

导读 Make a great / sustained / sustained effort to do something (work / study) interfere with study / work have a profound impact on life / personality, h

科技对生活的影响英文xxx 第1篇

Make a great / sustained / sustained effort to do something (work / study) interfere with study / work have a profound impact on life / personality, have a huge / adverse impact on becoming a better navigator / deprive ourselves of opportunities / rights / substitutes for opportunities / take effective steps / measures to take / acquire our own environment More and more control / shyness / avoidance of danger / challenge / satisfaction / adaptation.



科技对生活的影响英文xxx 第2篇

The rapid development of science and technology has brought great changes to human life. The great benefits brought by this progress are welcomed in every corner of the world. New electronic devices make our life simpler than ever.

New inventions help us organize our daily activities. Our work can be completed faster. QQ makes it easier for people to communicate with others.

The Internet makes it easier for us to communicate with others We can better understand and understand other cultures and societies. However, the adverse factors of this development can not be ignored. Some scientific inventions have even caused great harm or disaster to human beings.

Advanced technology is easy to be manipulated by irresponsible people. In addition, when technology fails, we rely too much on it, sometimes we are helpless, and it affects our health and lifestyle (we are complacent and lazy, chemicals can cause harm, and worse, science and technology can even destroy our simple and healthy life (sometimes we miss the traditional way of life. In addition, the emergence of new technologies may violate our privacy.

To sum up, human beings must be alert to possible hazards while enjoying its benefits.



科技对生活的影响英文xxx 第3篇

Scientific progress has greatly affected our daily life. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? It is undeniable that technological progress has brought unprecedented changes to our lives in the last century. Nevertheless, its destructive impact on our society should also be recognized in the century.

Some significant inventions, including jet plane, television, automobile, computer and telephone, have shaped our modern times life. Fundamentally speaking, long-distance transportation has become easier, and international exchanges have been strengthened in many aspects such as trade, culture and technology, which has expanded the scope of our activities and broadened our horizons. Our life expectancy is longer than ever before.

Thanks to advances in medicine, fatal diseases such as heart disease and breast cancer can be cured, industrial and agricultural productivity has solved famine in many areas through automation, greatly improving our living standards. Television and the Internet provide entertainment and information, but it has been widely recognized that the benefits of technology are not free The main reason why the earth has become inhospitable is the excessive use of energy production and traffic emissions. Another reason is that high production efficiency makes consumer goods so cheap that people throw away food or anything out of date or break them without hesitation.

Unfortunately, it is this one-off lifestyle that causes a lot of waste and intensifies the production of goods. Overpopulation, as one of the results of the improvement of medical conditions and material life, is barbaric Despite the progress of the theme, public health has not been improved. The reason is that the modern sedentary lifestyle is characterized by addiction to television, computers and the Internet.

I personally believe that science and technology have produced positive and negative effects on our lives When we enjoy more material wealth and convenience, we must endure environmental pollution and poor health. Maybe we should not be too optimistic about the development of science and technology.

