

导读 在定语从句中作主语时用that, who 作宾语时用 whom, who, that2.从每个单元中抽出初中学习过的重点动词、名词,作为知识预备,扫清学习障碍。2.从每个单元中抽出初中学习过的重点动词、名词,作为知识预备,扫清学习障碍。

高一上册英语作文范文 第1篇

Students like optional courses学生喜欢选修课程

This term our school has offered more than ten optional courses from which students can choose. The courses are given from 4:00 to 5:30 every Thursday afternoon. Students take great interest in optional courses. Their favourites are computers, spoken English, arts and so on . They say they have learned a lot that is not taught in text books and they got a great deal of practice. However, students are not quite satisfied. They hope that more optional courses will be offered or the homework would be less. They suggested more trips and visitsshould be organized so that they can learn more about what's going on outside school.


高一上册英语作文范文 第2篇

A country has its laws and a family has its riles , family also has some rules.

First of all,I have to be home by 10:00,because it is dangerious to go home ,I'm not allowed to watch TV on shool my opinion,I need time to relax instead of studying on school nights,Finally , The biggest problem is that I can not join clubs .My parents think that is bad for my do not know I am interested in running,playing basketball and writing.

as the saying goes ,''Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards''.I know I should study I an old enough to make my own hope my parents could my parents could understand me and give me more freedom.






高一上册英语作文范文 第3篇

The person I love most is my grandfather also has a good him I can learn the endurance,self-discipline,courage,paticipation and positive attitude.

In my childhood,he always walks with usual walk was to the park near our went to work on time,and despite nasty almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could my grandfather was young,he joined the am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for him to subject himself to such stress when he saw many his friends died in my grandfather tries to partictpate in many likes to go to dances and loves travel and he always takes many love him but I’ve never said”love” to him for my hope he knows that how I admire him,how I love him,How I rely on think of him when I am envious of another’s good fortune,when I complain about trifles,when I want to help other love my grandfather most.

高一上册英语作文范文 第4篇

Typhoon coming 台风来了

Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to ****** in summertime or fall season. They are great wind storms; when they strike land they may do great damage. However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way. He will send out warnings about.


People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time. In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also, we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity. Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.



高一上册英语作文范文 第5篇

第一节 高频知识


1. He came to school very upset. (1-1朋友)

2. Your dream will come true. (2-5音乐) Something would come true. (2-5音乐) The dream had finally come true. (1-3游记)

3. He fits his new software free in very computer. (1-5英雄)

4. Let your imagination run wild(2-3电脑)

5. Then things went wrong. (2-5音乐)

6. I grew crazy. (1-1朋友)

7. Stay awake(1-1朋友) (1-3游记)

8. Languages do not always stay the same. (1-2英语)

9. Our legs felt heavy. (1-3游记)

10. The fruit goes bad easily. (1-4地震)

11. It feels as hard as a stone. (2-1古迹)

12. It felt strange. (2-5音乐)

13. It sounds very simple. (2-3电脑)

14. Fall ill(2-3电脑)


1. Anne was very upset that her family had to move. (1-1朋友) Everyone was very upset. (2-2奥运)

2. We were tired but also very excited. (1-3游记) An excited elephant(2-4生物) He was an excited supporter of Coco Li(2-5音乐)

3. She gave me a determined look. (1-3游记)

4. She was amazed when they heard of the rules. (2-2奥运) Daisy was amazed. (2-4生物)

5. She will be relaxed. (2-2奥运)

6. It was painful for me and I felt frightened. (2-3电脑) I saw many frightened cows rush up Market Street. (1-4地震)

7. The waterfall is even more exciting to see. (1-3游记) She was able to replace her usual afternoon’s work by watching some exciting sports. (2-2奥运)It was so exciting when my letter became neat and tidy. (2-3电脑) A most exciting experience(2-5音乐)

8. The word is confusing to me(1-2英语)

9. Your tour sounds interesting. (1-3游记)

10. It was a frightening night. (1-4地震)

11. All his music was written for God and some of it is very moving.(2-5音乐)

三.a number of; the number of

1. English has a large number of speakers(1-2英语)

2. Such a great number of people died. (1-4地震)

3. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. (1-4地震)

