

导读 [3]姜秀娟.谈大学英语教学的三个转变[J].天津市教科院学报,2012(4).The population on earth is increasing rapidly, and with the developmcnr of modern industry, more and more peop

英语作文专四范文 第1篇

The population on earth is increasing rapidly, and with the developmcnr of modern industry, more and more people are flowing into cities. So, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.

There have been many suggested solutions to this problem. And I'm in favour of the idea of building satellite cities in suburbs. The fresh air and beautiful scenery will attract people to leave the overcrowdedcity. With many people leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining. We can find a lot of successful examples in other coun tries which solve the housing problem by building satellite cities.

Meantime, I don't think developing to the underground will help solve the problem. I can hardly imagine that people will like to live under the ground, withoul the sky and the sun. It will make people feel totally uncomfortable.

The building of satellite cities is a good way to solve the housing problem. It will not only relieve the burden on the big city, but also provide a much better environment for people to live. Of course, there is no perfect way to solve the problem. The housing problem is very complicated, involving many other problems such as traffic, you cannol rely on one way to solve the problem completely.

英语作文专四范文 第2篇

Appearance was once regarded as something we were born with and fixed. However, it is a different story now. Thanks to the advanced medical technology, people are able to change their original faces or other body parts, and plastic surgery now enjoys great popularity around the world.

People take plastic surgery for different reasons. Some spend a great deal of money on the plastic surgery because they dream of becoming a film or TV star but they are not beautiful by birth. Some, however, have to take the surgery because of certain birth defects, such as harelip and lameness, and injuries in accidents. There emerges a new group nowadays — college fresh female grads who insist that a beauty will land a job much more easily.

In my view, it’s not necessary that people try to beautify themselves. What we should bear in mind is that being natural is being beautiful. What’s more, people should judge others by their capacity instead of their appearances.

英语作文专四范文 第3篇

The last several decades have seen a decline in parental influence on their children. In fact, it seems that the more children watch movies and television and get influenced by people outside the home, the more their parents lose control over them. Nowadays, children and teens are often searching for role models other than their parents to imitate. They naturally look to celebrities like singers, movie stars, and athletes to be their guides. For example, many high school students like to dress in the latest fashions that have been made popular by various celebrities. They even cut their hair like famous people or say the same things as them. Parents simply cannot complete with these stars when it comes to influencing their children. Many television shows, movies, and video games have high levels of violent content and bad language, which greatly influence young people watching them. Children have begun acting badly based upon what they have seen on various media.

英语作文专四范文 第4篇

[关键词]专业课 医学英语 实践








英语作文专四范文 第5篇

i love traveling.

traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. whats more, it refreshes me. you can go to disneyland and experience what its like to be “a child again!” you can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the grand canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! you can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer.

just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. experience is a type of living knowledge. youll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. you dont even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. just dont forget to bring your backpack!

英语作文专四范文 第6篇

It is well known that a museum is a building to display a collection of artistic,historical,cultural or military objects. ndoubtedly museums can have a variety of purposes in the city; I think two roles the museums play can illustrate they areworth visiting. Now we talk about how to fund a museum.

A museum can never be considered as a financial burden to society. I suggest that the Government should invest a small amount of money on advertisements for the museums in the city.

For example, ads of the museums should be forwarded on the travel brochures or maps of the city.

Consequently tourists come and admission tickets are collected. Both reputation and funds are earned. Conclusion (23 words) In brief, museums should play a role as an instructive means of the city and incomes from admission can keep them running properly.

英语作文专四范文 第7篇

Buying or Borrowing Books?

Books are close friends of humanity. They can arm us with knowledge and information we need to make success of life. Through books we can obtain skills and techniques for survival and development. Through books we can enlighten our spirits and live a fuller life. There are generally two ways in which we can have access to books: borrowing or buying. While millions are borrowing books, I still think buying them best suits me and gives me the greatest enjoyment.

Admittedly, there are a few merits for borrowing books. For one thing, borrowing books can save us huge amounts of money. And of course, with the money saved we can do other more worthy things .And also, as we borrow books from the library and friends, we normally have deadline to finish them, and consequently we can read more books in a limited time. And we can, above all, better our efficiency of our reading, just as a famous Chinese saying goes, “books can not be read unless borrowed.”

