

导读 1. a holiday wish from your son tom. 寄上佳节的祝福,你们的儿子xxx上。15. 灯笼圆又圆,照亮幸福年;朋友提前拜个年,好运一年接一年;手机震震短信到,预示祝福已送到。

工作顺利祝福语英文 优选141句

1. a holiday wish from your son tom. 寄上佳节的祝福,你们的儿子xxx上。

2. Youmaketheworldabetterplace!

3. Mayyourfuturebefilledwithhappinessandsuccess!

4. Congratulationsonyourwedding!

5. Congratulationsonyournewbabyboy/girl!

6. 祝你有美好的一天!

7. I hope everything will go well.

8. Youareaninspirationtousall!

9. Bestwishesonyourretirement!

10. warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。

11. Bestwishes!

12. 继续保持好的工作!

13. go off well 很成功

14. Congratulationsonyourengagement!

15. 灯笼圆又圆,照亮幸福年;朋友提前拜个年,好运一年接一年;手机震震短信到,预示祝福已送到。

16. Youareinmythoughtsandprayers!

17. Keepupthegreatwork!

18. 祝你好运!

19. Any and all of these areas will go well for you, so forgeahead!

20. 祝贺你订婚!

21. 愿你所有的愿望成真!

22. Congratulationsonyournewhome!

23. 你值得拥有世界上所有的幸福!

24. 急急的是你的笔锋,满满的是你的信心,亮亮的是你的成绩,默默的是我的祝福,又是一年高考时,xxx题名!

25. Maythesunshineonyourpathtosuccess!

26. go on well with 与

27. 愿你的旅途充满爱和喜悦!

28. 祝你在特别的一天里一切都好!

29. 祝贺你新的里程碑!

30. Congratulationsonyournewjob!

31. Iadmireyourdeterminationandhardwork!

32. xxx引领你新的冒险!

33. 祝贺你开启新的冒险!

34. Mayyourjourneybefilledwithloveandjoy!

35. I'mthinkingofyou!

36. Bestwishesforaprosperousfuture!

37. 度过美妙的节日!

38. go to well 会做到

39. 愿阳光照耀着你通往成功的道路!

40. xxx你的决心和努力!

41. I'mprayingforyoursuccess!

42. 感恩节快乐!

43. 祝贺你新工作!

44. 祝贺你新家落成!

45. thinking of you at new year‘s time. best wishes from mark, janet and the kids. 马克、珍妮特和孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的祝福。

46. Mayyourjourneybesafeandsuccessful!

47. go especially well with 特别适合

48. 祝你早日康复!

49. HappyThanksgiving!

50. Yes. I need a bottle of table wine that would go well with steak and prawns.

51. Keepreachingforthestars!

52. Happyholidays!

53. 继续追逐你的梦想!

54. HappyIndependenceDay!

55. 愿你的道路充满爱和笑声!

56. Mayallyourdreamscometrue!

57. HappyFather'sDay!

58. Congratulationsonyournewmilestone!

59. 祝你婚姻周年快乐!

60. go down well 受欢迎 ; 成功 ; 被顺利接受

61. 祝贺你结婚!

62. Congratulationsonyournewadventure!

63. Enjoyyourvacation!

64. 愿新的一年带给你喜悦和成功!

65. 祝贺你升职!

66. Congratulationsonyourpromotion!

67. 独立日快乐!

68. 过年好,xxx,事事如意! with warm wishes for father’s day. 时值父亲节,致以最真挚的祝福!

69. 我为你的成功祈祷!

70. Haveawonderfulholidayseason!

71. Mayyourpathbefilledwithloveandlaughter!

72. Congratulations!

73. Wishingyouallthebestonyourspecialday!

74. Bestwishesforahappyfuture!

75. HappyNewYear!

76. 祝你退休愉快!

77. 祝贺你宝宝出生!

78. We all want this day to go well.

79. 祝贺你宝宝降生!

80. 我在想着你!

81. 祝一切顺利!

82. Bestofluckinyournewjob!

83. go really well with 与

84. Mayyourdaybefilledwithsunshineandlaughter!

85. Bestwishesonyourweddinganniversary!

86. 愿你的一天充满阳光和笑声!

87. Youdeserveallthehappinessintheworld!

88. 我为能称你为朋友而骄傲!

89. 热烈祝贺!

90. Maythecomingyearbringyoujoyandsuccess!

91. Happyanniversary!

92. 名落xxx!元旦快乐!请接受我深深的祝愿吧, a present from me is on the way. hope you‘ll like it. 寄上一份礼物,希望你们会喜欢。

93. 母亲节快乐!

94. 你是我们所有人的榜样!

95. HappyValentine'sDay!

96. Getwellsoon!

97. Congratulationsonyournewbusinessventure!

98. 愿你所有的梦想成真!

99. 新年快乐!

100. 祝贺你毕业!

101. Mayyourbirthdaybeasspecialasyouare!

102. Things go well as what we look forward to.

103. Fish doesn't go well with mutton.

104. Haveagreatday!

105. 圣诞节愉快!

106. Congratulationsonyourgraduation!

107. Mayallyourwishescometrue!

108. 元旦到,xxx:愿财神把你骚扰,把忧愁收购;愿开心把你套牢,把无聊抛售;愿幸福把你绑架,把烦恼抢走。

109. Allthebest!

110. 纪念日快乐!

111. 祝你新工作顺利!

112. 节日快乐!

113. Bestwishesforaspeedyrecovery!

114. 祝你未来幸福美满!

115. Warmcongratulations!

116. HappyBirthday!

117. 你是最棒的!

118. 我为你感到骄傲!

119. 祝你未来充满繁荣!

120. 爆竹声声笑,春节祝福到。成才的道路很多,并非只有上大学一条,可以根据自己和家庭的实际情况,选择适合自己的路继续深造,抛开无谓的自责与沉沦,只要用心去工作,学习,就一定可以成为生活的强者。

121. 愿你的未来充满幸福和成功!

122. I'mproudtocallyoumyfriend!

123. Youarethebest!

124. 你一直在我的思维和祷告之中!

125. I'msoproudofyou!

126. HappyMother'sDay!

127. 旅途愉快并且成功!

128. 情人节快乐!

129. 祝贺你!

130. Goodluck!

131. 有你在,这个世界变得更美好!

132. 最好的祝愿!

133. 迎接新年,快乐无敌。 season‘s greetings from xiao li and ming ming. 献上xxx和明明的节日问候。

134. 生日快乐!

135. 祝贺你新开创事业!

136. Congratulationsonyournewbaby!

137. 父亲节快乐!

138. Maytherainbowleadyoutonewadventures!

139. HaveaMerryChristmas!

140. 愿你的生日和你一样特别!

141. 祝你度过愉快的假期!