

导读 开学已经一个月了,对新的环境有了必须的了解。应对高一生活也有许多感受。怀着对初中的留恋,对未来的憧憬,我走进了大冈中学,开始一段全新的求学之旅。我很喜欢我的高中生活,在我的高中生活之中,我交到了不少的好朋友,认识了很多博学的老师,还有学习到了更多的知识。

在高中第一天的经历英语作文 第1篇

Time flies like water, today we are no longer children playing house on the grass; Today, we are no longer elementary school students who loudly read _the bright moonlight in front of the bed_; Today, we have bid farewell to childhood and moved towards youth. With a vision for the future, we arrived at the Affiliated High School of the National Peoples Congress and entered the first year of high school life.

It has been a month since the start of school and I have gained a necessary understanding of the new environment. There are also many feelings for coping with the first year of high school life.

As I entered my first year of high school, my first feeling was freshness. The school is so clean, tidy, and shaded by green trees; The teachers lectures are so lively and engaging; The classmates get along so harmoniously and happily; The modern library, audio-visual center, network center, and laboratory make me linger and forget to leave. All of this is very different from elementary school, which makes me feel incredibly fresh and interesting.

As a freshman in high school, my second feeling is longing and longing for the future. At the opening ceremony, we tied our perfect wish to the balloon with excitement and set it flying into the blue sky. Everyone has various wishes, some of whom aspire to become musicians and promote traditional Chinese music to the world; Some hope to be a journalist and make all humanity marvel at Chinas rapid development today; Some people aspire to become writers and let people hear the weak voices in social corners... Dreams can only be realized through action. In the three years of junior high school, we will lay a solid foundation for the future and step by step towards our goals.

The feeling of being in the first year of high school makes you nervous. In high schools, especially excellent ones, the competition for learning is quite fierce, and there will also be necessary pressure. If you dont pay attention, your grades will fall behind the team, so you cant relax at all. You should always be in a learning state. We must adapt to this tense learning atmosphere in order to achieve results in the three years of study.

I am in my first year of high school, both excited and anxious. But in any case, starting from little by little and integrating into our new life, lets approach our freshman year with a high mindset.






在高中第一天的经历英语作文 第2篇

Peng Beihai, Feng Chaoyang, and the vast road with books and swords.

With nostalgia for middle school and longing for the future, I entered Dagang Middle School and embarked on a brand new journey of study.

High school life is like a newly unfolded scroll, filled with endless mysteries, waiting for us to explore. The road is long and arduous, and we can only walk step by step with our feet on the ground. High school is the ladder for us to enter university and the threshold for entering society. But the road ahead may be full of thorns, and we need to cross them with the spirit of the wind. High school life is not as easy as I imagined: the new environment, new teachers, new classmates, everything is so unfamiliar; A new teaching mode, a new schedule, everything is so challenging. Since the beginning of school, I have always unconsciously moved the mindset of middle school to high school studies, but it has not had any effect. High school places more emphasis on our subjective initiative, requiring us to use effort as a paintbrush to fill our high school life picture with colorful beauty.

High school life is like a long poem to be completed, containing endless imagination and inspiring us to strive. Poetry is full of picturesque meaning, it takes us into the vast ocean of Chinese and foreign cultures. I will seize every moment of the present and contribute to the building of my life. After three years of junior high school, I deeply understand that this is a beautiful beginning. Whether its cruel, plain, joyful or sad, I have been here before and will do my best to strive. My homeroom teacher is serious and playful; My teacher is responsible and enthusiastic; My classmate, striving for progress without losing warmth! With such teachers and friends as companions, I believe that my high school life will be fulfilling and beautiful.

Although high school life is short, as long as we plan scientifically and strive hard, we will be able to depict this painting with extraordinary beauty and compose this long poem with profound pride. Today I walk alone, and tomorrow I will fly away like a butterfly. I always believe that I am both a raging wave and a spark that no one can extinguish. As long as we plant a sea of flowers in our hearts, filling our hearts with sunshine, every day in the future, whether its cold waves or mist, we can firmly believe and live towards the sun.






在高中第一天的经历英语作文 第3篇

I really enjoyed my high school life. During it, I made many good friends, met many knowledgeable teachers, and learned more knowledge.

I entered high school with a troubled heart, as the three years of high school will have a great impact on my future. So, as soon as I entered high school, I focused all my attention on studying. The students in high school are very conscious in their studies. Whether in class or after class, the students in the classroom are studying diligently. My high school life gave me a great learning environment from the beginning, which was an honor for me. I am able to study diligently with my classmates in the same classroom, progress together, and explore together when there are problems. My high school life is harmonious, and it carries the driving force that keeps us moving forward.

As we delve deeper into high school life, the relationships between classmates are getting better and getting along more harmoniously. I also made many friends in my high school, and we share a common goal of improving together in our studies. And we also wrote down our respective goals and made an appointment to wait until our high school life was over, spread out the small notes of goals we had set, and see if we had all achieved our initial goals.

In my high school life, I also want to thank all of my teachers who have worked tirelessly to teach us. When we encounter problems that we dont understand, the teachers will explain them to us again and again until we understand them. In high school life, we classmates are striving towards our dreams. No matter how hard the journey is, we all persist in moving forward. Our teacher is also hardworking, preparing topics for our classmates, grading our homework and papers, and not only that, but also caring about our physical health.

My high school life has made me meet many friends and teachers, and I am very grateful to them. My high school life was also spent through hard work, and I hope that my efforts can help me realize my dreams.






在高中第一天的经历英语作文 第4篇







Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. A long summer vacation has passed, and a new semester has begun again. Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we have entered a new and unfamiliar campus and embarked on our three-year journey of high school.

In the past journey, we have had laughter and sunshine, which have become our eternal memories. Now, with a lock to lock it up, everything in front of us is new. Look! The new semester is beckoning to us. After the ups and downs of the past, we have encountered many opponents who want to defeat us. However, due to our perseverance, we have now steadily defeated them, so we have ultimately achieved success with our own strength.

This time we have ushered in a new semester, and at each new starting point, each of us has an expectation: we hope to run faster and higher in this new semester, and we also hope that our future can be better. Therefore, I will definitely showcase my new plans to welcome the new semester in my longing for a better future. Also, make a good plan for your semester, so that you have a clear direction and goals. Of course, in the new semester, I will work harder than before to learn every subject well, and at the same time, I will change my learning attitude in terms of learning. I will listen attentively in class, not make small moves, and not disturb classroom discipline.

As long as one believes in ones own abilities and believes that one can exchange ones efforts for ones gains. Learning is not a task at a certain stage of life, but a benefit. It is something I should do and must do well. At the same time, learning comes with a certain amount of pressure and hardship, but these hardships can enable us to learn knowledge that can be used for a lifetime. Therefore, it is absolutely difficult to experience the hardships of learning without suffering and experiencing setbacks in learning, and learning requires effort and struggle We need to bravely overcome setbacks in order to reap success. In success, we need to work hard, and behind success lies our hard work. Without cultivation, there is no gain, no effort, no gain. So it is even more important to cherish this precious time and enrich oneself, turning ones ideals into an unstoppable driving force!

The mountain of books has a path of diligence, and the sea of learning is endless. Strive forward towards your goals and direction! The new semester has already come into our sight, starting our new journey and setting new sails! I will work hard and work hard. In the colorful school life, I should be a good charge for myself, so that I can fly higher in this new semester.

Facing a new journey, there may be ups and downs, and I will surely overcome all difficulties, avoid all shallows, and ultimately reach the other shore of success.