However, some advantages for buying books are more obvious and compelling. One of them, definitely not shared by the choice of borrowing books, is the abundance of freedom that buying books can offer us. Since we can keep the books as long as we wish, we can read as much as we want. Another strength of owing books is that we can take whatever notes on the margin of the pages of the books. And finally, the process of selecting and keeping books can be a great fun that borrowing books can by no means offer.

While borrowing books can, to some extent, quench our thirst for knowledge, buying books gives us greater pleasure of selecting and keeping the best of the world treasure. Can we think of any thing else more delightful and rewarding?

英语作文专四范文 第8篇

Students with _hot_ degrees like computer science or finance are more likely to get a job than students with a _cold_ degree like geography. Should universities give priority to practical or traditional courses?

Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

Should Universities Give Priority to Practical Courses for Students?

You are to write in three parts:

In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.

In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.

In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

英语作文专四范文 第9篇

I went Chong Qing in July is a city which was built near mountains.

So people call it Mountain City. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.

I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit.

英语作文专四范文 第10篇

Advantage and Disadvantages of Being an Only Child

My father used to talk to me about his five used to say thatIwas unfortun ate that I had Iused to envy him and wonder how nice it would beto have aho useful of brothers and used to wonder what would happen to me if I were to lose my speaking,I do not have to share anything with own all my parents' can ask for anything I always wear new clothes and eat the best my parents spend all their money on me,I can study at the best university of t he country.

Lucky asI am,I now and then feel very lonely andI have nobody to complain about my Ilong fora quarrel with my brothers and sisters! Of course I have classmat es and friends, but they are I feel so pessimistic that after myparents leave the world,I will have no blood relatives left to share with me the fond memories of my am likely to become selfish while Irealize the world is for shari

So,I am happy but lonely;Iam fortunate but piteous;Iam loved but spoiled;Iam well-bre d but selfish, because I am the only child of the family.

英语作文专四范文 第11篇

I went Chong Qing in July is a city which was built near people call it Mountain CityIn Chong Qing. I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing. I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit.

英语作文专四范文 第12篇





我国大学英语承接小学、初中、高中英语教学后,仍然未能脱离基础英语教学的困境。这是因为各个阶段教学目标衔接差,各自为营,重复学习相关知识,造成很多资源的浪费。甚至对于某一问题未能给出多样式的回答。例如:How are you?(你好吗?) ,回答Fine,thank you,and you?(好,谢谢,你呢?)已成为一种固定模式。学生并不会结合各自的实际情况,做出不同的回答,像Pretty good(非常好),Not bad(还不错),just so so(一般)。因此大学英语教学不能重蹈覆辙,继续以基础英语教学为主,使得学生学历升高,而英语水平原地踏步。

我国大学英语教学目标大多以提高学生综合应用能力和综合素质或是全国大学英语四、六级考试通过率为主要目标②。然以学术英语作为教学目标的高校少之又少,在普通院校更是罕见。基础英语课程因四、六级考试的到来,大幅度减少课时和学时,把重点落在应对考试上,因而基础英语未能保质保量的实现教学目标。四六级考试临近,英语教师便一门心思辅导学生,提高学生的应试技巧,大量做题、讲解语言知识,因很多院校把四六级考试通过率纳入教师教学水平考核之中,老师压力甚大③ 。另一方面,学生对英语的学习兴趣淡薄,学生苦恼不堪,只为通过考试而学习英语,忽视了语言学习的过程。即便通过四、六级考试者,英语学术水品并未达到理想状态。论文英文摘要错误百出,读专业学科的国外文献仍然吃力。英语基础学习与学术英语学习的脱节,使得为学英语而学英语的大学英语教学陷入被动,无法摆脱应试的困境。

























英语作文专四范文 第13篇

Recently, people in growing numbers show their concern about selecting courses. In some colleges, students are permitted to pick out their courses professors freely. The reasons are listed as follows:

In the first place, students can choose the teacher according to their interests, which will be helpful for their future careers. Besides, selecting courses can reduce the rate of students absence indirectly for students usually choose their favorite teachers.

As far as I am concerned, every coin has two sides. On the one hand, students may learn the course better, because they may choose the professor they liked. On the other hand, if the professor who is very popular and a great number of students would like to attend his/her course, the classroom must be overcrowded. It will have a bad impact on the class.

英语作文专四范文 第14篇

Good transportation is veryimportant to the success of both individuals and a city. Without efficientmeans of transportation,people will waste a great dealof time going to and from work. This will make them tired and less productivein their jobs. People may rely on either private or public transportation toget them to and from work. If a choice has to be made between spending money onimproving the roads for private vehicles or improving public transportation,I would choose the latter for the following reasons.

