

导读 contain remains of the actual tissues of the animal. The discovery was made when70-­‐million-­‐year-­‐old fossil of Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex), a dino

托福写作TPO10范文 第1篇

A recent study reveals that people especially young people are reading far less literature – novels, plays, and poems – than they used to. This is troubling because the trend has unfortunate effects for the reading public, for culture in general, and for the future of literature itself.


While there has been a decline in book reading generally, the decline has been especially sharp for literature. This is unfortunate because nothing else provides the intellectual stimulation that literature does. Literature encourages us to exercise our imaginations, empathize with others, and expand our understanding of language. So, by reading less literature, the reading public is missing out on important benefits.


Unfortunately, missing out on the benefits of literature is not the only problem. What are people reading instead? Consider the prevalence of self-help books on lists of best seller. These are usually superficial poorly written, and intellectually undemanding. Additionally, instead of sitting down with a challenging novel, many persons are now more likely to turn on the television, watch a music video, or read a Web page. Clearly, diverting time previously spent in reading literature to trivial forms of entertainment has lowered the level of culture in general.

The trend of reading less literature is all the more regrettable because it is taking place during a period when good literature is being written. There are many talented writers today, but they lack an audience. This fact is bound to lead publishers to invest less in literature and so support fewer serious writers. Thus, the writing as well as the reading of literature is likely to decline because of the poor standards of today’s readers.


托福写作TPO10范文 第2篇

Both the reading passage and the listening material discuss the authenticity of the story that Peary has been to the North Pole. Although the reading supports that claim, the lecturer refuses to believe it with three strong arguments.

The reading passage presents the fact that the committee constituted by the National Geographic Society eventually proved the truth of Peary’s claim through an investigation of the record as well as the facilities of that trip. However, the speaker casts doubt on the objectivity of that conclusion with the arguments that several friends of Peary who financed his trip to the North Pole were included in that committee and the investigation was only two-day period with the careless examination of his records.

Moreover, the reading material displays the evidence that anther explorer, Tom Avery, succeeded to reach the North Pole with less time under the similar conditions experienced by Peary, which indicates the possibility of Peary’s successful exploration. In contrast, the lecturer in the listening argues that the experience of Avery could not soundly support the probability of Peary’s success due to the significant differences between the two journey that include the varied weather condition as well as the methods of food supply.

Furthermore, the author of the reading states that the photographs taken by Peary at the North Pole could verify his story, since the position of the Sun estimated through evaluating the shadows in the pictures was in accordance with the natural rule. On the contrary, the listening rebuts that statement by pointing out that the quality of those pictures is in a poor condition due to the fact that they were taken by the primitive camera and seem to be unclear after nearly a hundred years, which means the measurement based on those photos could not be definitely accurate and the position of the Sun in them could not be determined without doubts.

托福写作TPO10范文 第3篇

Well, despite what many people say, there is good reason to think that many American wood companies will eventually seek ecocertification for their wood products.


First of all, consumers in the United States don’t treat all advertising the same. They distinguish between advertising clams that companies make about their won products and claims made by independent certification agencies. Americans have a lot of confidence in independent consumer agencies. Thus ecologically-minded Americans are likely to react very favorable to wood products ecologically certified by an independent organization with an international reputation for trustworthiness.


Second point, of course it’s true that American consumers care a lot about price. Who doesn’t? but studies of how consumers make decisions show that price alone determines consumers’ decisions only when the price of one competing product is much higher or lower than another. When the price difference between two products is small, say, less than five percent as is the case with certified wood, Americans often do choose on factors other than price. And Americans are becoming increasingly convinced of the value of preserving and protecting the environment.


And third, US wood companies should definitely pay attention to what’s going on in the wood business internationally, not because of foreign consumers but because of foreign competition. As I just told you, there’s a good chance that many American consumers will be interested in ecocertified products. And guess what? If American companies are slow capturing those customers, you can be sure that foreign companies will soon start crowing into the American market, offering ecocertified wood that domestic companies don’t.


托福TPO10综合写作参考及材料 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)


托福写作TPO10范文 第4篇

The reading passage points out three evidences that indicate the existence of actually tissue in dinosaur fossil. However, the professor doubts the accuracy of

these evidences. In fact, he offers some alternative explanations for the substances found in the fossil.

