

导读 (从句中的谓语动词用comes back,表示一般将来时,绝不可用will come back)Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. 高中生物 alive.Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. 高中生物 alive.

高中英语知识点总结 第1篇

用法:be able to do

Note: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。

be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。


Note: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。


Note: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。

用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing

Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。


Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。

用法:表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。

Note: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days.

用法:与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。

Note: agree on表示达成一致;agree to表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的'话。


Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. 高中生物 alive.

用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do

Note: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in.


Note: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best.


Note: 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, and you’ll succeed sooner or later.

用法:表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。

Note: 不能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如:axxxher 2 weeks.


Note: 可以表示接电话、应门等。如:answer the phone/door.

用法:be anxious for/about/to do

Note: be anxious about表示担心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。


Note: 还可以作为系动词,与seem同义,表示看起来……。

用法:arrive at表示到一个小地方;arrive in表示到一个大地方。

Note: xxx义表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion.

用法:ask to do; ask sb. to do; ask for

Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:ask that sb. (should) do的形式。


Note: 通常与动词be及fall搭配;sound asleep表示熟睡。

用法:表示参加,后面经常加上meeting, lecture, conference, class, school, wedding, funeral等词;也可以表示照顾,照料。

Note: attend to可以表示处理、照料等。

用法:pay attention to; draw/catch sb’s attention

Note: 写通知时的常用语:May I have your attention, please?


Note: heartbeat表示心跳。

高中英语知识点总结 第2篇

1. Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.

2. The special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same field.

3. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.

4. Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.袁博士对生活非常满足。

5. Using his hybrid rice ,farmers are producing harvest twice as large as before

6. … planting peanuts that use the ground’s surface followed by vegetables that put down deep roots.

7. Some organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil, and then leaving it in the ground to become a natural fertilizer.

8. This also keeps the air, soil, water and crops free from chemicals.

9. In addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow too fast to be full of much nutrition.

10. One dream is xxx always enough, especially for a person who loves and cares for his people,

11. … Yuan Longping considers himself a framer, ….

高中英语知识点总结 第3篇



1、can能,可以,表说话人同意,许可还可表客观条件许可,如:You can go now.

提建议或请求时可用can I, can you表客气,如Can I buy you a drink?

can和be able to表能力时的区别。

can表一般具有的能力,be able to表在特定条件下的能力,如:Although the driver was badly hurt,he wasable to explain what had happened.


(1)可以,表说话人同意,许可或请求对方许可。You may go.

(2)(现在和将来)可能,也许,只用于肯定句和否定句中,如He may xxx be right.

3、must,have to

must表主观上的必须,have to表客观上的必须,如:It's getting late. I have to go. -Must I go must.(No, you needn't./ No, you don't have to.)

4、need,dare这二词有实意动词和情态动词两种词性,如用作实意动词后接动词不定式to do,如用作情态动词后接动词原形。Need I go now? --Yes, you must./No, you needn't.)

5、shall用于第一人称疑问句中表说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请求,如,Shall we begin our lesson?用于二、三人称陈述句,表说话人命令、警告、允诺、威胁等口吻,如: You shall fail if you don't workharder.

6、should表应该,意为有责任,有义务。如:We should try our best to make our country more beautiful.

7、will表有做某事的意志、意愿、安心、打算,如_Will you lend me your book?_ _Yes, I will._

8、should have done表应该做而未做

must have done表对过去事实的肯定推测

could have done表本可以做某事


He must be in the office now.

He must have gone to bed, for the light is out.

He can't be in the office. He is at home.

He couldn't have cleaned the classroom, because he didn't come here today.

He might be in the office, I am xxx sure.

He might have cleaned the room, I suppose.


A、Though,although的主句中可以用yet, still, nevertheless,但不可使用but。



3、某些短语也引导让步的从句或短语,意为“尽管”,如:in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that,regardless of(the fact that)



(1)在含有宾语从句的主从复合句中,当主句的谓语动词是think, expect, believe, suppose, guess, fancy,imagine等,且主句主语是第一人称时,宾语从句谓语的否定习惯上要移到主句谓语上,如: I don't think he is right.

(2)含有否定意义的副词never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely的句子应视为否定句,如: I have never been there before.


(1)need和dare既可作情态动词,又可作实意动词,在反问部分须加以区别,如We needn't leave, need we? We don't need to leave, do we?

(2)陈述部分出现否定意义的副词或代词如never, seldom, few, hardly, little等时,反问部分须用肯定形式,如:He seldom comes, does he?

(3)陈述部分用不定代词作主语时,反问部分的主语用it,如:Nothing can stop me, can it?

陈述部分用everybody, everyone, somebody, someone,等作主语时,反问部分常用it,有时也用they,如:Everybody knows that, don't they?

(4)陈述部分包括used to时,反问部分可有两种形式,如: You used to get up early, usedn't (didn't) you?

(5)陈述部分是_there + be_结构时,反问部分用there,如:There's something wrong with you, isn't there?

(6)陈述部分是含有宾语从句的主从复合句时,反问部分的主语和谓语应和主句保持一致,如: He never told others what he thought, did he?

但,如果是I think , I believe等+宾语从句时,反问部分须和从句的动词保持一致,如,I don't think he is right, is he? I don't believe he does that, does he?



What a beautiful park it is.

How beautiful a park it is.

How beautiful the park is.

How we worked!


Take care!

Don't stand there.

Please open the door for the old lady.


如:They invited us to go there this summer.他们邀请我们今年夏天去那儿。He stood aside for me to pass.他站到一边让我通过。


如:She seemed to have heard about this matter.她似乎已听说过这件事。

I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.我很抱歉让你等了这么久。

I meant to have told you about it,but I happened to have an important thing to do.我本来想告诉你这件事的,但我碰巧有一件重要的事要做。

It has been an honor for me to have traveled so much in your country.对我来说,在你们国家旅行这么多地方是一件很荣幸的事情。


如:It’s nice of you to be helping us these days.你真好,这些天一直帮我们。

He pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully.他假装在认真地听老师讲课。We didn’t expect you to be waiting for us here.我们没料到你一直在这儿等我们。


5、动词不定式的否定形式是由xxx或never加不定式构成。如:Try xxx to be late again next time.尽量下次不要再迟到。He wished us never to meet her again.他希望我们永远不要再见到她。

