

导读 It looks like rain [raining]. 看来要下雨了,关于天气的英语句子。It’s getting warmer (and warmer). 天气越来越暖和了。34.多热的天,咱们进屋吧,屋里凉爽一点。 Quelle chaleur! Entrons dans la

家乡的天气英语作文6句 第1篇

There are all kinds of weather every day. For example, today is a sunny day in my hometown. In spring, there will be a lot of rain, which makes you feel cool in summer, but it will rain cats and dogs.

Even if it is still hot in autumn, there will be a lot of windy weather. Sometimes there will be clouds and snow in winter, which makes me feel cold. The weather I like makes us feel cold Life has become colorful.



家乡的天气英语作文6句 第2篇

My hometown is beautiful and warm in spring, but sometimes it rains. Now there are many people flying kites. Some people are in the trees in summer.

The weather is very hot and humid. Some children are swimming. Some people are exercising.

There are many green trees and many beautiful forests in autumn. The weather is cool and dry. Everyone lives in homger.

This is the weather in my hometown. Everyone is very happy.



家乡的天气英语作文6句 第3篇

Spring has come, every corner of the earth is filled with the breath of spring, everywhere are the spring of Luxian flowers, painted thin willow, the above written clean flax leaf grass with the fragrance of the soil in your drill out, drifting, there are dead volcanoes, green flowers also stretch out their arms yawn, small head out of the children take off the heavy winter clothes, put on light and bright spring clothes From time to time, in the spring, when the spring breeze blows, the birds sing: in the spring, it's so beautiful and exciting that the birds come out in the spring, and the spring breeze is so beautiful that it's really exciting People's mood is more beautiful, a winter lazy compass, brilliant smiling face stand full of hope Park, lively, took photos of young people, fishing, the old man catching insects, every intoxicated in the arms of nature, reluctant to give up people are busy in the spring, as the saying goes: a year's plan starts from spring, in the city's streets, shuttle busy On the ground, in the countryside, the seeds of hope of farmers are like a new claoom on the wall. There are new books, schedules and fruits of a lot of knowledge waiting for us to pick the spring I love. I like to smell the flowers, see the green on the trees, and hear that little uzyassingh loves spring because it is full of vitality and new hope^^.



家乡的天气英语作文6句 第4篇


1、if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.如果事情值得做,就值得做好。

2、misfortunes never come alone/single.祸不单行。

3、When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that’s warm.蚂蚁搬家,天将雨。

4、better late than never.迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。

5、constant dropping wears the stone.滴水穿石。

6、If bees stay at home,rain will soon they fiy away ,fine will be the day.蜜蜂迟归,xxx风吹。

7、east or west, home is best.东好西好,还是家里最好。

8、from small beginning come great things.伟大始于渺小。

9、in doing we learn.实践长才干。

10、lifeless, faultless.只有死人才不犯错误。

11、the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.舌无骨却能折断骨。

12、Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.日晕三更雨,月晕午时风。

13、nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.无热情成就不了伟业。

14、When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.月明星稀。

15、Red sky at night,sailor’ sky in the morning,sailor take waring.早霞不出门,晚霞行千里。

16、a bold attempt is half success.勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。

17、It never rains but it pours xxx则以,xxx惊人。()

18、actions speak louder than words.行动比语言更响亮。

19、it’s never too late to mend.过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。

20、two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个xxx。

21、good company on the road is the shortest cut.行路有良伴就是捷径。

22、misfortunes tell us what fortune is.不经灾祸不知福。

23、truth never fears investigation.事实从来不怕调查。

24、one today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。

家乡的天气英语作文6句 第5篇


weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. for example, good weather makes people happy. bad weather makes people sick and depressed. be sides, on a fine day, one can go out for a walk or play a game in the open. on a rainy day, however, he can only stay indoors, in a word, weather is part of life for all of us.

the first thing that many people do after getting up is to see what the weather is like. with a knowledge of the weather people can arrange work and life of the day. if it is fine, he may decide to go on a picnic. if it is cloudy, he will have to take a raincoat or an umbrella with him when he is leaving the house. whatever the weather may be, one tends to adjust his activities to it accordingly.

in order to know what the weather will he, special people are hired 1o provide this information. they collect data, analyze them and predict the weather of the coming day. this information, which is announced on the radio or on tv, is usually very accurate. thanks to the efforts of those professionals, we can always know the weather in advance and get prepared for it.