4. A number of people think God moved the statues. (2-1古迹)

5. The number of English speakers is increasing rapidly. (1-2英语)

6. China has the fastest growing number of English speakers. (1-2英语)

7. The large number of English speakers(1-2英语)

8. The number of people who were killed reached more than 400. (1-4地震)

四.Used to; be used to

1. I used to write about the Games years ago. (2-2奥运)

2. Farmers used to hunt the elephants. (2-4生物)

3. Money used to go to big companies. (2-4生物)

4. I love being used to connect people(2-3电脑)

5. A keyboard is used to keep data into a computer. (2-3电脑)

6. The antelope fur is being used to make sweaters. (2-4生物)

7. Seven thousand tons of amber were used to make the room. (2-1古迹)

五. get的用法

1. Wang Wei got them interested in cycling. (1-3游记)

2. The dog got loose. (1-1朋友)

3. Have you got everything ready? (1-3游记)

4. He made speeches to get others to help him. (2-1古迹)

5. He hurried to get dressed.(2-4生物)

6. How do people get to form a band? (2-5音乐)


1. She insisted that we find the source of the river. (1-3游记)

2. We advised the parents that the child should not be taught too much. (1-5英雄)

3. He advised poor people on their problems. (1-5英雄)

4. Give some advice. (1-1朋友) Give us some advice(2-5音乐)

5. He insists that it belongs to his family. (2-1古迹)

6. I’d like to help as the WWF suggests. (2-4生物)

7. Some people even suggest we should do more. (2-4生物)

8. Read the plan and suggest ways to make it better. (2-1古迹)

9. She tried to persuade him not to fight the government. (1-5英雄) She persuaded me to buy one(1-3游记). He persuaded the government to buy some land in the center of the city. (2-1古迹)

七. Be+hard+主动不定式

1. Earthquakes are very difficult to predict. (1-4地震)

2. Water and food was hard to get. (1-4地震)

3. The air is hard to breathe(1-3游记)

4. It is difficult to prove. (2-1古迹)

5. The amber room was not easy to make. (2-1古迹)

八.参加join; take part

1. I joined the ANC Youth League as soon as I could. (1-5英雄)

2. The prison guards also joined us. (1-5英雄)

3. Dao Wei will join us there. (1-3游记)

4. Join in discussion(1-1朋友)

5. Women were not allowed to join in. (2-2奥运)

6. He sang his latest hit and joined in. (2-5音乐)

7. take part in the Olympics (2-2奥运)

8. All countries can take part. (2-2奥运)


1. He has given up many things in his life to help others. (1-5英雄)

2. He gave up a rich life for his ideas. (1-5英雄)

3. I have to give up a lot of things to win gold medals. (2-2奥运)

4. I had to give in. (1-3游记)

十.感官动词+sb+ doing sth

I often hear my grandfather talk about cultural relics. (2-1古迹)

If you find someone smuggling cultural relics, what can you do? (2-1古迹)

The man saw some Germans taking apart the room. (2-1古迹)

十一. remain

1. It remained when the rest has been destroyed. (2-1古迹)

2. The part of ancient walls remain as good as before. (2-1古迹)

3. What happened to the city remained a mystery. (2-1古迹)


I didn’t dare open the window. (1-1朋友)

I know I didn’t need to encourage her. (1-3游记)

十三. agree

1. I do not agree with your opinion. (2-1古迹)

2. I don’t agree with the writer. (2-1古迹)

3. I don’t agree that it should be returned. (2-1古迹)

4. All members have to agree with what music to play. (2-5音乐)

十四. Gone, missing, lost

1. All hope was not lost. (1-4地震)

2. San Francisco was gone. (1-4地震)

3. Two minutes later, everything was gone. (2-4生物)

4. It is now missing. (2-1古迹)

十五. include

1. Horse riding is not included in the winter games. (2-2奥运)

2. All these men and young boys came from different parts of Greece, including Athens. (2-2奥运)

3. Others went to work with Murray, including his two daughters. (1-2英语)

第二节 零散知识

1. She was able to travel far because of the flying chair. (2-4生物) They speak English because of foreign rule. (1-2英语)

2. He belongs to a trade union. (2-1古迹) The earth belongs to the living. (2-1古迹) I found the person to whom it belonged. (2-1古迹) The computer company belonged to Wang An. (1-5英雄)