6、疑问词+动词不定式:不定式和疑问词whether,what,which,whom,where,when,how,why等连用可以在句中起名词的作用,通常跟在tell,know,show,decide,learn,wonder,explain,advise,teach,discuss,find out等动词后面作宾语,有时也可以充当主语、表语等。

如:On hearing the news,he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.听到这个消息,他不知道该哭还是该笑。

When to hold the meeting has xxx decided.什么时候开会还没有决定。

The most important problem is how to get so much money.最重要的事情是如何搞到这么多钱。


如:Mary gave some advice on how to learn xxxlish.玛丽提了一些如何学习英语的建议。

I have no idea of how to do it.我不知道该怎么做。


1什么是状语从句状语从句(Adverbial Clause)状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。根据其作用可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式和比较等从句。状语从句一般由连词(从属连词)引导,也可以由词组引起。从句位于句首或句中时通常用逗号与主句隔开,位于句尾时可以不用逗号隔开。







I will call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.我到北京就将给你打电话。

(这是由as soon as引导的时间状语从句,从句中的谓语动词arrive是一般现在时,表示一般将来时,绝不可用will arrive)

As soon as I have finished this work, I will have gone home.我一完成此工作,就回家。

(从句中的谓语动词用现在完成时have finished,表示将来完成时,绝不可用will have finished)

If he comes back, please let me know.如果他回来了,请通知我。

(从句中的谓语动词用comes back,表示一般将来时,绝不可用will come back)

高中英语知识点总结 第4篇

1. grow plants种植作物

2. know about farming了解农业耕种

3. a main food主要食物

4. Asian countries亚洲国家

5. have the chance to do sth有机会做…

6. end hunger结束饥饿

7. for that’s how he regards himself因为那就是他如何看待自己的

8. work the land耕种土地

9. a sunburnt face晒黑的脸

10. in many ways从许多方面来说

11. struggle for为…而战/挣扎

12. the past five decades在过去的五十年

13. a high output高产量

14. make it possible to…使…成为可能

15. graduate from…从…毕业

16. see the great need for看到了对…的需求

17. a serious problem一个严重的问题

18. search for寻找

19. without expanding the area of fields不扩大农田面积

20. circulate his knowledge传播知识

21. less developed countries欠发达国家

22. thanks to幸亏,由于

23. rid …of…使…摆脱…

24. twice as large as before是以前的两倍大

25. be satisfied with对…满意

26. care little about对…很少关心

27. lead a comfortable life过着舒适的生活

28. equip…with…用…装备…

29. give him less freedom to do sth给他更少的自由…

30. would rather宁愿

31. no longer不再

32. play the xxxlin拉小提琴

33. prefer to更喜欢…

34. ride his motorcycle骑摩托

35. awake from从…中醒来

36. with the hope of带着…的希望

37. export rice出口大米

38. as Dr Yuan proves正如Dr Yuan所证明的那样

39. be suitable for对…合适

40. for sale卖…

41. chemical fertilizers化肥

42. get confused感到困惑

43. take turns轮流

44. be prepared to准备…

45. no matter how无论怎样

46. refer to指的是…参考…查阅…

47. be rich in富含…

48. be good for对…有好处

49. reduce diseases减少疾病

50. the water supply水的供应

51. year after year一年又一年

52. as a result结果

53. get exhausted感到筋疲力尽

54. insist on坚持

55. every two or three years每两三年

56. write a summary of…写…的总结

57. exchange…with…与…交换…

58. give each other comments互相评论

59. be free of远离…

60. that is to say那就是说

高中英语知识点总结 第5篇

用法:be able to do

Note: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。

be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。


Note: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。


Note: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。

用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing

Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。


Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。

用法:表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。

Note: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days.

用法:与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。

Note: agree on表示达成一致;agree to表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。


Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. 高中生物 alive.

用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do

Note: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in.


Note: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best.


Note: 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, and you’ll succeed sooner or later.

用法:表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。

Note: 不能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如:axxxher 2 weeks.


Note: 可以表示接电话、应门等。如:answer the phone/door.

用法:be anxious for/about/to do

Note: be anxious about表示担心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。


Note: 还可以作为系动词,与seem同义,表示看起来……。

用法:arrive at表示到一个小地方;arrive in表示到一个大地方。

Note: xxx义表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion.


Note: heartbeat表示心跳。


Note: 通常与动词be及fall搭配;sound asleep表示熟睡。

用法:表示参加,后面经常加上meeting, lecture, conference, class, school, wedding, funeral等词;也可以表示照顾,照料。

Note: attend to可以表示处理、照料等。

用法:pay attention to; draw/catch sb’s attention

Note: 写通知时的常用语:May I have your attention, please?

高中英语知识点总结 第6篇

1. means n. 方法;途径

2. experience n. 经验

3. equipment n. 设备

4. successful adj. 成功的

5. protect v. 保护

6. handle v. 处理

7. consider v. 考虑

8. benefit n. 利益

9. particular adj. 特别的

10. effect n. 效果

11. combine v. 合并

12. unforgettable adj. 不会忘记的

13. advance v. 前进

14. seize v. 抓住

15. struggle v. 奋斗

16. xxxr v. & n. 害怕

17. strike v. 敲打

18. destroy v. 毁掉

19. publish v. 出版

20. naughty adj. 调皮的

高中英语知识点总结 第7篇

1) in search of = in the search for 寻找

2) search for sb/ sth 寻找某人/物

3) search … for sb/ sth 搜查…以寻找某人/物

4) decorate sth with 用…装饰

5) decorate sth in/after…style按照…风格装饰

6) decorate for 为…装饰

7) belong to 属于

8) in return for 作为回报,作为报答(原因)

9) no doubt 无疑地,很可能

10) without (a) doubt 无疑地

11) beyond doubt 毫无疑问(常作插入语)

