

导读 Unit 12 Business Letters and Presenting Information 商务信件和呈交信息xxx.xxx:我会处理xxx先生的事情--我会在会后写信给他,并给你们一份。1. That the unit cost will be 30% higher than the

商务书信xxx 第1篇





















商务书信xxx 第2篇






商务书信xxx 第3篇

Dear Mr. Steve,

Congratulations on your 50th birthday. This is a special and important day for you and we would like to express our sincerest greetings.

To achieve better performance, we will pull together and help each other sincerely as usual.

With affectionate birthday wishes.

Yours faithfully,

K&W Company






商务书信xxx 第4篇

Dear Ms. Hathoway:

Forthcoming Price Change

Season tickets for this year's symphony are going on sale next month and we wanted you to be among the first to know.

As you probably know, rental prices have skyrocketed throughout Tennessee this year. Due to our increase in rent at the Arrington Forum, we are finding it necessary to raise the price of our season tickets from $228 to $275. Single viewing tickets will also be subject to a price increase.

We hope that you will consider purchasing season tickets for next year despite this change. The Arrington Symphony has been together for 23 years, and relies on season-ticket holders to fill 25% of the seating at each event. Without your support the Arrington Symphony could be forced into retirement before its 25th anniversary.

To purchase tickets for the 20-- season, please visit our website at , or call the ticket agent representative at (615) 395-8750.

We look forward to having you in our audience again next year.

Yours truly,

Colin Fairchild

Promotional Director

商务书信xxx 第5篇

1.恳求建立 商业关系

Rogers Chemical Supply Co. Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply.

Very truly yours

2.回复对方建立 商业关系的恳求

Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us.


We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. `


Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would berather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our productsat you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover tojustify a sole agency. We enclose price lists covering all the products you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon.


Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines. We have examined our long and ,I must say ,mutually beneficial collaboration. We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain. From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory .the sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified aftersales staff. We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval. On a personal note, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship. I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully .I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan . My very best wishes to you and your wife.

6.借引荐建立 业务关系

At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair. While there , I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Edutoys plc about selecting an agency for our teaching aids. Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovative approach to marketing. He attributed his own company's success to your excellent distribution network which has served him for several years. We need an organization like yours to launch our products in the UK. Our teaching aids cover the whole field of primary education in all subjects .Our patented ‘Matrix’ math apparatus is particularly successful. You may have reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market. This is not a problem since we have a complete range of British English versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our British English editions for your information. Please let me have your reactions to the material. I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October .Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal.


Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of 12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teaching aids. We would like to invite you to visit our booth, next month's London Toy Fair, at Earl's court , which starts on 2 October. If you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours please call me. I can then arrange for our sensor staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward to hearing from you.

8. 与过去有贸易往来的公司接洽

We understand from our trade contacts that your company has reestablished itself in Beirut and is once again trading successfully in your region. We would like to extend our congratulations and offer our very best wishes for your continued success. Before the war in Lebanon , our companies were involved in a large volume of trade in our textiles. We see from our records that you were among our best tem customers. We very much hope that we can resume our mutually beneficial relationship now that peace has returned to Lebanon. Since we last traded, our lines have changed beyond recognition. While they reflect current European taste in fabrics, some of our designs are specifically targeted at the Middle Eastern market. As an initial step , I enclose our illustrated catalogue for your perusal. Should you wish to receive samples for closer inspection, we will be very happy to forward them. We look forward to hearing from you.


I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks. I am excited of the prospect ofexpanding our trade. As agreed, We will meet of our office in bond street at Monday 20 March. I have scheduled the whole day for the meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend , please phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements. Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasure to our meeting.

10.感谢 客户订货

Gillette-burns Co. 322 Gleenwood street Gleveland 5,Ohio Glentlemen: Thank you for your order no,464 of 20 september. The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal package is being airfreghted to you on relevant documentation is enjoyed meeting yiu and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between oiur companies. The next time you visit us ,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a luch for you with our derectors. Sincerely yours

商务书信xxx 第6篇




商务书信xxx 第7篇

1、 合同评审方面,良好运用法律相关知识、结合合同背景及公司立场,对公司合同从格式的规范、内容的合规性,以及公司利益的把握方面作出了质量保障。在入职以来接近200份合同的评审中,能按照公司规范、领导要求完成评审工作,对文本勘误、条款风险提出合乎法规和公司利益的意见,期间并未出现重大合同质量及风险问题,为其他部门工作提供了配合,期间无投诉,得到了同事和领导的肯定。

2、 日常报表制作、更新,结算资料制作。针对项目台账、合同明细表、合同用印登记表、质保金到期明细表、应收款两年诉讼时效表,业绩表等,每月能及时准确更新,有错漏能及时更正,为项目管理工作及其他部门工作提供了有效的数据支持、信息依据;在结算资料方面,根据合同约定及客户要求,准时为营业提供结算对账单、付款函件等书面资料,期间未接到投诉。绩效考核未出现严重扣分。

3、 项目管理工作方面,首先能依据项目执行计划,跟进各部门的进度工作及相关文件归档,项目推进中部门间的配合,在特除情况时,能较好完成项目上对客户沟通协调方面的书面函件,重点项目,作出书面的风险评估或违约分析报告,为营业对客户沟通协调及谈判提供了参考,较好的完成了部门间的配合工作,因而得到了领导及同事的肯定。

4、 应收款项目工作。主要职责为,对客户的沟通协调,发函、结算等工作。在此期间能完成领导交待任务,未出现本人岗位环节的拖延或失误造成收款推延。

商务书信xxx 第8篇



商务书信xxx 第9篇


一 、称谓


对于相对熟识的人,你可以称“ × × × 先生”或“ × × × 女士” ,对于一般熟识的则可以称其职务。这里的“熟识”可以是仅指通信联系而从未谋面的情形。西方此类信函在上述称谓的前边加“亲爱的” ,我国习惯上加“尊敬的”一类词。