3. They were seated near the bowling area. (2-2奥运)

4. The bag of food should last you 3 days. (1-4地震) People began to wonder how long the disaster would last. (1-4地震)

5. The search has cost a lot of time. (2-1古迹)

6. They decided to pass a law that all trainers must be men. (2-2奥运)

7. He died for his ideas. (1-5英雄) He died from a piece of falling furniture. (1-4地震)

8. He believed in three principles. (1-5英雄)

9. He was in prison for thirty years. (1-5英雄)

10. He entered university in 1937. (1-5英雄) The river’s delta enters the South China Sea. (1-3游记)

11. We felt very happy to have studied in college. (1-3游记)

12. The teacher asked him when he went to bed the night before. (1-1朋友)

13. They can’t understand everything(1-2英语) She didn’t like everything about the relic. (2-1古迹)

14. English speaking world(1-2英语)

15. They looked at you a little strangely. (1-2英语)

16. It doesn’t matter what English you learn. (1-2英语)

17. There is no such thing as standard English. (1-2英语)

高一上册英语作文范文 第6篇

When people say the word _hero_, what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybe your hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero is around me, who gives me more love than others. She is my mother, the hero in my heart. My mother isn't great in the way of a famous singer or a movie star. She does nothing big, but what she does make others inferior. From her, I learn a lot.

When I was a baby, she taught me how to walk and how to speak. When I go to school, she helps me solve many problems. She also tells me be kind to others. When I do badly in study, she encourages me and tries to cheer me up. My mother is a teacher, and she is always busy with her work. When she corrects students' homework, she is always very serious. My mother is responsible to all of her students. She cares much about students study and life, and she tries her best to help students in need.

My mother is a loving mother, a qualified teacher, and a real hero in my heart.

高一上册英语作文范文 第7篇










Step1:Warm-up andlead-in (5 mins)





Step2:Reading forstructure





Step3:Reading fordetails (10 minutes)


高一上册英语作文范文 第8篇






作 用 主语 宾语 介词+宾语 定语

人 类 Who,

That Whom

That whom Whose

事 物 类 Which

that Which

that Whose Whose

用 法 说 明 不能省略 常可省略 介词的选择根据习惯搭配以及作用与



关系副词 作用 用法 说明

When 状语 跟在表时间的先行词后 相当于表时间的介词


Where 状语 跟在表地点的.先行词后 相当于表地点的介词


why 状语 跟在表原因的先行词后

(以reason为常见) 相当于表原因的介词


I. 关系代词

引导词:which, that, who, whom, whose

具体用法:1、当先行词为物时,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,宾语,定语。用which, that, whose+n, of+which

eg. (1) They planted the trees ______didn’t need much water.

(2) The meat ______we bought yesterday is not fresh.

(3) He lives in the room _______windows face the south.

(4) He lives in the room the windows ____________face the south.

2. 当先行词为人时,关系代词为that, who, whom, whose。

在定语从句中作主语时用that, who 作宾语时用 whom, who, that


eg. (1) The scientist _______visited our class yesterday is from Canada.

(2) The person _______you met yesterday is our Chinese teacher.

(3) The person _______you talked to just now is our Chinese teacher.

(4) Do you know the student ________pronunciation is the best in our class.


(1) As引导的定语从句一般和such 连用:

There is no such place as you dream of in all this world.


I like such a fine city as Beijing.


The waves were such as I never saw before.


(2) 有时和the same 连用:

I have the same trouble as you (have).


This is the same bag as I lost yesterday.


He is of about the same age as you (are of the age).


Is this the same as you showed me before?



He stopped the idea, as could be expected.


As we all know, air is a gas.

在这种从句中,关系代词as 可作主语,宾语或表语。

as从句中修饰全句时有“正有”的含义,而 which 从句中没有此含义。


1. 在定语从句中加了多余的宾语:Some of the boys I invited them didn’t come.

2. 定语从句谓语动词的单复数弄错

eg. (1) Those who has finished may leave the classroom now.

(2) This is one of the rivers in China which flows northward.

(3) This is the only one of the rivers in China which flows northward.

3. 省略了定语从句中作主语的关系代词

eg. Children eat a lot of sugar often get bad teeth.

The key opens the room is missing.

4. 定语从句中加了多余的关系副词或介词

eg. The house where he lives in needs repairing.