12) in doubt 感到怀疑的

13) be worth doing sth 值得做某事

14) take apart 拆开

15) come/ fall apart 崩溃,瓦解

16) apart from 除了…以外都,除去

17) in evidence 明显的,显而易见的

18) at the entrance to 去…的入口

19) think highly/much/a lot of 高度赞扬/评价

20) think little/poorly of 忽视,不重视

21) in the fancy style 流行式样

22) at war 处于交战状态

23) more/ less than 多/少于

24) such an amazing history如此神奇的一段历史=so amazing a history

25) develop an interest in… 培养对…的兴趣

26) remain a mystery 仍然是一个谜

27) a troop of his best soldiers他最好的一队士兵

28) agree with this opinion 赞同这个观点

29) see sth by the light of the moon借着光看见某物

30) the entrance to the mine 矿洞的入口处

31) be used to do sth 被用来做某事

32) in fact =as matter of fact 事实上

33) add more details to… 添加更多细节到…

34) care about 关心

35) agree with sb 同意某人的观点

36) rather than 而不是

37) at midnight 在午夜

38) to one’s surprise 令某人感到惊喜

高中英语知识点总结 第8篇


1、 buy 用法:buy sth、 for 5 dollars; buy sth、 for sb。

Note: 点动词,不能表示买的时间长短。

2、 but 用法:xxx…butbut for next but one , have no choice bu to do sth、, all but 几乎,差一点。

Note: do xxxhing but do sth、 xxxhing前有do,后面的to要省略。Not only… but also…引导的并列句,前倒后不倒。canxxx help/ choose but do sth、 不能不,只能。

3、 by 用法:by accident, by air/ sea/ train, by and by, by far, by force, by mistake, by chance, by the way

Note: by way of 取道,经由。by reason of 由于。by 引导的时间状语一般句子用完成时态。

4、 call 用法: call for / up / back / in / , call on sb、 to do sth、, pay / make a call on sb、 give sb、 a call ,on call

Note: call at后面跟地点;call on 后面跟人。

5、 care 用法:take care of; with care; care for/about

Note: care about表示在乎,xxx否定句;care for表示关心,喜爱,xxx肯定句。

6、 carry 用法:carry表示搬运;carry on表示进行;坚持下去;carry out表示执行。

Note: carry没有方向性,可以表示随身携带。

7、 case 用法:in case; in case of; in any case; in this/that case

Note: in case后面的状语从句可以用虚拟语气,即in case sb、 should do的形式。

8、 catch 用法:catch the thief; catch fire; catch a cold; catch up with, catch sb、 doing sth。

Note: be caught表示陷入困境,如:He was caught in the rain。

9、 cattle 用法:集合名词,动词要用复数形式。如:Cattle are raised here、 Note: 一头牛可以用a head of cattle、 注意十头牛用ten head of cattle。

10、 chance 用法:by chance; take a chance; there is a chance that… Note: 在chance后面可以用动词不定式或者of的结构作定语。




(1)表示主语现在所处的状态及所具备的特征、性格、能力等。 Eg:They are both tired and hungry、


常用时间状语:always often sometimes now and then every day


Eg:The earth moves around the sun、


Eg:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow,we will go climbing、



Eg:Here comes the bus!











2、时间状语:The next day (morning, year…),the following month(week…),etc、


+was/were +going to + do+其它;主语+would/should + do+其它

4、否定形式:主语+was/were+xxx + going to + do; 主语+would/should + xxx + do、

5、一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首。

6、例句:He said he would go to Beijing the next day、他说他第二天要去北京。

I asked who was going there、我问,谁要去那里。

二、 现在进行时


2、时间状语:Now, at this time, days, etc、 look、 listen

3、基本结构:主语+be +doing +其它

4、否定形式:主语+be +xxx +doing+其它


6、例句:How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?

He is doing well in his lessons、在课上他表现得很好。

高中英语知识点总结 第9篇









2)发明并运用字母的缩写形式Ex——expensive lg——large eq——earthquake


1.对话预测:在听取对话,尤其是Part1-5——Short Conversation时,考生可以按照下例wh-问题进行预测:1)Who are the two speakers?2)What is the possible Relationships between them?3)When did they have the conversation?4)Where did the conversation take place?5)Why do they have the conversation?6)What did they plan to do?

2.语篇预测:了解讲话者已提供和未提供的信息1)What facts did the speaker offer?2)What facts did the speaker fail to offer?

3.依靠开篇句预测:英语听力的第一句话通常会透露整篇的主题,所以大家要善于抓住听力材料的首句信息。例如:Americans have a popular saying “Time is money。”



一、 主旨大意题

这类题在设题时常会用到title, subject, main idea, topic, theme等词。


特点:短小精悍,一般多为一个短语;涵盖性强,一般能覆盖全文意思;精确性强,表达范围要恰当,不能随意改变语意程度或色彩。常见命题形式有:What’s the best title for the text? The best title for this passage is ___. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

2. 概括大意题

包括寻找段落大意(topic)和文章中心思想(main idea),常见命题形式有: What is the general/main idea of the passage?Which of the following expresses the main idea?What is the subject discussed in the text? BThe writer of the story wants to tell us that_____. The passage/ text is mainly about_____. What’s the article mainly about ?



位于段首:一般而言,以演绎法撰写的文章,主题句往往在文章的开头,即先点出主题,然后围绕这一主题作具体的陈述。判断第一句是否为主题句,可具体分析段落的首句与第二,三句的关系;如果从第二句就开始对第一句进行说明,论述或描述,那第一句就是主题句。有些段落,在主题句后面有明显引出细节的信号词,如for example, an example of; first, second, next, last, finally; to begin with, also, besides; one, the other; some, others等。在阅读中应尽量利用上述信号词来确定主题句的位置。

高中英语知识点总结 第10篇





that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词有when, where, why等。


The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman. 该句中,who is shaking hands with my father是定语从句,修饰先行词the man, “who”是引导定语从句的关系词,代替先行词the man,在定语从句中作主语。



① The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 正在踢足球的男孩是一班的。

② Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning. 想去博物馆的人必须在明晨7点到大门口集合。

③ Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way. 昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。

④ That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 那就是教我们物理的老师。


① Mr. Liu is the person ( whom ) you talked about on the bus.


② Li Ming is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see. xxx正是我想要见的男孩。

③ The professor ( whom ) you are waiting for has come. 你正在等的教授已经来了。

④ The girl ( whom ) the teacher often praises is our monitor.


注意:关系代词whom在口语或非正式文体中常可用who来代替,也可省略。 The man ( whom / who )you met just now is my old friend.


① Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 足球是大多数男孩所喜欢的运动。

② The factory which makes computers is far away from here. 制造计算机的那家公司离这儿很远。

③ He likes to read books which are written by foreign writers. 他喜欢外国作家写的书。

④ The house which is by the lake looks nice. 湖边的那幢房子看上去很漂亮。

⑤ This is the pen ( which ) he bought yesterday. 这是他昨天买的钢笔。

⑥ The film ( which ) they went to see last night was xxx interesting at all.