家乡的天气英语作文6句 第6篇







家乡的天气英语作文6句 第7篇









家乡的天气英语作文6句 第8篇

bite best before a rain.


around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.


a halo rings around the moon or sun, rain is approaching on the run.


sky at night, sailor’s sky in the morning, sailor’s warning.


in the morning. fountains in the evening.

早晨天上积雨云, 晚上地下降暴雨

sky at night,sailor’ sky in the morning,sailor take waring.


bees stay at home,rain will soon they fiy away ,fine will be the day.


never rains but it pours.


家乡的天气英语作文6句 第9篇

英语作文 我的家乡一

My home town is a beautiful place.

It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.

Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another.

The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown.

All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

英语作文 我的家乡二

I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet.

I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry.

I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.

英语作文 我的家乡三

Welcome to my hometown! Shanghai is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here.

It is very easy to go shopping. You can see big trees and nice flowers. There are many restaurants in Shanghai. The food tastes very delicious.

You can enjoy eyery minutes of it. Many visitors come here to enjoy it.


家乡的天气英语作文6句 第10篇

During the late 20 century, global warming became more and more bothering to human beings.

Nowadays, it is commonly acknowledged that to maintain permanent peace and development, environmental problems must be solved with highest priority. In my opinion, to control global warming, government should carry out sensible policies and common people also should take their resibonsibilities.

I can remember big snow came every year when I was a child, and the weather was so cold that I couldn‘t go outdoors without my scarf and hat. But these years, big snows are hard to see, and even in December, you needn’t wear too much because it’s not cold at all. The climate is changing. In the past decades, global warming arouse many countries attention and they do took some measures to ease this problem. However, though the Kyoto Protocol was signed, some countries are not willing to hold their pace of economic development. To drive the global warming under control, we still have a long way to go.

Governments are the main force in the combat against global warming. On the issues concerning global warming, the variety of attitudes toward global warming is a greatest obstacle for us to win this combat. So, at first, all the countries must reach an agreement on striking a balance between developing economy and solving this environmental problem. Then, some effective policies should be adopted to reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases.

Common people's involvements are the key to ease the global warming. One persons ablity is slight, but if every one can make a little effort, the achivement will be incredible. What can we do for itI think first, we can learn something about global warming, to be aware of it and to know our resiponsiblities to this planet. In addition, we can should not to make greenhouse gases, specificlly, to take bus or ride bicycle instead of driving private car.

If we human beings can make joint effort to take care of this planet. I think global warming will certainly be solved in the near future.

家乡的天气英语作文6句 第11篇

Spring is coming, every corner of the earth is filled with the breath of spring. The campus is full of the spring reed fragrance. The willow branches draw thin willow filaments.

The clean light yellow grass is written on it. With the fragrance of the soil, you can drill out and float. There are dead volcanoes.

The green flowers stretch out their arms and yawn. The children in the small heads take off the heavy winter clothes and put on the light ones The birds fly out from home and sing a song that tells us: spring is coming. Spring is really in the pond, in the field and in the sky.

The natural scenery is full of vitality. The sunshine is warm in the body, and the gentle breeze is blowing on the face. It is warm and comfortable.

In rainy days, spring bursts out from time to time Ray, the thrilling and exciting spring scenery is so beautiful. The mood of spring makes people feel more beautiful because of the lazy compass in winter. His bright smiling face stands in the park full of hope.

He takes a picture of young people, fishing and old people catching insects. Everyone is intoxicated in the arms of nature, and those who can't leave are busy in the spring, As the saying goes: a year's plan starts from spring. You see, in the streets of the city, the busy ground figure shuttles around, the rural fields, the seeds of hope of farmers are like a new book on the wall of the new semester claoom.