First and foremost, he challenges the existence of blood vessels. Instead, he points out that bacteria may occupy the hollows inside the bones. Therefore, it is highly possible that the soft substance in the branching channels of the bone is the moist residue of bacteria, rather than blood vessels of the dinosaur.

Moreover, the professor casts doubt about the red substance in sphere, which according to the reading passage is the remain of red blood cells. In fact, the professor claims that this red substance was also found in some other animals, which lived in the same place but had no red blood vessels at all. The professor argues that the sphere can be pieces of red minerals.

Additionally, the professor doubts the existence of collagen in the fossil. On the contrary to the reading passage, he points out that the earliest collagen that has ever found is in fossils 100000 ago. It is unlikely for collagen to last for more than 70 million years. As a result, the professor suggests that the collagen may come from recent sources, such as the skin of researchers who handed the fossil.

托福写作TPO10范文 第5篇

The lecturer points out several problems with the use of hydrogen-based fuel-cell engines in support of her claim that substituting them for internal-combustion engines is technologically unfeasible, environmentally unfriendly, and economically unviable.

First, the lecturer states that it is impractical to replace internal-combustion engines with fuel-cell engines because using the latter requires hydrogen in a pure liquid form, which is technologically challenging to both obtain and store. However, the reading argues that because hydrogen can be extracted from many resources including water, fuel cell engines powered by this infinite source of energy are an extremely attractive alternative.

Second, the lecturer refutes the claim in the reading that hydrogen cells are environmentally friendly. She argues that although engines that use hydrogen cells produce less pollution, the manufacturing of hydrogen cells generates large amounts of harmful by-products due to the burning of fossil fuels in the purification process.

Third, although the reading suggests that hydrogen-based engines are more fuel-efficient and thus economically competitive than internal-combustion engines, the professor argues that such an advantage is undermined by the fact that fuel-cell engines are extremely expensive to manufacture because they require the addition of platinum, a very rare and expensive material.

托福写作TPO10范文 第6篇

The sea otter is a small mammal that lives in waters along the western coast of North America from California to Alaska. When some sea otter populations off the Alaskan coast started rapidly declining a few years ago, it caused much concern because sea otters play an important ecological role in the coastal ecosystem. Experts started investigating the cause of the decline and quickly realized that there were two possible explanations: environmental pollution or attacks by predators. Initially, the pollution hypothesis seemed the more likely of the two.


The first reason why pollution seemed the more likely cause was that there were known sources of it along the Alaskan coast, such as oil rings and other sources of industrial chemical pollution. Water samples from the area revealed increased levels of chemicals that could decrease the otters’ resistance to life-threatening infections and thus could indirectly cause their deaths.


Second, other sea mammals such as seals and sea lions along the Alaskan coast were also declining; indicating that whatever had endangered the otters was affecting other sea mammals as well. This fact again pointed to environmental pollution, since it usually affect the entire ecosystem rather than a single species. Only widely occurring predators, such as the orca (a large predatory whale), could have the same effect, but orcas prefer to hunt much larger prey, such as other whales.


Third, scientists believed that the pollution hypothesis could also explain the uneven pattern of otter decline: at some Alaskan locations the otter populations declined greatly, while at others they remained stable. Some experts explained these observations by suggesting that ocean currents or other environmental factors may have created uneven concentrations of pollutants along the coast.


托福写作TPO10范文 第7篇

Every year, forest fires and severe storms cause a great deal of damage to forests in the northwestern United States. One way of dealing with the aftermath of these disasters is called salvage logging, which is the practice of removing dead trees from affected areas and using the wood for lumber, plywood, and other wood products. There are several reasons why salvage logging is beneficial both to a damaged forest and to the economy.


First, after a devastating fire, forests are choked with dead trees. If the trees are not removed, they will take years to decompose; in the meantime, no new trees can grow in the cramped spaces. Salvage logging, however, removes the remains of dead trees and makes room for fresh growth immediately, which is likely to help forest areas recover from the disaster.


Also, dead trees do more than just take up space. Decaying wood is a highly suitable habitat for insects such as the spruce bark beetle, which in large numbers can damage live, healthy spruce trees. So, by removing totting wood, salvage logging helps minimize the dangers of insect infestation, thus contributing to the health of the forest.