高一上册英语作文范文 第9篇

One day, Mary went to the airport to see her friend off. Her friend’s name is Jack.

There were so many people in the airport, it was hard to find Jack among the people.

Suddenly, Mary saw Jack and she felt very happy then she shout: Hi, Jack. Hi, Jack .Here, Here!

At the same time, Jack waved his arms: I’m here!! . Within 3 minutes, so many policemen came to the front of Jack and caught him: Please come with me to the police office.

The word Hijack in the English has different meaning, you can find in the dictionary.

It has been over 100 years since the very first plane, invented by the Wright Brothers, flew into the sky. The first plane, which was made of wood, had only been able to fly for 12 seconds in the air, but it opened the door of the aviation world. I wonder how the Wright brothers would imagine such a magnificent idea. They must have some kind of dream----human beings like birds, flying freely in space----they attempted various kinds of material to make planes, finally making their dream come true, although only a short 12 seconds for the first flight!

We students often have different dreams: to be scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. Like the Wright brothers when they were young, we should try our best to experience different things, for example, going out of doors to watch different animals, watching butterflies in the air, or watching fish in the water. With more knowledge in these fields, we can become biologists in the future. Generally speaking, we’d better make greater efforts in our studies. In this way, we can make our dreams come true, not only like the Wright brothers in the sky, but also like Yang Liwei in outer space.

高一上册英语作文范文 第10篇


dear linda,

i know it’s hard to start a new life in a strange city. however, just staying at home doing nothing but surf the internet is not good for you. you’d better go out and join in some social activities. by doing this, you can get to know more people around. and it would be a good idea to help others if possible and show them you are open and friendly as well.

with time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you. best wishes!


li hua

2、假设你是李华,某中学学生杂志英语习作专栏正在开展主题为“why should we learn english?”的征文活动。请你根据所给要点写一篇征文稿。


why should we learn english?

english is an international language so it is necessary and good for us to learn english.

in a word, learning english means a lot. we should work hard and learn it well.


1)湖光塔影,花木芬芳 2)莺啼燕语,游人如织 3)夜游西湖,赏音乐节

dear harry,

how did you spend your summer holidays? i’d like to share my last trip with you. during my holiday, i visited the west lake in hangzhou. bright flowers, green trees, lovely birds and ancient towers attracted lots of tourists from all over the world. to enjoy its beauty, many of them biked around the lake. in the evening, the lake was more beautiful in the moonlight. i took a happy walk and went to a wonderful music festival.

i am sure that you will fall in love with this place when you visit it, and i am very glad to be your guide.


li hua篇二:高一英语作文范文及题目


试以“can money buy happiness”(金钱能买来幸福吗?)为题写一篇议论文,必须包括以下内容:1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness);2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil);3.我的看法。??

【名师点拨】?? 此文属于议论文体裁,可以分为三段。不同的人对金钱有不同的观点,两种态度截然相反,所以第一段和第二段形成了对立的关系。第一段,有人认为金钱是幸福之本,有钱的人可以享受生活,如吃得好、穿得好、住得好,可以买名牌服装,开好车。第二段,有人认为金钱是万恶之源,正因为有人认为“有钱能使鬼推磨”,因此有人为了钱去偷、去抢、


??以 “in what way will internet change the way of our life”为题写一篇短文。(字数:200左右)

高一上册英语作文范文 第11篇

Nowadays, there are more and more students becoming short-sighted. Some students get short-sightedness when they are little. There are fifteen students wearing glasses in my class. Being short-sighted is common among students, even in primary school. That is too serious. Therefore, we should protect our eyes carefully. When we are reading and writing, we should keep a standard posture. Besides, we should not watch TV or play computer for too long. They are bad for our eyes. And, we should do eyes exercises regularly. A good rest is also important to our eyes. In all, eyes are the windows of our mind. We should keep it healthy.



高一上册英语作文范文 第12篇
























高一上册英语作文范文 第13篇

One day, it was time for lunch. Mr and Ms White were already at the table, but where was Tom their only son. Mr White decided to go and asked Tom to have lunch. When he went into Tom's bedroom, he found Tom reading a book while lying on the stomach on the floor. He told Tom to come to lunch immediately, so Tom did. Mr White wondered why Tom was so attractted by the book? So he decided to have a look at the book. Now, it was the turnof Ms White and Tom to wait. After sometime, Ms White asked son to see what his father was up to. Tom went tohis bedroom. To his great surprise, his father was lying on the stomach and reading the book. He is just being reading. Mr. White had forgotten all about for lunch , what is an interesting book.