On the timetable, many fruits of knowledge are waiting for us to gather. I like to smell the flowers, see the green of the trees, and hear the little uzya sing my love Spring is full of vitality and new hope^^.



家乡的天气英语作文6句 第12篇

It looks like rain [raining]. 看来要下雨了,关于天气的英语句子。

It looks as if it’s going to rain. 像要下雨了。

It’s going to rain. 要下雨了。

It’s beginning to rain. 开始下雨了。

It’s clearing up. 天放晴了。

It’s going to be fine tomorrow. 明天将是个晴天。

It seems to be clearing up. 天似乎要转晴了。

It’s getting warmer (and warmer). 天气越来越暖和了。

I think there’ll be a storm soon. 我看很快就会有场暴风雨。

I don’t think the rain would last long. 我看这雨不会下很久的。

I think the rain is going to last all day. 我看这雨会下个整天了。

We’re going to have a snowfall today. 今天会下雪了。

The rain is setting in. 雨下起来了。

I’m so glad it has turned out fine. 我真高兴结果是个好天。

I’m so sorry it has turned out wet. 真遗憾结果是个下雨天。

I hope it will keep fine. 我希望天会一直晴下去。

I hope the weather stays this way. 我希望天气总是这么好。

I hope it won’t rain. 我希望天不会下雨。

The rain has stopped. 雨停了。

Lovely day [weather], isn’t it? 天气真好,是吗?

Nice and warm today, isn’t it? 今天挺暖和的,是吗?

Very hot today, isn’t it? 今天很热,是吗?

Rather cold today, isn’t it? 今天很冷,是吗?

Terrible weather, isn’t it? 天气真糟,是吗?

Pretty warm, isn’t it? 挺暖和的,是吗?

Isn’t it lovely weather? 天气真好。

Isn’t it a lovely day? 天气真好。

It’s raining heavily. 雨下得真大。

It’s much colder than (it was) yesterday. 今天比昨天冷多了。

It’s rather windy today. 今天风很大。

It’s quite cool here in August. 这里八月份很凉快。

What a lovely day! 天气真好。

What fine weather we’re having! 天气真好。

1.今天天气怎么样? Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

今天天气好。 Il fait beau.

2.天气好极了。 Il fait un temps magnifique.(splendide)

3.天气温和。 Il fait doux.(bon,tiède)

4.天气凉爽。 Il fait frais.

5.今天有太阳。 Il fait du soleil.

6.天空晴朗,xxx无云。 Il fait clair,asns nuages.

7.天气干燥。 Il fait sec

8.天气潮湿。 Il fait humide.

9.天气不好。 Il fait mauvais.

10.今天阴天 Il fait un temps gris.

11.气温多高? Qu’indique le thermomètre?

10度 Le thermomètre marque 10 degrés.

零下2度 Le thermomètre indoque 2 degrés au-dessous de zéro.

12.今天温度是多少?15度 Quelle thermomètre fait-il aujourd’hui? Il fait 15°

13.今天气温多高;零度 Quelle est la température fait-il aujourd’hui. Zéro degr

14.今天多少度?零下10度 Combien fait-il aujourd’hiu? Il fait mois d’aot?

15.八月份平均气温多少? Quelle est la température moyenne du mois d’aot?

平均气温摄氏30度 La température moyenne est de 30°C

17.你们地区最高温度多少? Quelle est la température maximale(la plus élevée)de

votre région?

18.最低气温是多少? Quelle est la température minimale(la plus basse)de la


19.夏天,气温可高达42度。 En été , la température peut monter(s’élever)

jusqu’à 42°C

20.冬天,气温可下降到零下30度。 En hiver, la température peut descendre

(baisser) à moins 30°

21.在我们那儿,同一天里气温常常相差很大。 Chez nous,il y a souvent de grands é

carts de température deams la même journée.

22.我们地区冬天和夏天的温差不大。 les écarts de température entre l’hiver et

l’éte ne sont pas très importands dans nos régions.