Third and last, salvage logging has economic benefits. Many industries depend upon the forests for their production, and because of this a fire can have a very harmful effect on the economy. Often, however, the trees that have been damaged by natural disasters still can provide much wood that is usable by industries. Furthermore, salvage logging requires more workers than traditional logging operations do, and so it helps create additional jobs for local residents.


托福写作TPO10范文 第8篇

Animal fossils usually provide very little opportunity to study the actual animal tissues because in fossils the animals' living tissues have been largely replaced by minerals. Thus, scientists were very excited recently when it appeared that a

70-­‐million-­‐year-­‐old fossil of Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex), a dinosaur, might still

contain remains of the actual tissues of the animal. The discovery was made when

researchers deliberately broke open the T. rex’s leg bone, thereby exposing its insides to reveal materials that seem to be remains of blood vessels, red blood cells, and collagen matrix.

动物化石很难帮助人们研究动物的软**,这是因为化石里面的动物活性**大 部分都被矿物质代替了。最近,发现一个 7 千万年前的霸王龙化石中可能存在 真正的动物软**。这令科学家们非常兴奋。科学家小心翼翼地打开了霸王龙腿 骨的时候,发现里面存在着可能为血管、血红细胞和胶原蛋白基质的物质。

First, the breaking of the fossilized leg bone revealed many small branching channels inside, which probably correspond to hollows in the bones where blood vessels were once located. The exciting finding was the presence of a soft, flexible organic substance inside the channels. This soft substance may very well represent the remains of the actual blood vessels of T. rex.

首先,打开腿骨化石之后,科学家发现了内部有一些管状分支,这些管状分支可 能是骨内血管存在的地方。令人兴奋的是在这些管状分支中存在着柔软的有机物 质。这些柔软的物质可能是霸王龙真正血管的遗留痕迹。

Second, microscopic examination of the various parts of the inner bone revealed the presence of spheres that could be the remains of red blood cells. Tests showed that the spheres contained iron a material vital to the role of red blood cells in transporting oxygen to tissues. Moreover, the spheres had dark red centers (substances with iron tend to be reddish in color) and were also about the size of red blood cells.

第二,通过显微镜对骨内部多处进行详细检查之后发现了一些可能是血红细胞化 石的球状体。检测发现这些球状体里面还有铁,而铁在血红细胞往**内输送氧气的过程中扮演重要角色。而且,这些球状体中间呈红色,而含有铁元素的物质


Third, scientists performed a test on the dinosaur leg bone that showed that it contained collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein that is a main component of living bone tissue, in which it forms a so-­‐called collagen matrix. Collagen (or its chemical derivatives) is exactly the kind of biochemical material that one would expect to find in association with bone tissue.

第三,科学家的测试发现这个恐龙腿骨化石中还有胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白是一种纤 维化蛋白质,是生物骨**的重要组成部分,以胶原蛋白基质的形式存在。胶原 蛋白或者其衍生物是一种存在于骨骼软**中的生化物质。

托福TPO10综合写作参考及材料 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——托福TPO9综合写作题目及 (菁选2篇)

托福写作TPO10范文 第9篇

As early as the twelfth century ., the settlements of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico in the American Southwest were notable for their “great houses,” massive stone buildings that contain hundreds of rooms and often stand three or four stories high. Archaeologists have been trying to determine how the buildings were used. While there is still no universally agreed upon explanation, there are three competing theories.


One theory holds that the Chaco structures were purely residential, with each housing hundreds of people. Supporters of this theory have interpreted Chaco great houses as earlier versions of the architecture seen in more recent Southwest societies. In particular, the Chaco houses appear strikingly similar to the large, well-known “apartment buildings” at Taos, New Mexico, in which many people have been living for centuries.


A second theory contends that the Chaco structures were used to store food supplies. One of the main crops of the Chaco people was grain maize, which could be stored for long periods of time without spoiling and could serve as long-lasting supply of food. The supplies of maize had to be stored somewhere, and the size of the great houses would make them very suitable for the purpose.