高一上册英语作文范文 第14篇

Zhou Enlai was born in Huai'an,Jiangsu,on March 5, 1917,he finished school in Nankai Middle School,and then went to France to learn Marxist 1922,he joined the Chinese Communist that,he was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai.

He led the famous uprising①----Nanchang Uprising on August 1st, he took part in the Long 1937 to 1945,he worked in South China.

After the People's Republic of China was founded,he was elected Premier②of put all his heart into the work and always worked until had no time to think about himself,but only the Chinese people.

Premier Zhou died on January 8th, whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese people's was a great Marxist and communist.

高一上册英语作文范文 第15篇








(4)学会观察语言现象,总结语言规律(如通过某例句总结出某词的用法) ;

















高一上册英语作文范文 第16篇

高考前如何调节心情? How to Adjust the Mood Before College Entrance Examination?

Every Chinese knows the importance of the college entrance examination, so the high school students always can feel the stress from that exam, especially when that day is nearby. Some students will not do as well as usual because of heavy stress. It is necessary to adjust their mood well before the exam. They should not give too much pressure to themselves, instead of having usual heart. Then they can do in working order. To reach this goal, they can spare time to do some sports or just go running and keep telling themselves that the exam can’t decide their future, so they try their best would be OK and no one will blame them. The purpose is make them feel relax, as the status of relax is the best state for achieving good marks in the exam. It is helpful.


高一上册英语作文范文 第17篇









高一上册英语作文范文 第18篇

We live in a technology era, the network has gradually replaced the telephone and television, brought a lot of convenience to our lives, has become an indispensable part of our life. However, with the development of network technology, the network application becomes more and more popular and the crime base on the network also come gradually.

The proportion of companies’ computer security violated is 50%.In ,our country the public security cracked hacker case nearly 100,the purpose for economy of computer crime accounted for 70%.The cyber crime can make a business failure, leakage personal privacy, or the paralysis of a national economic, this is not alarmist. Thus the network security becomes more and more important. There are various reasons of cyber computer user's security awareness. Many computers do not install antivirus software and firewall, or can not guarantee the antivirus software updated daily, which give the computer criminals an opportunity. Second,for illegal money online.

The implementation of network crimes is various, but from the quantitative analysis,for money, gain on the majority. Third, the difficulties to get the limited evidence of network crime left most also only have electromagnetic records, but there is no fingerprint or DNA evidence, but such evidence is also very easy to destroy. Fourth,the crackdown is not great on the computer in majority of countries. The laws of most countries do not make efforts on the prevention and control of network crimes,and the law is not sufficient to constitute a real threat to the Internet crime.

In my opinion, the prevention of cyber crime we should first of all from the establishment of a sound outlook on life and values in the daily life, but not network will occupy an increasingly important position in our future life, we should use the knowledge learning in school and life experience, to prevent and avoid being deceived. Accumulating enough Internet experience and prevention awareness of cyber crime, fully protect ourselves, away from the infringement of network crime.


高一上册英语作文范文 第19篇


to do sth 准备做某事

prepare 准备好

of 代替

number of 大量的

of 成千上万的

seemed that Shake with 使受震惊

hands with sb.与某人握手

down 安顿下来

bursting to do sth.急于做某事

into/in 闯入

with anger 勃然大怒

in ruins 成为废墟

ones hopes 使某人希望破灭

sb 评价

by/from 从...看来

honoured by 对...感到荣幸

honour to sb 敬重

高一上册英语作文范文 第20篇

Students like optional courses 学生喜欢选修课程

This term our school has offered more than ten optional courses from which students can choose. The courses are given from 4:00 to 5:30 every Thursday afternoon. Students take great interest in optional courses. Their favourites are computers, spoken English, arts and so on . They say they have learned a lot that is not taught in text books and they got a great deal of practice. However, students are not quite satisfied. They hope that more optional courses will be offered or the homework would be less. They suggested more trips and visitsshould be organized so that they can learn more about what's going on outside school.