① The number of people that / who come to visit this city each year reaches one million.


② Where is the man that / whom I saw this morning? 我今天早上看到的那个人在哪儿?

③ The person that /whom you introduced to me is very kind. 你介绍给我的那个人很友好。

④ The season that / which comes after spring is summer. 春天以后的季节是夏季。

⑤ Yesterday I received a letter that / which came from Australia.



① I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the country.


② He has a friend whose father is a doctor. 他有一个爸爸当医生的朋友。

③ I once lived in the house whose roof has fallen in. 我曾经住在那幢屋顶已经倒塌了的房子里。


The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired.

{The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.

Do you like the book whose cover is yellow?

{Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow?



He didn’t come back home on time, which made his father very angry.



This is the house in which Lu Xun used to live. 这就是鲁迅过去居住的房子。


①先行词是all, much, anything, something, xxxhing, everything, little, none等不定代词 This is all that I want to say. 这就是我想要说的。

There is xxxhing that can terrify him. 没有什么能吓住他。

There was little that I could do for you. 我不能为你做什么。

②先行词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, only, few, most, no, some, very等词修饰 This is the first composition (that) he has written in xxxlish. 这是他用英语写的第一篇文章。

This is the best novel (that) I have ever read. 这是我读过的最好的小说。


He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. 他谈了他拜访过的老师和参观过的学校。

④在疑问词who, which, that开头的句子中

Who is the man that spoke to you at the gate. 那个在门那边跟你讲话的男人是谁?

Which is the star that is nearest to the earth? 那一颗星星离地球最近。


1.关系副词在从句中分别表示时间.地点或原因。关系副词when在从句中充当时间状语,where 充当地点状语,why充当原因状语。

① I know the reason why he came late. 我知道他迟到的原因。

② This is the place where we lived for five years. 这就是我们住了五年的地方。

③ I will forget the days when I met Mr. Liu. 我不会忘记遇见xxx先生的那一天。

注意:定语从句先行词用关系代词还是关系副词:引导词在句中做主语、宾语、表语就用that, which,否则就用where。

① This is the house where he lived last year.

These are the houses that/which were built 10 years ago.

② I’ll never forget the days (that/which) we spent together.

Do you still remember the days when we first met?

③ Can you explain to us the reason why you came late?

I don’t believe the reason which (that) he explained to us.


This is the house where he lived last year.

{in which

The gentleman about whom you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.



1. 限制定语从句紧跟先行词,引导词同先行词之间一般不加逗号,仅修饰先行词,可以由关系代词.关系副词或that来引导,去掉它意思不明确。非限制性定语从句仅作补充或说明,用逗号与主句隔开,不可用that引导,去掉引导词不会影响主句的意思。

This is the house which we bought last night.

The house, which we bought last night, is very nice.

2. 非限制性定语从句既可修饰先行词,又可修饰整个主句

He seemed xxx to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upset me. 他似乎没有领会我的意思,这使我非常心烦。


多与such 或the same连用,出现在the same…as, such…as, so…as, as…as等结构中

①This is such a difficult problem as nobody can work out.

{that nobody can work it out.

②This is the same pen as I lost. 这支钢笔同我丢失的一样。

③Here is so big a stone as no man can lift. 这块石头大得没人能搬得起。

2. the same… that与 the same …as在意思上是不同的

I have bought the same watch as you. 我买了一块和你一样的手表。(不是同一块) This is the same watch that I lost. 这就是我丢的那块手表。(同一块)


The elephant’s nose is like a snake, as anybody can see.

As we know, smoking is harmful to the one’s health.

The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us.

高中英语知识点总结 第11篇

1. cultural relics文化遗产

Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited at the museum.

博物馆展出了许多出土文物。By definition the capital is the political and cultural center of a country. 根据定义,首都是一个国家的政治文化中心。

2. rare and valuable 珍贵稀有

3. in search of 寻找,寻求 = in search for

He went to the south in search for a better future.他为了寻找更好的前途到南方去。

4. in the fancy style 以别致的风格 in … style/ in the style of ……以……风格

These clothes are too fancy for me, I prefer plainer ones. 这些衣服对我来说有些花哨,我还是喜欢素净些的。

5. a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country’s best artists about ten years to make. 用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品,一批国家最优秀的艺术家用了大约十年的时间才把它完成。

decorate with 以。装饰

6. be designed for …为……而设计

by design 故意地

This room was originally designed to be my study. 这间屋子原预定做我的书房。

His parents designed him for the army, but he preferred the navy. 他父母打算要他当陆军,但是他却喜欢当海军。

7. belong to 属于

We belong to the same generation. 我们属于同代人。

8. in return 作为回报/报答/交换 in turn 依次地,轮流的;转而,反过来

9. serve as 作为,用作,充当,起作用

The room can serve as a study. 这间房子可作书房用。

10. Later,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. 后来,xxx琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。

have sth done 请/让别人做某事,使得,蒙受某种损失

We had the machine repaired. 我们请人把机器修好了。

11. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.

Police are combing the woods for the missing children.警察搜遍树林以寻找失踪的孩

12. be at war 处于战争状态,交战

13. remove some furture and small art objects 把一些家具和小件艺术品搬走

He removed the mud from his shoes. 他去掉鞋上的泥。

This old table is a valuable piece of furniture. 这张旧桌子是一件很珍贵的家具。

14. in less than two days 在不到两天的时间里

15. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for…There is no doubt that she will keep her word.毫无疑问她会遵守诺言的

There is no doubt that Taiwan belongs to China. 这是毫无疑问的',台湾属于中国。

.without doubt 无疑地,确实地

He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught.


16. rather than 胜于,而不是

Tom rather than Jack is to blame. 该受责备的是汤姆,而不是xxx。

I prefer to read rather than sit idle. 我宁愿读书而不愿闲坐着。

We aim at quality rather than quantity. 我们的目的是重质不重量。

17. Nor do I think they should give it to any government. 我也不认为他们会把它交给任何政府。

18. do with 处理,忍受,对付

I can't do with his insolence. 我忍受不了他那傲慢无礼的态度

What do they do with the coin? 他们是怎样处理这枚硬币的?。

高中英语知识点总结 第12篇


强调句 (The Emphatic Pattern) 是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式。通过各种方式对句子中的某个部分进行强调,从而起到修辞的作用。英语常用的强调结构有:It is (was)+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+that/who...;what…be…句型;



1、用It is/was...that/who...句型表示强调。

(1)陈述句的强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+其它部分。

. It was yesterday that he met Li Ping.


. Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping?


. When and where was it that you were born?


如:原句:He met an old friend in the park yesterday.

强调主语:It was he who/that met an old friend in the park yesterday.

强调宾语:It was an old friend that/who he met in the park yesterday.

强调地点状语:It was in the park that he met an old friend yesterday.

强调时间状语:It was yesterday that he met an old friend in the park.

2、用助动词do, does或did来强调谓语动词。

如:Do come early.

He did send you a letter last week.

We're pleased that she does intend to come.


如:What John wants is a ball.

What Mary does every day is(to) give piano lessons.


1、句型为:It is/was xxx until+被强调部分+that+其它部分:

. 普通句:He didn't go to bed until/till his wife came back.

强调句:It was xxx until his wife came back that he went to bed.

2、注意:此句型只用until,不用till。但如果不是强调句型,till, until可通用;

因为句型中It is/was xxx...已经是否定句了,that后面的从句要用肯定句,切勿再用否定句了。


1、It is/was...that...结构不能强调谓语,如果需要强调谓语时,用助动词do/does或did。

. Do sit down.务必请坐。

He did write to you last week. 上周他确实给你写了信。

Do be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时,务必(千万)要小心啊!




如:It was yesterday that I met your father in the street.


如:It was in the street that I met your father yesterday.


如:It was your father that/whom/who I met in the street yesterday.

It was I that/who met your father in the street yesterday.


如:It is they who are our friends.

It was xxx until ten o'clock that we got home last night.

⑤注意不要混淆强调句和其他从句。It is/was...that...为强调句标志,去掉后仍可组成一个完整的句子,只是没被强调,而其他从句一般不具备这一特征。

比较:1)It was ten o'clock when we got home last night. 我们昨晚到家时已十点了。

2)It was at ten o'clock that we got home last night. 我们昨晚是在十点到家的。

第一句不是强调句,when不可改为that,因为去掉it was和that后,只能组成“We got home ten o'clock last night.”这样一个不完整的句子;第二句是强调句,that不可改为when。





如:It___the Chinese women that___a great role in the socialist construction.

A. is; plays

B. are; play

C .is; play

D. are; plays



如:It is him that/who/whom I met in the street yesterday.

It is I who/that am wrong.


如:It was on Oct1st, 1949 that People's Republic of China was founded.

It was at the gate____he told me the news.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. when



如:It is Mary who often _____(help) me with my xxxlish. (helps)

It is I that ____(be) against you. (am)


强调“xxx...until”引导的时间状语时,要用“it is/was xxx until...that...”结构,that后面的句子要用肯定式,且须用陈述句语序。

如:We did xxx get off the bus until it stopped. ?

It was xxx until it stopped that we got off the bus. (注意:强调该结构时xxx until不能分开)

高中英语知识点总结 第13篇

1. It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. (从句时态用完成时) 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。

2. I wonder if it's because I haven't been able to be outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。

3. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. 有一天晚上,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮一次。

4. Your friend, who doesn't work hard, asks you to help him cheat in the end-of-term exam. 你的一个朋友叫你在期末考试中帮他作弊,这个朋友平常不认真学习。

6. Add up your score and see how many points you can get. 把你的得分加起来,看看得了多少。

7. What he did has added to our difficulties. 他的所作所为增加了我们的困难。

8. His income adds up to $1000 a month. 他每月的收入共计1000美元。

9. It's no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. 观看这些已不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须体验的。

10. Why is she so concerned about his attitude to her work? 她为什么那么关注他对她的工作的看法?

11. The police asked him to set down what he had seen in a report. 警察让他在报告中写下他所看见的事情。

12. As I was about to go out and search for him, he happened to come in. 正当我打算出去找他时,他恰巧进来。

13. Mr. Jones lives alone and often feels lonely. xxx先生单独一人生活,常常感到孤独。

14. We tried to calm him down, but he kept crying. 我们试图让他平静下来,但他仍不停地哭着。

15. Does he dare (to. go out at night in such stormy weather? 他敢在这样一个暴风雨夜外出吗?

16. He would go through fire and water for his country. 他愿为国家赴汤蹈火。

17. That country suffered a heavy loss in the flood. 那个国家在水灾中遭受严重的损失。

18. World xxxlishes come from those countries where xxxlish plays an important role as a first or second language, either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language. 世界英语来自那些以英语为第一或第二语言的国家,英语在这些国家起重要作用,或是因为外国的统治,或是因为其作为国际语言的特殊地位。

19. All languages change when cultures communicate with one axxxher. 当不同的语言互相沟通时,所有的语言都会发生变化。

20. Actually, the xxxlish spoken between about AD 450 and 1150 was based more on German than present day xxxlish. 实际上,从公元450年到1150年,人们所说的英语更多的是以德语为基础的,而现代英语不是。

高中英语知识点总结 第14篇


表示时间的状语从句可由when, as, while, whenever, after, before, till (until), since, once, as soon as (或the moment ), by the time, no sooner … than, hardly (scarcely) … when, every time等引导。

. When I came into the office, the teachers were having a meeting.

He started as soon as he received the news.

Once you see him, you will never forget him.

No sooner had I gone to bed than I went to sleep.


原因状语从句是表示原因或理由的,引导这类从句的最常用的连词是because, since, as , now that(既然)等,for 表示因果关系时(它引导的不是从句)为并列连词,语气不如because强。

. He is disappointed because he didn't get the position.

As it is raining, I will xxx go out.

Now that you mention it, I do remember.


引导地点状语从句的连词是where 和wherever等。

. Sit wherever you like.

Make a mark where you have a question.


引导目的状语从句最常用的词(组)是so, so that(从句谓语常有情态动词), in order that, in case(以防,以免)等。

. Speak clearly, so that they may understand you.

She has bought the book in order that she could follow the TV lessons.

He left early in case he should miss the train.


结果状语从句是表示事态结果的从句,通常主句是原因,从句是结果。由so that (从句谓语一般没有情态动词), so … that, such … that等引导。

. She was ill, so that she didn’t attend the meeting.

He was so excited that he could xxx say a word.

