

导读 1) 让个别学生朗读生词,教师及时纠音,并个别强调发音规则。然后领读,学生自由读,个别读,齐读。这两句中的 “capital”意思一样吗? 分别是___________ ______________的意思.

英语理解教案模板范文 第1篇



英语理解教案模板范文 第2篇


英语理解教案模板范文 第3篇

1. Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: How do you feel today?

Ss: I am … thanks.

T: Nice to see you.

Ss: Nice to see you, too.

2. 教师播放歌曲“If you’re happy, clap your hands”的录音,全班学生跟着录音唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。

A PPT出示各种表情

T:How does he/she feel?

S: He/She is …

T: What should he/she do?

S: He/She should …

英语理解教案模板范文 第4篇


How many people can you see? Who are they?

学生回答:They are father, mother, brother, sister and …

2、教师手指着照片说:This is a family、Ok, Let’s play a game、Let’s all be a family、教师指着照片中的妈妈说:I play mother、I am mother、教师分别指着照片中的爸爸、男孩和女孩问:Who plays father? Who plays mother? Who play brother and sister

3、当找到扮演这些人物的学生时,教师引导他们说:I am father、We are brother and sister

4、播放Let’s chant部分的录音,让学生先听再跟学说。教师注意教读句子Let’s all be a family、的发音以及play的第三人称单数的读音。

5、教师把准备好的扮演以上人物的道具呈现给学生,并说:Let’s go, boy、Let’s go, gils、Let’s all be a family、让学生分组到前面表演这首歌谣。


7、听Let’s play部分的录音,边听,边指,边跟读。

英语理解教案模板范文 第5篇


1. 检查生词预习的情况。

1) 让个别学生朗读生词,教师及时纠音,并个别强调发音规则。然后领读,学生自由读,个别读,齐读。

2) 教师通过词形变换,音节记忆法等讲解让学生写单词,进行巩固。

2. Before reading SB Page 50 , Section 1 .

(1)In groups of four ,get students to discuss the three questions :

① How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? Make a list.

② How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of? Make a list.

③ Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? Make a list.

( 2). Ask a speaker from one group to tell the class what the group knows .Help to complete any missing dynasties and famous characters the class should know .

Ⅱ、阅读训练 Section 2

1. Fast reading and answer the questions:

(1).How long has Leo been teaching in China?

(2).When did the first Jews come to China?

(3).Does Leo enjoy living in China?

2. Careful reading

(1).What did he think of Harbin?

(2).What style are the old buildings in Harbin?

(3). Were there a lot of Jewish coming to China many years ago?

(4). The ____________ welcomed the first Jews to China.

(5). When did he start learning Chinese history?

(6). Does Leo think that Chinese history is hard to understand?

(7). For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.


学生小组合作探讨学习,再进一步阅读 课文 ,找出文中的重点短语和句子,找出疑难点。小组选出代表发言,先找个别优秀生通过举例解答,最后教师总结点拨并多媒体出示,让学生整理在笔记上:

Language points:

(1) (请在书中划出你们组认为第一段的重点词句) We think the important phrases or sentences in Paragraph One are_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


◆The capital of Zhejiang province is _____________________________________.

◆The capital of China is _______________________________________________.

这两句中的 “capital”意思一样吗? 分别是___________ ______________的意思.

(2) (请在书中划出你们组认为第二段的重点词句) We think the important phrases or sentences in Paragraph Two are__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


◆In fact, the first Jews came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago. 句中的“more than”你能用第三段中的一个英语单词来解释吗? _______________

◆类似 “thousand” 和“hundred”等词的用法?

There are _________________ (两千)teachers in our school.

_____________________ (成千上万)people will come to our school tomorrow.

(3) (请在书中划出你们组认为第三段的重点词句) We think the important phrases or sentences in Paragraph Three are_______________________________________________

◆请翻译该句:The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.


请思考讨论:“the +比较级, the +比较级”表示什么含义?

the +比较级, the +比较级 表示越来越……

你学习越努力,你的成绩就越好. ____ _____ you study, ____ ____ grades you will have.


1. 复述课文

Ss read the passage again and try to retell paragraph by paragraph.


Page 51 , Section 3 , 3b & 3c .

(1). In groups of three ,let students practice the sample conversations first ,then make their own conversations .

(2). Ask two groups of students to present their own conversations in front of the class .

Ⅳ、语言运用 Section4 Go for it!

is a foreigner’s life like in China? Do they have any problems ?Share the interview feelings with other groups.


①. What problems might you have living in a foreign country?

②. What problems do you think a foreigner might have in China?

People will certainly have different problems when they move to a new country. Lu visited England last week. But he was so worried and upset, because he always did the wrong things. Do you know why?

3.拓展阅读extensive reading

限时阅读:5分钟内,阅读一篇《Old Customs》的文章,回答问题。

Read an article “ Old Customs“, answer the questions

4.写作训练writing practice

根据上述文章的理解,针对Lu所遇到的问题,写一封信给他提建议。Write a short letter to Lu, give him some advice to help solve the problems.


Make a summary:

Let’s think about what we have learnt this class. Let’s make a summary;