高一上册英语作文范文 第21篇

一. 教材分析



二. 教学目标

1、使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;






四. 工作措施


2. 为了使学生打牢基础不至于出现知识断层,本学期要有计划的把学生初中学过的但掌握不好的知识点,如词汇、短语、句型、时态、从句、动词不定式等插入新课教学中。







高一上册英语作文范文 第22篇

Today is my birthday and I'm so excited about the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it said,_Today is my birthday,don't forget it!_At school,I got many gifts and cards for my classmates and had a lot of I was still expecting the birthday party after school.

When it was time to leave school I couldn't wait to go I open the door,there wasn't anybody in the was only a note that said,_Coming home late tonight,mum and dad._I try to call them but there was no was so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be!I was so sad that I couldn't eat just did my homework and waited for them.

And then,things changed was about time for dinner,my mother called and told me to go to the restanrant near our I got there I couldn't believed my was there:my parents,my relatives,my friends and even my was so many gifts and a big a surprising birthday party!We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever.

高一上册英语作文范文 第23篇







本学期要完成必修一和二两个模块的教学任务。必修一中以第一、二和四单元为重点,其中涉及到friendship、international relationship、natural disaster等。必修二以一、二、三和四单元为重点,其中涉及到International sports events,Historical events、wildlife protection等。





1) 知识衔接(词汇补充、语法回顾)。在学习新课的过程中的,以新带旧,温故知新。

2) 学习方法衔接。

3) 心理辅导衔接


1) 基础知识到位。在日常教学中,立足课本,积累知识,夯实基础,采用起点低、密台阶、小步子的策略,使学生对语言知识彻底理解,准确记忆。

2) 了解学情到位。了解学生学习英语的兴趣、程度、学习方法、学**惯,为下一步进行高中英语教学做准备。

3) 活动到位。对于课堂教学中的每一个环节的设计,都应注重让学生参与到动口、动手、动脑的活动中,以达到师生互动、生生互动的良好效果。考试活动也要到位,适时地对所学知识进行测试并进行合理评价,以达到激励学生的目的。

高一上册英语作文范文 第24篇

Whenever you turn on a light,listen to recorded music,or watch a motion picture you are enjoying one of the discoveries of Thomas Alva fact,it's difficult to go through a single day without using one of his many important received 1093 patents in his lifetime,Edison helped us communicate better through his improvements to the telegraph and brought music into our homes with his invention of the lit our houses with electricity by designing and building the first indoor electric lighting system.

Experience Edison's music as it was originally recorded before CDs!

Credited with the invention of the first phonograph,you will hear Edison's early recordings played on vintage _hand-cranked_ cylinder and diamond disc model try to guess the many different uses proposed by Edison for this remarkable invention.

Transmit messages in Morse Code via working telegraph keys.

Explore the period boarding room which depicts Edison's life in Louisville in 1866-67,and discover the significance of the telegraph.

高一上册英语作文范文 第25篇


以学校,级组工作计划为指导思想,全面贯彻落实新课程**和素质教育的精神,全备课组成员将积极主动地开展教学教研工作,落实英语教学常规,营造良好的教研氛围,不断**课堂教学,探究科学有效的教学形式。针对我校高一新生普遍英语底子差,基础薄的实际,坚持“夯实基础,狠抓双基,改进学法,激发兴趣,提高能力”的原则, 长期不懈地抓好学生学习英语的兴趣和习惯养成。




1、使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;






2、 为了使学生打牢基础不至于出现知识断层,本学期要有计划的把学生初中学过的但掌握不好的时态、句式、定语从句、状语从句、动词不定式以及部分掌握不好的词汇、短语、句型分插于新课教学中。







高一上册英语作文范文 第26篇

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:_We hold these truths to be self-evident:that all men are created equal._

's dream of all men created equal is mine I hear his speech,I come to know thatI have the same dream that people should work together and live together like will take advantage of others,with less work but more no,Mr King's dream remains as a dream even after so many decades since he left who have more houses want to keep them all for themselves,although there are so many people who do not even have a room to stay the other hand,many people ,who have nothing,do not want to work harder to earn something on their just complain that all men are not created equal.

So,if we look close at human beings,we will realize that 's dream will be a dream for a long,long admire him because at least he has a great dream,which is leading many people to treat others better.

