

导读 A Conference organized by the China Computer Association will be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, Friday 26 — Sunday 28 November .

英语作文书面通知xxx 第1篇

Gansu Provincial Education Department and British Government Department for International Development (DFID) are co-organizing an International Conference on “International Conference on School Development Planning”.

The theme of the conference is “School Development Planning” and central topic is “School Development Planning (SDP) experience in China and worldwide” Teilnehmer: _s from all colleges and universities in China,faculty and staff in institutions

Conference date/time: Sept 24, Friday, 20xx, 9:00 . -5:00 .

Conference place: Academic Conference Center,Lanzhou University

Registration and meeting schedule:

Contact name: Ms. Hilary Wang



英语作文书面通知xxx 第2篇

Translate the conference notice into Chinese.

International E-Education Conference

A Conference organized by the China Computer Association will be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, Friday 26 — Sunday 28 November .

The International E-Education Conference will consist of a keynote speech, a technical seminar and a thesis forum. Except for the open address delivered by the government representative in the Opening Ceremony, officials and scholars from International Education, Science & Technology Committee (IESTC), business enterprises and personnel who are engaged in promoting China’s E-Education will give the keynote speeches.

英语作文书面通知xxx 第3篇

Our class will go to the Red Star Farm to help the farmers to pick the apples to morrow morning. We ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. We 1! have lunch on the farm. You d better put on your old clothes. Please get to school on time tomorrow morning.

The Headmasters Office