

导读 We can’t go by the case of other countries.Any public school within the school district couldn’t rejected by any reason.

辩论总结英文 第1篇

Which teaching and learning style is more beneficial to college students, student-centered or teacher-centered?

For summary, we do believe that student-centered style is more beneficial to our study.

As mentioned above, the college learning method is totally different and unique.

We have to do all the staff ourselves and think on our own, which means we college students need more freedom.

In addition, this very style has a lot of advantages, for example, it brings us creativity, practical mind and curiosity.

In conclusion, the student-centered style is what we actually need.

Is it a good idea for a young couple to live together with parents after marriage?

For summary, we do believe that it is definitely a good idea for a young couple to live together with their parents.

To start with, that is really a wonderful way to care for the parents and share the sweet love with them.

Only if we live together can we and our parents help each other.

That will do good to the family life.

Secondly, as what Confucius told us, we should never be far away from the parents.

That is what we call Filial Duty.

In addition, any trouble could be solved if we like to.

So it is obvious that the advantages are more dominant.

Is it a good choice for college graduates to start their own business when it is hard to hunt a satisfactory job?

For summary, we do believe that it is a definitely a wonderful idea for graduates to start their own business instead of hunting job.

Because that is an effective way to accelerate the economy and improve our society.

Starting own business can give us a chance to dig out our capacity and improve ourselves.

Though there is a lot of risk, we still need to fight for that and that will be our direct path to success.

And our government encourages graduates to start own business as a power to our development.

There are many current policies we can apply.

In this way, it is a good shot to start own business.

Should the young generation live on the wealth accumulated by parents when they grow up into adults?

For summary, we do believe that young generation is supposed to live on the wealth accumulated by parents when they grow up into adults.

Anyway, there are many negative sayings about this phenomenon at current times.

They are looked down upon by the mass and called FU ER DAI.

Their success and behavior are judged because of their original capital.

But what we should neglect is that they have more chances to succeed.

辩论总结英文 第2篇

China should not abolish the school-choosing fee

Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am the leader of the opposition.

Our opinion is that China should not abolish the school-choosing fee.

In the first place we would like to make clear that different countries have different national conditions.

We can’t go by the case of other countries.

So In terms of our condition, we suppose that China should not abolish the school-choosing fee.

There is always a huge controversy since school-choosing fee has emerged.

Therefore, we should analyze the reason in all directions in order to reach the right conclusions.

School Choice fee is the fee that the students who don’t want to go the school delineated by the Department of Education pay for the school.

Furthermore, the school choosing fee is students pay for their selection under pressure of the competition in society.

This is a joint result.

Before the statement of reasons, we must distinguish between school choice and the choice fees distinction, the rules of the school choosing is a system for students and parents choose better schools .

the school-choosing fee is the cost of students and parents select for their preferable school.

School Choosing fee is not equal to the rules of school-choosing .

They have different means.

Today we mainly talk about the school-choosing fee.

To bear out our opinion, we have three reasons:

Firstly: At this stage, school choosing fee is reasonable.

School Choosing fee is a two-way selection of schools and students.

The causes of school-choosing fee emerge is: school is lack for funding and the school must pay more for the normal operation of schools and maintain the development.

Students wants to enjoy special treatment and this treatment also has the scarcity situation.

The school-choosing fee will also ease some extent of excessive pursuit for hot schools.

In the school choosing system, such a sacrifice for others is more fair and reasonable .

Under the pressure of insufficient funding for education, the school choosing fee charged is clearly necessary and reasonable.

Deputy Minister of Education Zhang Baoqing said, since 1998, the number of college students in a net increase of 10 million.

According the costs calculated by the Ministry of Education, with each undergraduate students addition, the funding must be invested in infrastructure construction for 5 million.

In this standard, the state investment will increase more than 500 billion than in 1998.

Now the country has reached 100 billion college loans, but there is still a huge nick of funding.

If the school don’t have enough in the future, higher education will be difficult to be maintained.

Secondly: At this stage, the abolition of school-choosing fee can not solve the existing educational problems.

The reason of fanatical pursuit the school choosing is the contradiction between the strongly pursuit of the high quality education resource and the lack of the high quality education resource.

According of the result of investigate in 2011, the total number of junior high school students in Hangzhou City is 22,734 and the total number of private school students is 3,800.

The number of private schools thought as high quality are less than 2,000.

That means only 8.

8% of primary school graduates have opportunities to enter these private schools.

Faced with this situation, abolishing the school choosing fee won’t make this 8.

8% increase? Suppose the school-choosing fee abolished and replaced by the rules of studying in the nearest school only.

However, the uneven distribution of educational resources will cause the status of new conflicts.

Students will find other ways to seize the high-quality educational resources.

Since the establishment of compulsory education system in the West, the free public schools and the expensive private schools are co-exist.

Parents can chose either the public or private schools.

schools have formulated the _dicing enrollment, the nearest school_ policy - no matter where you move.

As long as there fixed abode, can you go to the local school district committee for their children to go to school.

Any public school within the school district couldn’t rejected by any reason.

But children can not choose schools outside the school district.

Such a provision makes so many American families have to relocate for better school.

In this way of school choosing, the burden on parents is no less than Chinese.

Last but not least: At this stage, the abolition of school choosing fee is not feasible.

Contradictions in Chinese society is complex, the reform of the education system may have uncertain affection.

The cancellation is related to all of the Chinese university, senior high school , middle school ,primary school, even kindergartens.

Facing with the shortage and the uneven distribution of educational resources, how could you simply break the chain and put aside those benefit the school? How could you simply restrain the warm desire to the better schools? How could you ignore the reality of Chinese education falling behind?

In Objective, there are still many problems with School choosing fee.

But we must recognize that the abolition will bring more problems at this stage.

It’s not reasonable to use a way with more defection to replace the way in exist.

The cancellation of School Choosing needs to be fully considered as a matter of timing, the reform can not be accomplished overnight.

Therefore, we believe that China should not abolish the school-choosing fee.

辩论总结英文 第3篇

Some people hold that the newspaper is bound to be media of the past.

To start with, time plays the most important role.

As is shown, what has been in the newspaper is outdated.

That is to say, if we want to approach the latest news, newspaper is simply not a good way.

For example, on Sept.

11, the moment the event took place, Internet and TV followed right away.

That's just what technology has brought us.

To follow is its limitation in reporting news.

No newspaper can present all aspects of our life, for each serves a different goal.

That means we have to consult different newspapers to meet our different needs.

Compared with other ways of media, computer, for instance,through which we can get everything we want to know with only a little tapping of our fingers, is superior.

Quite on the contrary, others hold the opinion that even with the development of science and technology, newspaper, as symbol of the traditional media, won't disappear, for some of its advantages can't be replaced.

First of all, it's convenient to carry about wherever you are.

Newspapers can be easily packed in your suitcase, and can be bought everywhere.

How to imagine carrying a computer, only for several pieces of news? Second,newspapers offer a free choice for its readers.

Having a news paper, you can select what you do or do not want to read while TV or radio or even computer will probably confine your eyes to those that you regard as rubbish.

Last, newspapers offer comments.

Generally speaking, newspapers, especially formal ones,include formal remarks on the important events that provide you with a better understanding.

Concerning those two opposed opinions, I support the latter.

Though the highly developed science and technology influence almost every corner of the world and quicken the pace of globalization which makes the idea of _sharing the source_ come true, newspaper, as the traditional way of media, cannot be abolished, not only because of its irreplaceable advantages but its collectability and its inner charm of witnessing the good old days.

The form changes, but the spirit never.