高一上册英语作文范文 第27篇





1、使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;





















高一上册英语作文范文 第28篇


(1)Whenever people ________, they will come across the problem of whether they should ________or _______, and it is natural for different opinions to arise.

Some people think we should ________. They say that _______. Further more,_________. Therefore, we should ________.

But other people think otherwise. The argue that in an age when _______ we should not only ______but also ______. Only when we _____ can we keep up with the pace of social development.

In my opinion, we should combine _______with ______. First__________. Second _________. Only in this way can we _____________.

(2)When it comes to ________ some of people will choose _______,while others want to _____________.

Those people who decide to _______ argue that _______. Further more __________.

Those people who prefer _______ maintain that _________.

In my opinion, I should _______ whenever ______. To begin with_________. Furthermore____________.

高一上册英语作文范文 第29篇

Typhoon coming台风来了

Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to Taiwan in summertime or fall season. They are great wind storms; when they strike land they may do great damage. However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way. He will send out warnings about.


People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time. In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also, we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity. Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.


高一上册英语作文范文 第30篇





















高一上册英语作文范文 第31篇

Many things have been done and great progress has been made in the greenization of our cities in recent years. Many trees have been planted and much care has been taken of the planted trees. But, in spite of all this, greenization in the cities in China is far from satisfactory compared with cities in other countries in the world. For example, the green space for every people in Shanghai is only 2 square meters while that of the people in London exceeds 20 square meters.


We can benefit much from the greenization of our cities. First, trees absorb carbon dioxide which is harmful, but produce oxygen which is essential to human beings. Secondly, with trees all around, our cities will look more beautiful. Thirdly, trees can improve the climate of the cities, making it neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.


Since we can get so much benefit from making our cities greener, we should spare no effort to do so. We should plant even more trees and take even better care of them while they are growing. Besides, we should not cut down trees any more. In a word, we should do everything to add to the greenization of our cities.


高一上册英语作文范文 第32篇

When I was very small, I was always educated by my parents and teachers that appearance was not important, and we shouldn’t deny a person by his face, only the beautiful soul could make a person shinning. I kept this words in my heart, but as I grow up, I start to question about the importance of appearance. It occupies some places in my heart. People will make judgement of another person in first sight. The one who looks tidy and beautiful will be surely attract the public’s attention and becomes the spotlight. On the contrary, if the person looks terrible, he will miss many chances to make friends, because he will be ignored by the first sight. It is true that an attractive people is confident and has the charm, and everybody will appreciate his character. So before you go out of the house, make sure you look good.



高一上册英语作文范文 第33篇

with the advance of science television has played a vital part in the day-to- day life of the people in developed or developing countries and its influence is simply astounding when

i was young my family did not own a television set; so whenever we were free my younger sister and i would slip to a neighbor's where to watch their tv awhile al though tv programs in those days were generally inferior we still had a good time for as young and indiscriminate children we were interested only in novelty and excitement not until my family had bought a television set did i quit the habit of fooling around with my younger sister then this wonder of scientific wonders did do us a great service we now had more chances to chat with each other in front of the box i hope our television panies will keep on upgrading their programs so that the viewers can be benefited both morally and intellectually

i t is our conviction hat television in addition its entertaining aspect should be educational as well.

高一上册英语作文范文 第34篇


以学校,级组工作计划为指导思想,全面贯彻落实新课程改革和素质教育的精神,全备课组成员将积极主动地开展教学教研工作,落实英语教学常规,营造良好的教研氛围,不断改革课堂教学,探究科学有效的教学形式。针对我校高一新生普遍英语底子差,基础薄的实际,坚持“夯实基础,狠抓双基,改进学法,激发兴趣,提高能力”的原则, 长期不懈地抓好学生学习英语的兴趣和习惯养成。




1、使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;













高一上册英语作文范文 第35篇

Friendship is one of the GREatest pleasures that people can enjoy. It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief. In time of trial, he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort.

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in our choice of a friend. We must choose someone who has a good character, whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart. We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or misfortune.

A true friend can always be trusted, loved and respected. If you tell a friend your secrets, he or she won’t tell anyone else. Friends share each other’s joys and sorrows. They help each other when they are in trouble, and cheer each other up when they are sad. The most important thing is that a friend always understands you. In conclusion, when you have made a good friend, don’t forget him or her.