A third theory proposes that houses were used as ceremonial centers. Close to one house, called Pueblo Alto, archaeologists identified an enormous mound formed by a pile of old material. Excavations of the mound revealed deposits containing a surprisingly large number of broken pots. This finding has been interpreted as evidence that people gathered at Pueblo Alto for special ceremonies. At the ceremonies, they ate festive meals and then discarded the pots in which the meals had been prepared or served. Such ceremonies have been documented for other Native American cultures.


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托福写作TPO10范文 第10篇

In an effort to encourage ecologically sustainable forestry practices, an international organization started issuing certifications to wood companies that meet high ecological standards by conserving resources and recycling materials. Companies that receive this certification can attract customers by advertising their product as ecocertified. Around the world, many wood companies have adopted new, ecologically friendly practices in order to receive ecocertification. However, it is unlikely that wood companies in the United Stated will do the same, for several reasons.


First, American consumers are exposed to so much advertising that they would not value or even pay attention to the ecocertification label. Because so many mediocre products are labeled “new” or “improved,” American consumers do not place much trust in advertising claims in general.


Second, ecocertified wood will be more expensive than uncertified wood because in order to earn ecocertification, a wood company must pay to have its business examined by a certification agency. This additional cost gets passed on to consumers – American consumers tend to be strongly motivated by price, and therefore they are likely to choose cheaper uncertified wood products. Accordingly, American wood companies will prefer to keep their prices low rather than obtain ecocertification.


Third, although some people claim that it always makes good business sense for American companies to keep up with the developments in the rest of the world, this argument is not convincing. Pursuing certification would make sense for American wood companies only if they marketed most of their products abroad. But that is not the case – American wood businesses sell most of their products in the United States, catering to a very large customer base that is satisfied with the merchandise.


托福写作TPO10范文 第11篇


The lecturer rejects the ideas presented in the reading passage about the problems involved in the booming business of commercial fossil trading. In her opinion, the benefits of this new development outweigh its negative consequences.

The lecturer does not agree with the first point made in the reading—that private collectors keep their fossil collections away from the public. She contends that the commercial trading of fossils actually makes them available to a wider public, because everyone with a budget, such as private schools and libraries, can purchase them for study and exhibition.

The lecturer goes on to refute the claim in the reading that fossil trading business prevents scientists and public museum from benefiting from fossil finds, as these parties cannot compete with wealthy private buyers to acquire important fossils for research purpose. On the contrary, she argues, scientists themselves are the first to evaluate any important fossil before it can be sold in the commercial market at a price, so the academic community does not miss any opportunity to study privately traded fossils.

Additionally, the lecturer challenges the final downside of fossil trading mentioned in the reading. The lecturer reminds us that the damages, if any, caused by private collectors in their field operations are more than offset by the effort these individuals have made to increase the number of fossils available to the public that would otherwise remain undiscovered.


Private collectors have been selling and buying fossils, the petrified remains of ancient organisms, ever since the eighteen century. In recent years, however, the sale of fossils, particularly of dinosaurs and other large vertebrates has grown into a big business. Rare and important fossils are now being sold to private ownership for millions of dollars. This is an unfortunate development for both scientists and the general public.


The public suffers because fossils that would otherwise be donated to museums where everyone can see them are sold to private collectors who do not allow the public to view their collections. Making it harder for the public to see fossils can lead to a decline in public interest in fossils, which would be a pity.


More importantly, scientists are likely to lose access to some of the most important fossils and thereby miss out on potentially crucial discoveries about extinct life forms. Wealthy fossil buyers with a desire to own the rarest and most important fossils can spend virtually limitless amounts of money to acquire them. Scientists and the museums and universities they work for often cannot compete successfully for fossils against millionaire fossil buyers.


Moreover, commercial fossil collectors often destroy valuable scientific evidence associated with the fossils they unearth. Most commercial fossil collectors are untrained or uninterested in carrying out the careful field work and documentation that reveal the most about animal life in the past. For example, scientists have learned about the biology of nest-building dinosaurs called oviraptors by carefully observing the exact position of oviraptors fossils in the ground and the presence of other fossils in the immediate surroundings. Commercial fossil collectors typically pay no attention to how fossils lie in the ground or to the smaller fossils that may surround bigger ones.

托福写作TPO10范文 第12篇

The lecturer raises several arguments to counter the reading passage’s strong criticism of the public’s declining interest in reading literature.