23.气温变化于零下10度和零上42度之间,中学生作文《关于天气的英语句子》。 La température varie entre -10° et


24.今天温度比昨天更低。 La température d’aujourd’hui est plus bassw que celle


25.明天气_今天还要高。 La température de demain sera encore plus élevée


26.天热。 Il fait chaud.

27.天热得受不了。 Il fait une chaleur torride (acablante, insupportable).

28.天闷热 Il fait loued.(étouffant)

29.天热得喘不过气来。 C’est irrespirable.

30.热得像火炉 C’est un four!

31.烈日当空 Il fait un soleil brlant.(Quel soleil de plomb!)

32.今天大太阳,xxx草帽。 Mettez un chapeau de paille, il y a beaucoup de


33.天真热,我从来没有碰到过这么热的天。 Qu’il fait chaud aujourd’hui! Je n’ai

jamais vu un temps pareil.

34.多热的天,咱们进屋吧,屋里凉爽一点。 Quelle chaleur! Entrons dans la

maison, il y fait plus frais.

35.这屋子真热,你把窗打开,让人透透气。 Qu’esr-ce qu’il fait chaud dans cette

piéce! Ouvre la fenêtre pourqu’on ait un peu d’air.

36.我喜欢天气热的地方,我怕冷。 Je préfére les pays chauds,je ne supporte pas

le froid.

37.我浑身是汗,我要洗个澡。 Je suis tout en cueur,(en nage) je vais prendre

une douche.

38.走,乘凉去。 Allons prendre le frais.

39.给我们一点饮料喝,凉快凉快。 Donnez-nous à boire quelque chose qui nous


40.把窗户打开,把电扇也打开,使房间凉快一点。 Ouvrez les fenêtres et mettez en

marche le ventilateur pour rafrachir la chambre.

41.天冷。 Il fait froid.

42.天很冷。 Il fait très froid.(Il fait un froid de canard. )

43.天寒地冻。 Il fait glacial.(Il fait froid à pierre fendre.)

44.感到凉意。 Le froid se fait sentir.

45.寒气袭人。 le froid est pénétrant (ivf,perant,mordant)

46.突然来了寒流。 Il est survenu coup de froid inattendu.

47.寒流将造成大幅降温 La vague de froid entranera une importante baisse de


48.寒流冻坏了蔬菜和果树的花朵。 Un coup de froid a gelé les légumes et les

fleurs des arbres fruitiers.

49.寒流是从北方过来的。 La vague de froid descend du Nord.

50.寒流终于过去了。 La vague de froid s’est enfin retirée.

51.我冷。 J’ai froid.

52.我怕冷。 Je ceains le froid.(Je suis frileux.)(Je suis sensible au froid.)

53.你鼻子尖都冻红了,到暧气那暖暖。 Tu as le bout de nez tout rouge. Va te

chauffer près du radiateur!

54.我们晒太阳取暖。 Nous nous chauffons au soleil.

55.我冻坏了。 Je gèle. (Je caille.)

56.我冷得发抖。 Je grelotte (tremble) de froid.

57.我的手冻木了。 J’ai les mains transies (gelées).

58.你不给孩子多穿点衣服,他就会会着凉的。 Votre enfant prendra froid, si vous

ne le couvrez pas assez.

59.冬天要注意多穿一点衣服。 Il faut avoir soin de bien se couvrir en hier.

60.下冰雹。 Il grêle. (Il tombe de la grêle.)

61.冰雹越下越大。 Les grêlons tombent de plus en plus.

62.冰雹砸着玻璃窗。 La grêlons fouette (frappe) les vitres.

63.一阵冰雹把蔬菜的水果全毁了 Une averse de grêle a détruit (saccagé)les lé

gumes et les fruits.

64.降霜 Il fait du givre.(du frimas).

65.房顶上覆盖着霜 Les toits sont couverts de givre.

66.树枝挂满了白霜 Les arbres sont chargés de givre.