She is such a good teacher that everyone admires her.


条件状语从句分真实性(有可能实现的事情)与非真实性(条件与事实相反或者在说话者看来不大可能实现的事情)条件句。引导条件状语从句的词(组)主要有if, unless, so (as) long as, on condition that, so (as) far as, if only ( = if )。注意:条件从句中的if 不能用whether替换。

. If he is xxx in the office, he must be out for lunch.

You may borrow the book so long as you keep it clean.

So far as I know, he will be away for three months.

You can go swimming on condition that ( = if ) you don’t go too far away from the river bank.

If he had come a few minutes earlier, he could have seen her.

高中英语知识点总结 第15篇

1. advance的用法

构词:advanced adj. 高等的先进的,高深的


① in advance 在前头,预先,事先

② in advance of 在……前面;比……进步;超过

③ on the advance (物价)在上涨

【考例】It is said that Miss White had some difficulty in studying the ____ maths.

A. improved B. developed C. advanced D. increased

[考查目标] 本题考查形容词advanced与近义词的区别。

[答案与解析]C “高等数学”的英译是advanced maths,advanced意思是“先进的。高级的”。

2. before 的特殊用法

(1) He had run out of the room before I could stop him.我还没来得及拦住他,他就跑出了屋子。

(2) Three weeks went by before We knew it. 三周过去了,我们才意识到。(或:时间不知不觉已过三周了。)

(3) It wasn't / didn't take long before he returned.他没过多久就回来了。

It won't be long before we graduate. 不要过多久我们就要毕业了。

3. chance的用法


① by any chance 万一,碰巧,或许

② by chance 偶然,意外地

③ take a / one's chance 冒一冒险,碰碰运气,利用一下机会

【考例6】 (2005南京模拟)Most of the ___are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and agriculture.

A. work B. luck C. chances D. services

[考查目标] chance的词义。

[答案与解析] C chance在本句的词义是“机会”。

4. consider v.

(1) 考虑

A) consider + n. / doing

I consider going abroad.

B) consider + 疑问词 + to do

You have to consider what to do next.

(2) 认为

A) consider + n. (+as / to be) + n. / adj.

I consider Mary as / to be my best friend.

They considered Paris the brain and heart of the country.

B) consider + n. + to have done

I consider him to have acted disgracefully.


…,look on…as…,take…as…,think of…as…

5. cost的用法

构词:costly adj. 昂贵的,贵重的


① cost sb. sth. 花费某人(多少钱);让某人付出(代价)/牺牲……

② at all costs 不惜任何代价.无论如何

③ at any cost 不惜任何代价,无论如何

④ at cost (price) 按成本价格,按原价

⑤ at the cost of 以……为代价,用……换来的;丧失;牺牲

【考例】They wondered how much this kind of car would ____ them.

A. pay B. spend C. cost D. waste

[考查目标] 本题考查cost和它的几个近义词的区别。

[答案与解析] C cost的意思是“耗费”,主语是指物的


6. effect n. 效果;作用

have an effect on sth.

His words had a great pushing effect on his students.

(1) be of no effect 无效

(2) come into effect 开始生效;开始实行

[比较] affect vt. 影响 The climate affected the amount of the rainfall.

7. experience的用法

构词: experienced adj. 有经验的,熟练的


① by experience 凭经验;从经验中

② from experience 凭经验;从经验中

③ gain experience in… 获得……经验

④ be experienced in… 某方面有经验

友情提示: experience这个词作为可数名词用时,解释为“经历”,作为不可数名词用时解释为“经验”。

【考例】 (2005山西模拟) ____teaches that he was right. Good friendship is just xxx easily formed.

A. Knowledge B. Teachers C. Experience D. Parents

[考查目标] experience的意思。

[答案与解析] C experience常为不可数名词,意思是“经验”。

8. xxxr n. & vt.

(1) n. 恐惧 (多作不可数名词)

His face was growing pale with xxxr.


There is no reason for your xxxrs.

for xxxr of 由于怕……,以防

He left an hour earlier for xxxr of missing his train.

for xxxr (that) 惟恐;怕的是;以防

She worried for xxxr that the child would be hurt.

in xxxr of 害怕;担心

The thief was in xxxr of the police.

(2) v. 恐惧;害怕,接 n. / pron.

Cats xxxr big dogs.

恐惧;害怕,接to do

Don't xxxr to tell the truth.


She xxxred that she might xxx find him in his room.

构词:xxxrful adj. 可怕的,严重的;惧怕的,胆怯的;担心的,忧虑的 xxxrless adj. 不怕的,大胆的,勇敢的,无畏的


① be in xxxr (of) (为……而)提心吊胆

② for xxxr of 因为怕;以免,怕的是

③ for xxxr that-clause 生怕;为了防止(某事发生)

④ have a xxxr that-clause 担心/怕(发生某事)

⑤ with xxxr 吓得,怕得

⑥ xxxr (vi.) for... 担心/忧虑……

【考例】(2004江苏)He got to the station early, ____ missing his train.

A. in case of B. instead of

C. for xxxr of D. in search

[考查目标] xxxr构成的短语的用法和意思。

[答案与解析]C for xxxr of 常在句中作状语,意思是 “怕的是……。担心……”。

9. fun n. 高兴;乐趣;有趣的人或事

(1) for fun 为了高兴;为着好玩

I only did it for fun.

(2) make fun of 开……的玩笑;取笑

It is wrong to make fun of a cripple.


(1) laugh at 笑(某人);嘲笑

It's unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble.

(2) play a joke on 开(某人的)玩笑

10. means n. 手段;办法

(1) by means of 用……;依靠……

The water may be carried by means of a pipe.

(2) by all means 一定;务必;(表示同意)当然可以,没问题:务必,无论如何,千方百计地

Try by all / every means to persuade him to come.

(3) by no means 完全不是;一点也不;决不

This is by no means the first time you have been late.

还有: by this means 用这种方法; by any means 用一切可能的方法或手段

【考例】(MET 1991)Students sometimes support them- selves by ____ of evening job.

A. ways B. offers C. means

[考查目标] by means of 短语的意思。

[答案与解析] C by means of 的意思是“通过某种手段”。

11. normal adj. 正常的;正规的

the normal temperature, normal behaxxxr

(1) regular 规则的;有规律的

keep regular hours 生活有规律;按时作息

(2) common普通的;常见的

Tom is a common name in Britain. 共有的;共同的

have a common interest 有着共同爱好

(3) usual 惯常的;惯例的

It's usual with him to go to the office on foot.