The lecturer argues that literature is only one among many forms of reading genres from which the public can benefit intellectually. The public also benefits from reading works of science fiction and historical novels, among other reading genres. Therefore, the reading is wrong to claim that the public is suffering great losses by not reading literature.

Furthermore, the lecturer explains that even if it is true that the public is reading fewer books and watching more television and films instead, it does not necessarily mean that culture is in decline. Television and film are simply modern forms of cultural expression that are also intellectually stimulating and directly relevant to contemporary life.

Finally, the lecturer admits a decline in audience and support of literature in today’s society, but she attributes it to the authors themselves, who have alienated themselves from the reading public by using overly complex language. The reading, however, blames the lowering standards of the public for the declining interest in reading great works of literature.

托福写作TPO10范文 第13篇

Robert E. Peary was a well-known adventurer and arctic explorer who in 1909 set out to reach the North Pole. When he returned from the expedition, he claimed to have reached the pole on April 7, 1909. This report made his into an international celebrity. Though some historians have expressed doubts that Peary did in fact reach the North Pole, three arguments provide strong support for the truth of Peary’s claim.

First, the National Geographic Society put together a committee that was instructed to conduct a thorough investigation of Peary’s records and equipment. At the end of the investigation, the committee concluded that Peary’s accounts were consistent and persuasive and declared that he had indeed reached the North Pole.

Second, a recent expedition provides support for Peary’s claim that he reached the North Pole in only 37 days after setting out from Ellesmere Island off the coast of Greenland. Skeptics used to argue that Peary could not have traveled that fast. Since even modern snowmobiles take longer to cover the same distance. However, a British explorer named Tom Avery recently made the same trek in less than 37 days. In fact, Avery used the same kind of dogsled and the same number and breed of dogs as Peary had. Thus, Peary’s claims are not impossible, and he very well might have been telling the truth.

Third, there are photographs taken by Peary that support his claim to have reached the North Pole. Measuring the shadows in Peary's photographs makes it possible to calculate the Sun's position in the Ny. The Sun's position established from the photographs corresponds exactly to the Surf s position as it should have been at the North Pole on that day. This provides strong evidence that Peary reached the North Pole and took the photographs there.

托福TPO10综合写作参考及材料 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)


托福写作TPO10范文 第14篇

The lecture and the reading passage give contradictory opinions on the topic of ecocertification, a form of accreditation conferred by on international agency in recognition of a company’s eco-friendly practices. The passage explains that it is not necessary for American wood companies to pursue ecocertification while the lecture provides several counterarguments to this view.

First, the lecturer argues that the reading passage is too general in its statement that American consumers reject advertising completely. He asserts that Americans do not trust advertising claims for a product only when these claims are made by the company that sells the product. When a claim is made by an independent third party such as a wood certification company, he posits, consumers respond very positively with strong acceptance of the certified product.

The lecturer also refutes the second point in the reading – that price-sensitive American consumers are likely to choose cheap wood products without certification. The professor contends that certified wood is only slightly (less than 5%) more expensive than uncertified wood, and therefore, he argues, consumers will tend to ignore the price difference and choose the eco-friendly product.

Finally, receiving eco-certification is, according to the professor, an important strategy used by American wood companies to ensure that their products can compete against ecocertified wood products imported into the domestic market from foreign countries. According to the reading, however, this strategy is unnecessary because American consumers are likely to be content with domestically manufactured products, even if they are not ecocertified.

托福写作TPO10范文 第15篇

The lecturer and the reading passage suggest two competing theories, the predation theory vs. the pollution theory, to explain why the sea otter population is in rapid decline.

The professor reasons that the absence of dead sea otters washed up the coast suggests that their decline is not caused by sea pollution but rather by sea predators who consume their bodies after Killing them. In contrast, the reading passage attributes the death of sea otters to pollution, citing evidence of increased sources of ocean contaminants which lead to greater vulnerability to infections.

Furthermore, the lecturer argues that orcas are likely factors in the disappearance of sea otters, because the scarcity of whales, their usual prey, has left them with no other choice but to start hunting smaller mammals like the otters for food. The reading passage, on the other hand, Rules out this theory based on the orca's preying habit, and instead approves of the pollution theory as the only explanation for the decline op both large and small sea mammals across the entire ecosystem.