67.今天地上结了薄冰。 Il fait du verglas aujourd’hui.

68.街道上都覆盖一层薄冰 Les rues sont couvertes de verglas.

69. 结冰 Il géle.

70.夜里河水冻了。 La rivière a gelé pendant la nuit.

71.晾在外面的内衣都冻冰了。 Tout le linge dehors a gelé.

72.天冷,地冻得很硬。 Le froid géle le sol.


家乡的天气英语作文6句 第13篇

My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

家乡的天气英语作文6句 第14篇

Hangzhou is my hometown in spring. The weather is warm and humid in summer. I go sightseeing with my friends.

The weather is hot. I like swimming in summer. Autumn is cool and dry.

I can fly kites in winter. It is cold and dry. We wear coats and hats.

I love my beautiful hometown. How about you.



家乡的天气英语作文6句 第15篇

Xi’an is my hometown.

Spring has ’s always warmin spring,but it rains ’s often really like a spring breeze.

Summer follows is getting hotter and ’s often rainy in ’s always dry in July and August. The sun shines every when I moved a little,I sweated.

The autumn sky is really nice and is cool and day are getting trees is going to turn red and is the time when we catch a cold easily.

It is often cold in winter. I really enjoy threw snowballs with my friends. I made a small snowman,too. I hope the snowman will stay as it is without melting.

I like spring best of all the seasons in a year in my hometown. What’s the climate like in your hometown?

家乡的天气英语作文6句 第16篇

There are all kinds of weather every day. For example, today is a sunny day in my hometown. In spring, there will be a lot of rain, which makes you feel cool in summer, but it will rain cats and dogs.

Even if it is still hot in autumn, there will be a lot of windy weather. Sometimes there will be clouds and snow in winter, which makes me feel cold. I like the weather, it Make our life colorful.



家乡的天气英语作文6句 第17篇





家乡的天气英语作文6句 第18篇

Hello, my friend, let me tell you something about the climate of my hometown. My hometown is in Fujian Province. The weather is always fine in spring, but sometimes, there will be drizzle in summer.

The weather is not very good, but it always rains. Is it cool and comfortable in autumn and winter? My hometown is not cold. In short, the weather is warm and sunny.

I hope you will love my hometown.



家乡的天气英语作文6句 第19篇






冬天,一年中最后的一个季节,是一个让人高呼的季节,它是冬天没错,但它没有其它地区的冷冷的寒意,没有足以让人冷得直打哆嗦呼呼的北风,它有的是温暖的气候,即使穿着两三件衣服也不觉寒冷。 噢,这是个体贴人的冬天。 我,就爱家乡的这种天气。

家乡的天气英语作文6句 第20篇

1.今天天气怎么样? Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

今天天气好。 Il fait beau.

2.天气好极了。 Il fait un temps magnifique.(splendide)

3.天气温和。 Il fait doux.(bon,tiède)

4.天气凉爽。 Il fait frais.

5.今天有太阳。 Il fait du soleil.

6.天空晴朗,xxx无云。 Il fait clair,asns nuages.

7.天气干燥。 Il fait sec

8.天气潮湿。 Il fait humide.

9.天气不好。 Il fait mauvais.

10.今天阴天 Il fait un temps gris.

11.气温多高? Qu’indique le thermomètre?

10度 Le thermomètre marque 10 degrés.

零下2度 Le thermomètre indoque 2 degrés au-dessous de zéro.

12.今天温度是多少?15度 Quelle thermomètre fait-il aujourd’hui? Il fait 15°

13.今天气温多高;零度 Quelle est la température fait-il aujourd’hui. Zéro degr

14.今天多少度?零下10度 Combien fait-il aujourd’hiu? Il fait mois d’aot?

15.八月份平均气温多少? Quelle est la température moyenne du mois d’aot?

平均气温摄氏30度 La température moyenne est de 30°C

17.你们地区最高温度多少? Quelle est la température maximale(la plus élevée)de

votre région?