(4) ordinary 平凡的;普通的 in ordinary dress

12. once的用法


① all at once 突然;同时

② at once 立刻,马上;同时

③ (every) once in a while 偶尔,有时,间或

④ for this once (= for once,just for once) 就这一次; 破例一回

⑤ more than once 不止一次,多次

⑥ xxx once 一次也不

⑦ once again / more再一次

⑧once and again一再,再三

⑨ once or twice 一两次;有时,偶尔

⑩ once too often又(多了)一次

once upon a time从前

【考例】(2004上海) ____ we have learned something, additional learning increases the length of time we will remember it.

A. Before B. Once C. Until D. Unless

[考查目标] 连词once的用法和词义。

[答案与解析] B once在作连词使用时意思是“一旦”。

13. prefer v. 宁愿;更喜欢

(1) prefer + n. / pron.

The boy preferred a detective story.

(2) prefer + v. -ing

Do you prefer living abroad?

(3) prefer + to do

She prefers to live among the working people.

(4) prefer sb. to do sth.

She preferred him to stay at home.

(5) prefer + n. / pron. / doing + to + n. / pron. / doing 喜欢……而不喜欢 I prefer the town to the country. / While he was in the office he preferred doing something to doing xxxhing.

(6) prefer to do...rather than do = would rather do ... than do... 宁愿……而不愿 I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.

(7) prefer + 从句(谓语动词用should do,should可省略) She preferred that he should do it in the kitchen.

14. protect的用法

构词:protection n. 保护(者/物),防御

搭配:protect sb from / against 防止……遭受……;使……免于,保护……使不受

【考例】 (MET 1992) Clarke was greatly admired at the club for the successful ____.

A. self-satisfaction B. self-protection

C. self-respect D. self-service

[考查目标] protect及其派生词的词义。

[答案与解析]B self-protection是名词,意思是“自我保护”。

15. separate的用法

构词:separation n. [U]分开,分离


① separate A from B 把A和B分开

② A is separated from B by… A和B为……所分开/阻隔

③ separate sth (up) into… 把……分成(几分)

辨析:separate; divide; part 都含“分开”的意思。

separate 指“把原来在一起的人或物分开”。例如: Separate those two boys who are fighting, will you? (你)把那两个打架的孩子拉开,好吗?

divide 指“施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整体分成若干部分”。


【考例】(NMET 2001)As we joined the big crowd I got ____ from my friends.

A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed

[考查目标] 动词separate的词义。

[答案与解析] A separated和get搭配有被动意义,表示“被隔开;被分隔”。

高中英语知识点总结 第16篇

1. the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会

2. compete in …compete with other countries for world market 与其它国家竞争国际市场

compete in a race 参加赛跑

compete with [against] sb. for sth. 与某人竞争而获得某物

Our Greek cities used to compete against each other just for the honour of winning.我们希腊各个城市之间曾经为了荣誉而彼此之间相互竞争。

3. take part in 参加

We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody excepted.

我们大家都得参加跑步训练, 无人例外.

4. What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? 奥运旗帜上的五环代表什么?

stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护;容忍;允许

What does _ESL_ stand for? _ESL_代表什么?

I won't stand for his insults any longer. 我再不能容忍他的污辱了。

5. (a) volunteer for (……志愿者)志愿做……。

6. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and used to write about the Olympics a long time ago

We used to keep in touch with each other by writing letters.我们过去常写信联系对方。

I am used to reading stories to my daughter every night and she enjoys it.我习惯了每天给女儿讲故事,她也非常喜欢这样做。

Wood can be used to make furniture. 木头能用来做家具。

There used to be a temple at the place where our school stands now.在我们学校所在之处过去有一座庙。

a regular basis 定期地He comes to visit us on a regular basis.他定期来看望我们。

7. Only atheletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参见奥运会。

I am sure that he will be admitted to Beijing University this summer. 我肯定他今年夏天将被北京大学录取。

This ticket admits two people to the football match. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。

The cinema admits about 2000 people.这座电影院大约可坐 2000 人。

He never admits that he is wrong. 他从不承认自己错了。

John has admitted breaking the window. 约翰已承认打碎了窗子。

8. No other counries could join in, nor could slaves or women.

9. Women are xxx only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics…妇女不仅允许参加,而且她们还在体操比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用。

10. as well 也;又;同样 as well as (除...之外)也,既...又

I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well. 我唱自己谱曲的歌,也弹吉他。

A teacher should entertain as well as teach.教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣。

11. So even the olive wreath has been replaced. 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了。

12. be in/under sb’s charge管理 in charge of 负责

These books were left in your charge. 这些书由你管理。

I was in charge of my sister. 我在照看我妹妹。

This ward is in [under]the charge of Dr Green. 这间病房是由xxx大夫负责的。

How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle? 他修理自行车收了你多少钱?

Do you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-duty time? 下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费?

The boy charged into the room. 男孩冲进屋里。

13. take responsibility for…对……负有责任,负起对……的责任

23. If you are discovered, you will be fined. 如果被发现,你将被罚款。

He was fined 200 dollars for xxxlation of traffic regulation. 他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。

14. make a bargain with sb. 与某人成交

15. promise to do sth. 答应做某事

She promised her brother that she would write to him. 她答应弟弟将给他写信。

Remember to carry out your promise . 记住要履行诺言。

16. one after axxxher 一个接一个地Difficulties arise one after axxxher.困难相继出现.