高一上册英语作文范文 第36篇


Dear Peter,

I’m very glad to know that you are a table tennis fan. So am I. Table tennis is the national ball of China. Almost everyone in China, whether old or young, can play it. The tables for playing it can be seen here and there, in parks, squares and in many working places, even at some people’s homes. The Chinese table tennis players have very excellent skills. Since 1959 when a man named Rong Guotuan won the first world champion at the 25th World Table Tennis

Championship, China has had many table tennis world champions, and the Chinese people are very proud of them. Hope one day you will come to China, and we can play a game together. Best regards.

Yours, Li Hua


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’ve learned from a newspaper that six of eight bear species in the world are dying out. Scientists say that humans are their biggest threat because some parts of bears are very expensive as medicine. That’s one of the reasons why bears are often killed. In addition, many habitats of bears are being destroyed as a result of human activities, so bears are losing their homes.

To save bears, I think more reserves for bears should be set up so that they can live freely there. Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing bears. Please give a hand to the endangered bears. They need help to survive. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


I’m a senior student. I like English very much. Besides attending English lessons at school, I often go to the English corner in the park near my home on Saturday morning. It was set up (formed) two years ago. Many high school students gather there. Sometimes, some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English corner. There, we practice our spoken English, talk about what we are interested in, exchange our experience in learning English and so on. I’ve learned a lot. I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it. It is really a great help to me.



Nature is the mother of mankind. We get almost everything from her. We live on natural food. We make clothes from natural materials. And we build our houses of stone and wood. However, with the development of human beings, man has destroyed the balance of nature. Water, air and soil have been badly polluted. Some kinds of animals and plants have died out completely. As a result, man is being punished by nature. Many people suffer a lot from all kinds of diseases caused by pollution. We should treat nature well and she will look after us.


Dear Jack,

I'm glad to have received your e-mail but I am sorry you are having some trouble in making friends. In my opinion, friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life because without friends we will suffer loneliness. If you would like to take my advice, you'll win real friendship. First, why not communicate with your friend when possible and tell him/her what you think about friends and friendship and let him/her know that you want to make friends with him/her. Secondly, you should learn to share your happiness and sorrow with your friends. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you like to invite him/her to join in some activities such as swimming and ball games, which can make you learn to appreciate your friends and cherish your friendship.

I hope you will find these opinions and ideas useful. Best wishes! Yours,

Wu Dong


Ladies and gentlemen,

It's my honor to stand here and say something about friendship.

First, I think everyone needs friends and is eager to get you are happy, you can share your happiness with your friends and when you are sad, you can complain to your you are arrogant, your friends can persuade you and they can make you confident and brave when you are discouraged.

Second, as we all know, friendship is can touch your heart and give you people are proud of having a good must cherish our friends when we are happy with our should try our best to protect the friendship from being hurt.

We will meet a lot of friends in our should find the people who can understand us and share not only happiness but also you lose it, both you and your friend will feel very you can't give up those friends, please don't forget to keep in touch with your old friends, because staying with old friends is cherishable.

Finally, just as an old saying goes, love comes and goes but friendship 's sweet and poetic, full of tears, hopes and let's cherish friendship!

That's you for listening.


高一上册英语作文范文 第37篇

Students like optional courses学生喜欢选修课程

This term our school has offered more than ten optional courses from which students can choose. The courses are given from 4:00 to 5:30 every Thursday afternoon. Students take great interest in optional courses. Their favourites are com*rs, spoken English, arts and so on . They say they have learned a lot that is not taught in text books and they got a great deal of practice. However, students are not quite satisfied. They hope that more optional courses will be offered or the homework would be less. They suggested more trips and visitsshould be organized so that they can learn more about what's going on outside school.


高一上册英语作文范文 第38篇


(1)______ is such a common matter that every one of us may meet it from time to time.

People hold different views towards ________. Some people _______ Others laugh at them, they think ________.

Personally, I agree with the ____ group of people. Just as ____ once said think he is right. From now on I will not ________. On the contrary, I will ________.

(2)Some people take it for granted that ___________.

Nevertheless, other people claim that such a brief is subjective and unreasonable even at the first sight. To begin with ________. What makes matters worse _________.

I firmly believe that _________. Only when __________.