First of all,better public transportation systems,including buses,trains and subways,will encourage more people touse them rather than drive their own cars. This will reduce the total amount oftraffic on the roads and make travel quicker for everyone. Second,using public transportation saves energy.

英语作文专四范文 第15篇

A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private a popular practice indicates that people are attaching greater importance to education. Many parents, for various reasons, missed the chance of obtaining a good education. When their children meet with difficulties in study, they are helpless. Private tutoring is the only solution. As private tutoring is usually one-to-one, the teacher knows the strong points as well as the weak points of the pupil clearly.

However, private tutoring has its own disadvantages. For one thing, it takes up so much of the pupils’ time that they can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment, which are essential for their physical and mental health. For another, some teachers, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to neglect their regular teaching duties. What’s more, some teachers are eager to help pupils do well in the test, offering the so-called tips for test-taking rather than help them acquire what is more meaningful.

Generally speaking, its disadvantages outweigh its advantages. Greater emphasis should be laid on classroom teaching and practice, on the improvement of teaching quality and on the tapping of pupils’ potentials. Only in this way can a new generation be healthily brought up.

英语作文专四范文 第16篇

Now everybody advocates the environmental protection, but also has found out many environmental protection slogans: The protection environment protects us; The destruction environment, destroys our livelihood homeland; The soil cannot regenerate, prevents the soil pollution and the desertification,

reduces the soil erosion; The environment and the human coexistence, the resource development and the environmental protection are coordinated; The protection water environment, saves the water resources; Acquires the environment consciousness, protects the ecological environment; The use few plastic bags, are friendly to our environment ......Our Earth has one, needs us to protect together. what advantage does the that environmental protection bag have?

Not only it may use repeatedly, moreover is beneficial to the ecological environment. In the environmental protection bag's design, the many environmental protection warm-hearted public figures provide Hangzhou in abundance the beautiful scene the photographic work, wants to use in the environmental protection bag, the final lotus baby becomes in the environmental protection bag's design. The lotus baby is in bulletin photojournalist Xia Yang pats. In his blog, the net frie

英语作文专四范文 第17篇

I ever went to the yellow mountain october in I fancied the beautiful prospect of the mountain before I climbed up I longed for the doings.

The second day I got up at six and went to the bus at half past six,and we set out at seven from at 1:00 pm,we arrived at the foot of the yellow we started to have lunch,and we multiplid a cable car at the middle peak which pepole call it as liehua peak after we have a full we beginning to climb up really,when I reach the peak about four hours,I looked down at the perspectives and I forgot the position I saw the sunrise unforgetably in the second morning,and I thought of the old idiom:limitless landscapes at the dangerous


In short,I love beautiful rivers and mountains in our I don't forget this trip.

英语作文专四范文 第18篇

Today, my grandma and I and my grandpa and brother went to Beijing to travel.

In the afternoon, at 3:40, we were on time for the high-speed train to Beijing, which was the first time I had been on a high-speed train. I felt very happy and happy. About an hour ago, we arrived in Beijing, the capital of the motherland. After dinner, we'll visit the bird's nest and water cube. The bird's nest is big and round, like a big cradle, with colorful lights beside the bird's nest. Not far from the bird's nest is water cube, and water cube is all positive, light blue, and far away like a huge sapphire. _Many events in the 20XX Olympic Games were held in the bird's nest and water cube,_ he said. Finally, we take a picture of the bird's nest and the water cube.

Today is my happiest day and one of my most memorable days.

英语作文专四范文 第19篇

College Students Starting Their Own Undertakings

Nowadays there are many college students who choose to start their own undertakings instead of ?nding a job after graduation. The government encourages this practice, and provides many preferential policies and facilitation measures for college students. As far as I’m concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes to this.

The ?rst factor that should be mentioned is that college students are facing severe employment situations. Many college graduates couldn’t find ideal jobs, which forces them to set up their own businesses. Another equally important factor is that some ambitious college students are not satisfied with being employed by others. They want to develop and prove their talents by running their own , the government’s encouragement and the media’s reports on college students venture stars have stimulated more college students’ enthusiasm to take this way.

As for me, it is a good choice for college students to start their own undertakings. However, it is a very difficult cause, which needs firm determination, clear mind, the ability to endure hardship and a feasible project. Therefore, they should think it over and make full preparation before deciding to start their own businesses.