17. deserve to do sth 理应做,值得做

deserve attention [sympathy] 值得注意[同情]

deserve to be rewarded [punished] 该奖[罚]

If you do wrong, you deserve punishment. 你如做错事, 应当受罚。

18. be active in 积极于

高中英语知识点总结 第17篇

1) compete with/ against 与…进行竞争

2) compete for 为…而竞争

3) compete in 参加…比赛

4) take part in 参加,参与(+活动)

5) stand for 代表,象征,表示

6) stand aside/by 袖手旁观,待命

7) stand against 靠在…上

8) stand out 突出,显眼

9) keep regular hours 过着有规律的生活

10) on a regular basis 有规律地

11) regular customers/visitors 常客,老主顾

12) regular meeting 定期会议

13) admit that… 承认…

14) admit (to) doing 承认做某事

15) admit sb/sth to be 承认某人/某事是…

16) be admitted as 作为…被接受

17) be admitted to/into 获准进入/参加

18) as well 也

19) act as host 做东

20) the host country 主办国

21) play host to 主办

22) a host of 许多,大量

23) replace B with/by A 用A代替B

24) replace sb/sth 代替

25) = take the place of sb/sth

26) = take one’s place

27) charge (sb) some money for sth为某事(向某人)要价

28) charge sb with… xxx人…

29) take charge of 负责

30) free of charge 免费

31) in charge of 主管

32) in the charge of …在某人的主管之下

33) = in one’s charge

34) = under one’s charge

35) bargain with sb about/over sth和某人讨价还价

36) bargain on 商定

37) make/reach a bargain with sb与某人达成协议

38) keep a bargain 遵守协议

39) find/get a bargain 买到便宜货

40) deserve to do 值得做,应该(发出者)

41) deserve doing 值得被(承受者)

42) one after axxxher 陆续地,一个接一个地

43) the first gold medal winner 第一枚金牌得主

44) difference between…and 和…之间的区别

45) find out about 发现,查明,弄清

46) from all over the world 来自世界各地

47) play an important role in 在…起重要作用

48) used to do sth 过去常常做某事

49) be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事

50) two sets/types/kinds/sorts of 两组,两套

51) every four years 每四年

52) reach the standard 达到标准

53) run against 与…赛跑

54) change one’s mind 改变主意

55) ask sb for help 向某人求助

56) promise sb to do 答应(某人)做

57) pick up 拾起,捡起

58) for the honor of 为了…的荣誉

59) be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事

60) come on a…journey 进行一段…旅行

61) be build for 被建造(立)

62) rise/stand to one’s feet 站起

63) take responsibility for 为…负责

64) on purpose故意

高中英语知识点总结 第18篇


常见的名词包括: assumption假定/belief看法/ conclusion结论/ doubt怀疑等。 例句:The suggestion that we should develop the natural resources in the region has been discussed. 关于我们应该开发本地区资源的`建议已经讨论过了。


例句:An old woman walked out into the middle of the street. The policeman yelled to her, “Don’t you know what it means when I hold up my hand?” The lady said, “Sure I do. I have been a schoolteacher for 28 years now.” 一个老妇人走到了马路中央,这时,一位交警朝着她嚷道:“我都把手举起来了,你难道还不知道什么意思吗?”老太太说:“我当然知道,我都做了28 年的老师了。”

3. 时间状从:xxx…until… 用法。例句:The students didn’t stop talking until the teacher came in.

4. it做形式主语,句子做逻辑主语:如果主语太长,常用代词 it 作形式主语,将真正的主语从句置于句尾,以保持句式的平衡。

例句:It makes no difference what you read or study if you can’t remember it. 如果你记不住,那么你读什么或者学什么都不重要了。

5. 现在分词短语作状语:

(1)现在分词作时间状语。例句:There are several things to consider when buying fresh foods. 当购买新鲜食品时,有几个事情要考虑。

(2)现在分词作条件状语。例句:Working hard, you will succeed. 如果努力工作,你将会成功。

(3)现在分词作伴随状语。例句:All night long he lay awake, thinking of the problem. 他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着那个问题。

(4)现在分词作方式状语。例句:Please answer the question using axxxher way. 请用另一种方法回答问题。

(5)现在分词作原因状语。例句:Not knowing her address, I can’t write to her.由于不知道她的地址,我没法给她写信。


例句:Possessing a car gives a much greater degree of mobility, enabling the driver to move around freely. 拥有汽车使机动程度更高,使xxx自由自在地往来各地。


例句:Although working from morning till night his father didn’t get enough food.虽然他父亲从早到晚拼命干,但是还是挣不够吃的。

高中英语知识点总结 第19篇

1. cultural relics 文化遗产

Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited at the museum.

博物馆展出了许多出土文物。By definition the capital is the political and cultural center of a country. 根据定义,首都是一个国家的政治文化中心。

2. rare and valuable 珍贵稀有

3. in search of 寻找,寻求 = in search for

He went to the south in search for a better future.他为了寻找更好的前途到南方去。

4. in the fancy style 以别致的风格 in … style/ in the style of ……以……风格

These clothes are too fancy for me, I prefer plainer ones. 这些衣服对我来说有些花哨,我还是喜欢素净些的。

5. …a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country’s best artists about ten years to make. 用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品,一批国家最优秀的艺术家用了大约十年的时间才把它完成。

decorate with 以...装饰

6. be designed for …为……而设计

by design 故意地

This room was originally designed to be my study. 这间屋子原预定做我的书房。

His parents designed him for the army, but he preferred the navy. 他父母打算要他当陆军,但是他却喜欢当海军。

7. belong to 属于

We belong to the same generation. 我们属于同代人。

8. in return 作为回报/报答/交换 in turn 依次地,轮流的;转而,反过来

9. serve as 作为,用作,充当,起作用

The room can serve as a study. 这间房子可作书房用。

10. Later,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. 后来,xxx琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。

have sth done 请/让别人做某事,使得,蒙受某种损失

We had the machine repaired. 我们请人把机器修好了。

11. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.

Police are combing the woods for the missing children.警察搜遍树林以寻找失踪的孩

12. be at war 处于战争状态,交战

13. remove some furture and small art objects 把一些家具和小件艺术品搬走

He removed the mud from his shoes. 他去掉鞋上的泥。

This old table is a valuable piece of furniture. 这张旧桌子是一件很珍贵的家具。

14. in less than two days 在不到两天的时间里

15. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for…There is no doubt that she will keep her word.毫无疑问她会遵守诺言的

There is no doubt that Taiwan belongs to China. 这是毫无疑问的,台湾属于中国。

.without doubt 无疑地,确实地

He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught.


16. rather than 胜于,而不是

Tom rather than Jack is to blame. 该受责备的是汤姆,而不是xxx。

I prefer to read rather than sit idle. 我宁愿读书而不愿闲坐着。

We aim at quality rather than quantity. 我们的目的是重质不重量。

17. Nor do I think they should give it to any government. 我也不认为他们会把它交给任何政府。

18. do with 处理,忍受,对付

I can't do with his insolence. 我忍受不了他那傲慢无礼的态度

What do they do with the coin? 他们是怎样处理这枚硬币的?。