18.最低气温是多少? Quelle est la température minimale(la plus basse)de la


19.夏天,气温可高达42度。 En été , la température peut monter(s’élever)

jusqu’à 42°C

20.冬天,气温可下降到零下30度。 En hiver, la température peut descendre

(baisser) à moins 30°

21.在我们那儿,同一天里气温常常相差很大。 Chez nous,il y a souvent de grands é

carts de température deams la même journée.

22.我们地区冬天和夏天的温差不大。 les écarts de température entre l’hiver et

l’éte ne sont pas très importands dans nos régions.

23.气温变化于零下10度和零上42度之间。 La température varie entre -10° et


24.今天温度比昨天更低。 La température d’aujourd’hui est plus bassw que celle


25.明天气_今天还要高。 La température de demain sera encore plus élevée


26.天热。 Il fait chaud.

27.天热得受不了, Il fait une chaleur torride (acablante, insupportable).

28.天闷热 Il fait loued.(étouffant)

29.天热得喘不过气来。 C’est irrespirable.

30.热得像火炉 C’est un four!

31.烈日当空 Il fait un soleil brlant.(Quel soleil de plomb!)

32.今天大太阳,xxx草帽。 Mettez un chapeau de paille, il y a beaucoup de


33.天真热,我从来没有碰到过这么热的天。 Qu’il fait chaud aujourd’hui! Je n’ai

jamais vu un temps pareil.

34.多热的天,咱们进屋吧,屋里凉爽一点。 Quelle chaleur! Entrons dans la

maison, il y fait plus frais.

35.这屋子真热,你把窗打开,让人透透气。 Qu’esr-ce qu’il fait chaud dans cette

piéce! Ouvre la fenêtre pourqu’on ait un peu d’air.

36.我喜欢天气热的地方,我怕冷。 Je préfére les pays chauds,je ne supporte pas

le froid.

37.我浑身是汗,我要洗个澡。 Je suis tout en cueur,(en nage) je vais prendre

une douche.

38.走,乘凉去。 Allons prendre le frais.

39.给我们一点饮料喝,凉快凉快。 Donnez-nous à boire quelque chose qui nous


40.把窗户打开,把电扇也打开,使房间凉快一点。 Ouvrez les fenêtres et mettez en

marche le ventilateur pour rafrachir la chambre.

41.天冷。 Il fait froid.

42.天很冷。 Il fait très froid.(Il fait un froid de canard. )

43.天寒地冻。 Il fait glacial.(Il fait froid à pierre fendre.)

44.感到凉意。 Le froid se fait sentir.

45.寒气袭人。 le froid est pénétrant (ivf,perant,mordant)

46.突然来了寒流。 Il est survenu coup de froid inattendu.

47.寒流将造成大幅降温 La vague de froid entranera une importante baisse de


48.寒流冻坏了蔬菜和果树的花朵。 Un coup de froid a gelé les légumes et les

fleurs des arbres fruitiers.

49.寒流是从北方过来的。 La vague de froid descend du Nord.

50.寒流终于过去了。 La vague de froid s’est enfin retirée.

51.我冷。 J’ai froid.

52.我怕冷。 Je ceains le froid.(Je suis frileux.)(Je suis sensible au froid.)

53.你鼻子尖都冻红了,到暧气那暖暖。 Tu as le bout de nez tout rouge. Va te

chauffer près du radiateur!

54.我们晒太阳取暖。 Nous nous chauffons au soleil.

55.我冻坏了。 Je gèle. (Je caille.)

56.我冷得发抖。 Je grelotte (tremble) de froid.

家乡的天气英语作文6句 第21篇

The weather in my hometown is sunny most of the time. The old people there often go out for a walk in the afternoon. Even if it is winter now, I don't feel too cold.

Sometimes it rains and the sky turns grey, but it doesn't matter, because everyone in my hometown knows that the weather will get better soon.



家乡的天气英语作文6句 第22篇



2 What room has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors?


3 What is dark but is made by light ?


4 What is easy to get into but hard to get out of ?


5 What is black When it is clean and white when it is dirty?