结尾的落款要求和开头相对应,开头是哪种关系程度的称呼,落款也应是相应的'程度。比如,称呼是连姓带名的“ × × × 先生” ,落款就是连姓带名的“ × × × ” ;称呼是不带姓的“ × × 先生” ,落款就不带姓。大企业、大单位的商务信函往往是打印的,但落款处还要有亲笔签名。



商务书信xxx 第10篇



商务书信xxx 第11篇


建党90周年: 在省局的领导下,我市积极开展《建党90周年》明信片纪念册的销售工作,各局针对“唱红歌”比赛、党员表彰等活动进行明信片纪念册的销售,共形成收入万元。




商务书信xxx 第12篇




商务书信xxx 第13篇

Unit 12 Business Letters and Presenting Information 商务信件和呈交信息

DON BRADLEY: We haven' t decided on a plan of action yet.


We must outline a strategy, but first let me summaries what we' re said so far.


This is a critical situation.


We know that . Toys are playing to win.


And we know that right now they have the edge.


So, let' s look at the down side.


What are their advantages?


They have a larger market share;


they have a cheaper product;


they have an earlier launch date,


and we think they have a larger advertising budget.


KATE MCKENNA: Their strategy is very clear:


they want our share of the market, both the European market and the export market.


DON BRADLEY: We cannot let them succeed.


We have to consider which of these factors we can influence.


Kate, any ideas?


KATE MCKENNA: There are two immediate things we can do:


we can increase our advertising budget and bring forward the launch date.


DON BRADLEY: Derek, is that feasible?


DEREK JONES: I don' t think so.


CLIVE HARRIS: I' ve got some news for you all.


DON BRADLEY: Okay, just a ' ll switch on the speaker.


Okay, Clive, go ahead.


CLIVE HARRIS: I' ve got some useful information from Peter Day:


first of all, I think they' re moving too fast.


They haven' t done their sums.


DEREK JONES: Clive, this is Derek.


Do you know how large their production run' s going to be?


CLIVE HARRIS: It' s going to be around 300,000 units.


DEREK JONES: That' s about what we hoped--more than 450,000 and we' ve got problems.


KATE MCKENNA: This is Kate. I' ve got a question.


CLIVE HARRIS: Go ahead, Kate.


KATE MCKENNA: Were you able to find out anything about their overseas marketing strategy?


CLIVE HARRIS: Well, I' ll tell you this, Kate:


they won' t crack the American market--we' re a few steps ahead of them there,


and I want you to exploit that advantage--you need to get out there fast.


Look I' ll ring off now.


' ll get back to the office as soon as I can.


DON BRADLEY: The most important thing now is to let all of the sales force know about this change in our game plan.


Jenny, we need to write them at once.


We need to give them some of the background to this--about what . Toys are planning,


and about our new marketing strategy--that' s 1. the launch date 2. the price cut.

有关我们新的营销策略--也就是1、上市日期 2、降低价格

And 3. the increased advertising budget.


KATE MCKENNA: We need to make it clear that “Big Boss”is an absolute priority.


DON BRADLEY: Jenny, could you make a draft of that


and we' ll get it out as soon as possible.


Edward--you' re been very quite--what else can we do in marketing?


EDWARD GREEN: We must get into Smith' s catalogue--he' s chosen“Dealer Dan”and he' s decided not to include “Big Boss”.

爱德华.xxx:我们必须出现在xxx的产品目录--他选了“商人丹”而没选 “大老板”。

KATE MCKENNA: I don' t think he' ll change his mind now.


CLIVE HARRIS: I' ll deal with Mr. Smith--I' ll write to him straight after the meeting and let you have a copy.


CLIVE HARRIS: Jenny, I' d like to dictate a letter which needs to be faxed as soon as possible to Mr. Smith.


JENNY ROSS: Right, I' m ready.


CLIVE HARRIS: Dear Mr. Smith...I have learned that you have decided to select Dealer Dan for your catalogue, instead of Big Boss.

xxx.xxx:亲爱的xxx先生 ……我了解到你决定选用“商人丹”进入你的产品目录而没选“大老板”。

I understand that your reasons for rejecting “Big Boss”are as follows:


1. That the unit cost will be 30% higher than the rival product.


2. That the launch date of Big Boss will be three weeks later.


3. That . Toys, the manufacturer, will mount an extensive advertising campaign to coincide with the launch date of the product and the mailing date of your catalogue.


I would like you to reconsider your decision in the light of the following:


1. Bibury Systems have rescheduled the launch date of Big Boss to January 15th--one week before the planned launch of Dealer Dan.


2. Because of the market profile of your catalogue, we have decided to offer you an extra commission on sales through the catalogue in exchange for exclusivity.


3. In addition, Bibury Systems are prepared to offer your customers a discount of 15% on the recommended retail price.


I am sure that this new information will encourage you to reconsider your decision and include“Big Boss”in your Spring Edition.


I look forward to receiving your thoughts on this matter.


Yours sincerely, Clive Harris MD Bibury Systems.

你真诚的朋友,xxx.xxx, MD Bibury系统公司。

商务书信xxx 第14篇

Dear Ms Philips

Translation Services & Fees

Thank you for your letter of 4 November enquiring about our translation services.

Lingua Services Galactic offer a full range of translation services to help you in the development of sales literature and web sites. I have pleasure in enclosing our latest brochures and price list from which you can see that our prices are highly competitive.

I look forward to calling you in a few days.

Yours sincerely

James Brown

James T Brown

Sales Manager

Enc: 3

商务书信xxx 第15篇



