

导读 If too small, too dark for the people insidedealing with various tasks can be more satisfiedRegard reflection as real sky or trees and fly into it

tpo42写作范文 第1篇

The reading proposes several ways to prevent birds from getting injured by the glass buildings, while the professor contends that none of the solutions are practical.

Firstly, the professor holds a view that the one-way glass method mentioned in the reading will not work. To illustrate, the surface of that kind of glass is like a mirror, which birds cannot understand. That is to say, if birds see the reflection of the sky or tree in a mirror, they’ll fly right into them.

Secondly, the professor points out that the second solution suggested by the writer, which is to paint some colorful lines or other designs on regular window glass, will not work either. According to the professor, birds will consider those unpainted openings as open holes and they'll try to fly right through them. In case of birds doing so, the unpainted spaces in a window would have to be very small, but that would then make the rooms of the buildings too dark to stay in.

Finally, the professor believes that the third method stated in the reading, which is to create an artificial magnetic field to guide birds away from buildings, is also not effective. Birds only use earth’s magnetic when they are travelling very long distances, like migrating from a cold country to a warm one before winter. For short trips, like from one side of a city to another, they use eyes and brightness of light to navigate.

tpo42写作范文 第2篇

Para. 1: Introduction:

dealing with various tasks can be more satisfied

Para. 2: Reason 1:

challenges brought by various assignments can contribute to incomparable satisfaction on account of the novelty from process and sense of achievement from result _

l Process: new ideas, innovative thinking

l Results: accomplishment

Para. 3: Reason 2:

working with different tasks is an effective and efficient way to strengthen one’s comprehensive competencies, which can indirectly satisfy workers.

l self-recognition

l respect and admiration from others

Para. 4: Conclusion: workers are more satisfied when they have a variety of tasks to accomplish during the workday.

tpo42写作范文 第3篇

As regular construct materials, glasses are widely used in buildings and sometimes cause injury to birds because birds could not distinguish glasses from open air. The author in the reading passage introduces three solutions to protect birds as using one-way glass, applying colorful designs and creating artificial magnetic field. However, the professor reputes all solutions by pointing out several problems in these solutions.

The author mentions that using one-way glass could make birds notice that glasses are not open air. While the professor mentions that (插入位置)one-way glasses would reflect like mirrors and birds could not understand mirrors. These birds would consider the reflection in the one-way mirror as real trees or open air. As a result, birds would fly into the one-way glasses as well and then get injured. It turns out that one-way mirror is not effective way to protect birds.(这句话建议前置放在插入位置)

The second method suggested by the author is adding colorful designs as stripes to regular glasses so that birds would not try to fly through the glasses and people could see outside as well. However, the professor mentions this solution have problems. Birds outside would perceive the area between the stripes(尽量使用原词,unpainted opening) as open holes and still try to fly through. In order to avoid birds, the blanks between stripes need to be painted extremely small. As a result, people inside the building would feel the room too dark.

The third solution mentions by the author is to create artificial electromagnetic field to steer the birds to other directions. Nevertheless, the professor notices the problem in this solution. Magnetic field is only used by birds in a long-distance travel. For instance, when birds in a cold place try to fly to a warmer place in the winter, they need to travel from a country to another. In this case, birds would use magnetic field to navigate. However, when birds travel in short distance like traveling from one city to another, they would use their eyes and the brightness of lights other than the magnetic field. Based on this, the artificial magnetic field in a building won't have big effects.(这一段写得不错!)



tpo42写作范文 第4篇

Not only were our ancestors trapped in frivolous and tedious tasks without chances of getting rid of them due to the limitation of agriculture civilization, but also many of us living in modern metropolis are struggling in swamps of repetitive and pleonastic daily routine. When considering which kind of working content can be more satisfying, the repeated or the multitudinous, my choice is the latter.

To begin with, challenges brought by various assignments can contribute to incomparable satisfaction on account of the novelty from process and sense of achievement from result. During the complicated working procedure, people will undoubtedly confront a variety of challenges requiring a series of hard work to cope with. In this process, the sense of satisfaction can be gained by generating new ideas, innovating creative thoughts, or exchanging any distinctive opinions. In addition, considering the final result, if the problems and difficulties encountered can be solved, a sense of accomplishment will certainly arise from the complex tasks. Accordingly, a work with various tasks can better contribute to our satisfaction since the more problems settled successfully, the higher level of achievement will be gained.

Furthermore, working with different tasks is an effective and efficient way to strengthen one’s comprehensive competencies, which can indirectly satisfy workers. Taking the advantage of dealing with various kinds of tasks, these workers or employees can master a wider range of skills, which cannot only boost their self-confidence but also capacitates them to be more respected, with the consequence that they will be more content. For one thing, the self-recognition is a main contributor to people’s sense of satisfaction, which means that if these workers can be equipped with professional skills in more fields when dealing with different tasks, they will recognize themselves as more competent and then be more satisfied. For another, in the working environment, the person with a wider range of expertise will undoubtedly be respected and admired by other colleagues, which will also contribute to one’s sense of fulfillment. Consequently, tackling diverse tasks in work is conducive for both achieving inner satisfaction and gaining external recognition.

In conclusion, workers are more satisfied when they have a variety of tasks to accomplish during the workday.

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tpo42写作范文 第5篇

话题:Protecting birds from getting injured by glass buildings


观点一:One-way glass

观点二:Colorful lines and stripes

观点三:Magnetic field


观点一:Reflect like a mirror,

Birds don’t understand mirrors,

Regard reflection as real sky or trees and fly into it

观点二:Regard opening as holes,

Fly through the unpainted areas,

If too small, too dark for the people inside

观点三:Only use magnetic field for long distances, such as migrating from a cold country to a warm one

Use eyes and brightness of lights for short trips, like from one side of a city to another