the spirit of dedication._. I want to write for my readers. Maybe the number of those works is less than that of other writers, but I will write every chapter, paragraph, word and word carefully. I have to revise repeatedly and carefully understand the subtle differences of different expressions. Even if it takes a long time, I must express the most perfect and perfect feeling. I will take care of every article with my heart, modify and polish it carefully, so that every article can become a masterpiece.

For this reason, I will let myself read each book several times, and I will immediately copy it when I see something surprising. When I have inspiration occasionally, I always write it down in a hurry, for fear that inspiration will be fleeting.

I am ready to work hard for my dream, because I know that the world is fair, and the people who pay will gain. A careless man is nothing but a basket of water.

There is a word called _diligence makes up for weakness_. Only by working hard can we succeed. Work hard to make your dream come true.

Think of Bill Gates, a successful man who can be called a global millionaire. He devoted his life to the software industry and made his dream come true. At first, he showed a strong interest in computers, and then he decided to start his own company. In order to provide a platform for his dream to be displayed, he worked hard every day. Finally, he succeeded. He did it - always fighting for his dream.

Today, should we also learn to fight for our dreams? Yes, because we still have bigger dreams. The teacher often said: Don't feel your dream is out of reach. It's not a sin to think too much. It's a sin to think too much.

I know it's not easy to be a writer. It's not like people think, waiting to make money at home. We need to accumulate more, read more and learn Chinese well. So from now on, I will start to fight for my dream. I want to write my composition well and learn Chinese well. To lay a good foundation for writing, I believe that as long as I work hard, these are not difficult.

Dream, it stands quietly, never showing a smile, but I pour it with sweat with my heart and effort, expecting it to open up