Finally, according to the lecturer, the uneven pattern of sea otter decline corresponds to the distribution of the orcas. she argues that the pact that their population has declined most rapidly where orcas are most prevalent further validates the predation theory. However, the reading passage argues that changeable environmental factors, which lead to different concentrations of pollutants, better explains the varying pattern of sea otter decline.

托福写作TPO10范文 第16篇

Well, ongoing investigations have revealed that predation is the most likely cause of sea otter decline after all.


First, the pollution theory is weakened by the fact that no one can really find any Dead Sea otters washing off on Alaskan beaches. That’s not what you would expect if infections caused by pollution started killing a lot of otters. On the other hand, the fact that it’s so hard to find dead otters is consistent with the predator hypothesis. If an otter is killed by a predator, it’s eaten immediately so it can’t wash up on shore.


Second, although orcas may prefer to hunt whales, whales have essentially disappeared from the area because of human hunters. That means that orcas have had to change their diet to survive and since only smaller sea mammals are now available, orcas have probably started hunting those. So, it probably is the orcas that are causing the decline of all the smaller sea mammals mentioned in the passage - the seals, the sea lions, and the sea otters.


And third, the uneven pattern of otter decline is better explained by the orca predation theory than by the pollution theory. What happens to otters seems to depend on whether the location where they live is accessible to orcas or not. In those locations that orcas can access easily, the number of sea otters has declined greatly. However, because orcas are so large, they can’t access shallow or rocky locations. And shallow and rocky locations are precisely the types of locations where sea otter populations have not declined.


托福写作TPO10范文 第17篇

Car manufacturers and governments have been eagerly seeking a replacement for the automobile’s main source of power, the internal-combustion engine. By far, the most promising alternative source of energy for cars is the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine, which uses hydrogen to create electricity that, in turn, powers the car. Fuel-cell engines have several advantages over internal-combustion engines and will probably soon replace them.


One of the main problems with the internal-combustion engine is that it relies on petroleum, either in the form of gasoline or diesel fuel. Petroleum is a finite resource, someday; we will run out of oil. The hydrogen needed for fuel-cell engines cannot easily be depleted. Hydrogen can be derived from various plentiful sources, including natural gas and even water. The fact that fuel-cell engines utilize easily available, renewable resources makes them particularly attractive.


Second, hydrogen-based fuel cells are attractive because they will solve many of the world’s pollution problems. An unavoidable by-product of burning oil is carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide harms the environment. On the other hand, the only byproduct of fuel-cell engines is water.


Third, fuel-cell engines will soon be economically competitive because people will spend less money to operate a fuel-cell engine than they will to operate an internal-combustion engine. This is true for one simple reason. A fuel-cell automobile is nearly twice as efficient in using its fuel as an automobile powered by an internal-combustion engine is. In other words, the fuel-cell powered car requires only half the fuel energy that the internal-combustion powered car does to go the same distance.


托福TPO10综合写作参考及材料 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——托福TPO5综合写作及材料「阅读和听力」 (菁选2篇)

托福写作TPO10范文 第18篇

It is often said that people are reading less literature today than they used to. What should we make of this?


Well first, a book doesn’t have to be literature to be intellectually stimulating. Science writing, history, political ****ysis and so forth aren’t literature perhaps, but they are often of high quality and these kinds of books can be just as creative and well-written as a novel or a play. They can stimulate the imagination. So don’t assume that someone who isn’t reading literature isn’t reading a good book.


But let’s say that people aren’t just spending less time with literature, they are also spending less time with books in general. Does that mean that the culture is in decline? No, there’s plenty of culturally valuable material that isn’t written – music and movies, for example. Are people wasting their time when they listen to a brilliant song or watch a good movie? Do these non-literary activities lower cultural standards? Of course not. Culture has changed. In today’s culture, there are many forms of expression available other than novels and poems. And some of these forms speak more directly to contemporary concerns than literature does.


Finally, it’s probably true that there’s less support for literature today than in earlier generation. But don’t be too quick to blame the readers. Sometimes it’s the author’s faults. Let’s be honest. A lot of modern literature is intended to be difficult to understand. Here is not much reason to suppose that earlier generation of readers would have read a lot of today’s literature either.

托福TPO10综合写作参考及材料 (菁选2篇)(扩展9)
